Grapic Add-on's
VESA Library
Created by . It will allow you to access all supported
256 color modes on a VESA-compliant videocard. Includes Pset,
Line, Circle, Box, Get, Put, Fonts, Color, Fade, Paint and Mouse
routines. (Mostly in ASM) Current version only works with PB 3.5 (35 KB)
XGraf 1.01+
Screen 13 Toolbox for PowerBasic 3.00c and above. Add screen 13h
(320x200x256) to your PB programs. Functions for initializing, palette,
plotting, lines, circles, text, boxes, PCX decoding. All inline ASM for
optimal speed. No library, the plain sourcecode! This packet is written
by and is Freeware! It's a bugfix of the ABC version.
PB AGI 1.22
PB AGI is conversion of the Advanced Graphics
Interface Library version 1.22 originally written by Tenie Remmel
(Public Domain) AGI will give you 640x400 with 256 colours.
The highest 256K mode-X resolution. It's VESA, but only needs
256 Kb of video memory. This package includes mouse support,
custom fonts, and ofcourse the basic drawing stuff for this
screenmode: pset pixel, draw lines, boxes, circles, elipses,
optionally filled. Uses inline ASM coding for optimal speed.
PBXlib is PB conversion of the Pascal XLib
library. Various mode-X resolutions, Virtual screens larger than
the physical screen (memory permitting) that can be panned at
pixel resolution in all directions. A split screen capability for
status displays etc. Text functions supporting 8x8 and 8x14
ROM fonts and user defined fonts, Support for page flipping,
Graphics primitives such as line and rectangle drawing
functions and of course bit block manipulation functions (125 KB)
SVGA Library 2.6
This is a high-res, 256 color graphic library for PowerBASIC 3.x.
It works with any VESA-compliant card, as well as more than
20 older proprietary video adapters, in 320x200, 640x400,
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024 modes. Features:
Hardware id, simple primitives, fills, 2D/3D points, mouse and
joystick support, PCX decoding, palettes, bitmaps and sprites.
Visit the creators, Zephyr Software, for more information.
Version 2.6 fixes some bugs present in release 2.5.
Notice: This shareware version ALSO includes all the functions
that were previously only available in the registered version,
like writing PCX files, using XMS and drawing filled polygones.
Remember to remove all 2.4 files, or the Demosource won't work!
SVGAPB26 (210 KB)
PB ModeX
320/360 x 200/400/480 x 256 colors
Virtual Screens, Smooth scrolling, Sprite Animation,
Up to four video pages, Color cycling, Bitmap / Screen copy.
Requires a 286 or better. For personal and commercial use.
Small, Fast, Easy to use, and without any charge!
Version 1.04 Release, 3 May 1993, By Matt Pritchard
With considerable input from Michael Abrash
Modified by Dave Navarro, Jr., 10 September 1994 for
compatibility with PowerBASIC 3.x.
It's also possible to display GIF 87a pictures in mode X, with
this combined version: PB ModeX 1.1 and GifUnit - modified for
compatibility with ModeX. (Only tested in 320x200x256 ModeX)
Last update: 5 March 2000