Graphic Decoders

PB-PCX 1.0

Why hassle with BLOAD and BSAVE to write a 320x200x256
(mode 13h) screens to disk when you can use PCX encoding?
Use less diskspace for the same picture. Full PCX loader and
saver sourcecode. FastPCX included for high-speed loading,
PCX Saver coded by . Freeware!

BugFix! -- this version does work with PB 3.0! (3 KB)


Extremely FAST PCX-decoder, 320x200x256 (mode 13h) only.
No library, just a source with some in-line assembly code. Loads
a 320x200x256 PCX almost instantaneously!

Original idea from Dave Navarro.
Changes by Mark Phillips and Al Musella, DPM
revised 9/23/93 by David Yunker.
Source code formatted by BFLite, by James Davis.

This is released to the public domain. Use at your own risk! (2 KB)

GIF Unit

Very usefull GIF decoder. View GIF's in mode 13h (320x200x256).
Original source by Rich Geldreich, translated to PB by Thaddy de
Koning. 100% Powerbasic, no libraries or in-line assembly. Fast! (3 KB)

GIF Unit adapted for Mode-X (Including Mode-X Lib) (53 KB)

FLI Player

Written in PowerBasic 3.00c, by (Beta-Version)
Now 200% Faster then the original QuickBasic version by Dean.
320x200x256 (mode 13h) FLI player. VERY fast, and VERY usefull!
Mostly in-line assembly, for optimum speed - requires a 386 or better. (3 KB)

Convert TGA or PCX pictures to FLI animations with VideoForDOS 1.7
Shareware -- The registered version will also support GIF pictures.

VFD 1.7 (80 KB)

TGA Decoder

Decoder for TGA (True Vision Targa) pictures. PB 3.0 and above,
screen 13h (320x200x256) Full sourcecode included. Freeware,
26 May 1996 by (75 KB)

PB (S)VGA Libraries and Sources

Last update: 29 January 1999