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Paperback - 1120 pages 4th Book + CD-ROM (March 1996)
Microsoft Press; ISBN: 766 ; Dimensions (in inches): 2.14 x 9.13 x 7.46

List Price: $59.99
Our Price: $47.99
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Hardcover - 1479 pages 5th Book + CD-ROM (December 1998)
Microsoft Press; ISBN: 95X ; Dimensions (in inches): 2.69 x 9.56 x 7.71

List Price: $54.95
Our Price: $43.96
You Save: $10.99 (20%)

Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.

Paperback Book + CD-ROM (March 1996)
Waite Group Pr; ISBN: 093 ; Dimensions (in inches): 2.31 x 9.00 x 7.00

Our Price: $39.99

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Paperback - 448 pages 11 edition Book + CD-ROM (August 1996)
Coriolis Group Books; ISBN: 888 ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.21 x 9.21 x 7.44

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Last update: 14 June 1999