Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999 Appendix C: Reserved Keywords

Reserved Keywords

Most of these have the same functionality as QBasic, so you could just as easily look them up there. Again, when I refer to Unix, I mean Linux & Unix.

Keyword Support Usage/Description

ABS Windows Unix ABS(NumericExpression)
Return absolute value of number
ACOS Windows Unix ACOS(NumericExpression)
Returns arccosine of NumericExpression
ASC Windows Unix ASC(Char$)
Returns the ASCII key value of Char$
ASIN Windows Unix ASIN(NumericExpression)
Returns arcsine of NumericExpression
ATN Windows Unix ATN(NumericExpression)
Returns arctangent of NumericExpression
BIN$ Windows Unix BIN$(Integer-Number)
Returns the binary representation of the Number (must be a positive integer).
BIND Windows Unix BIND Num TO MyFunc
BIND a function pointer
Returns the absolute address of the SUB/FUNCTION
CALLFUNC Windows Unix CALLFUNC(Num, Param1, Param2, ...)
Call function pointer
CEIL Windows Unix CEIL(NumericExpression)
Rounds a numeric expression up towards positive infinity.
CHDIR Windows Unix CHDIR Path$
Change directory
CHR$ Windows Unix CHR$(Byte)
Returns character corresponding to the ascii key value
CINT Windows Unix CINT(NumericExpression)
Implemented for compatibility reasons. Use ROUND instead.
CLNG Windows Unix CLNG(NumericExpression)
Implemented for compatibility reasons. Use ROUND instead.
CONST Windows Unix CONST Variable = Expression
Assigns Variable a constant value
CONVBASE$ Windows Unix CONVBASE$(Str$, FromBase, ToBase)
Returns the representation Str$ FromBase to ToBase representation.
COS Windows Unix COS(NumericExpression)
Returns cosine of an angle given in radians
DATA Windows Unix DATA constant|EXECUTE(...) [, constant|EXECUTE(...), ...]
Stores data for easy retrieval, use READ to read the data.
DATE$ Windows Unix DATE$
Returns the current Date in MM-DD-YYYY format.
DEC Windows Unix DEC(Variable [, DecVal])
Decrements variable by 1 unless otherwise specified
DEF... Windows Unix DEF(...) Variable
See details for more information on this statement
DELETE$ Windows Unix DELETE$(S$, Index, Count)
Deletes Count number of characters from S$ starting at Index
DIM Windows Unix DIM Variable AS DataType
Creates variable of type DataType
DIR$ Windows DIR$[(FileSpec$, Attributes%)]
Returns the next file of FileSpec$
Returns 0 if directory does not exist, non-zero otherwise
Polls events, useful when you're in a deep/big loop
END Windows Unix END
Terminates program
EXP Windows Unix EXP(NumericExpression)
Calculates the exponential function (e raised to the power of NumericExpression)
ENVIRON Windows Unix ENVIRON StringExpression
Set environment string
ENVIRON$ Windows Unix ENVIRON$(environment-string)
Get environment value
Extracts a resource to file
FIELD$ Windows Unix FIELD$(StringExpresion, Deliminator, FieldNumber)
Returns a field/token separated by deliminators.
Returns 0 if file not found, non-zero otherwise
FIX Windows Unix FIX(NumericExpression)
Truncates fractional number, rounding down towards 0.
FLOOR Windows Unix FLOOR(NumericExpression)
Rounds a numeric expression down towards negative infinity.
FORMAT$ Windows Unix FORMAT$(S$, arg1, arg2, ...)
Returns a formatted string assembled from a format string and a series of arguments (up to 50)
FRAC Windows Unix FRAC(NumericExpression)
Returns the fractional part of the numeric expression.
HEX$ Windows Unix HEX$(NumericExpression)
Returns the HEXidecimal string representation of the NumericExpression
INC Windows Unix INC(Variable [, IncVal])
Increments variable by 1 unless otherwise specified
INITARRAY Windows Unix INITARRAY(Array, values, ...)
Initializes array with corresponding values
INP Windows Unix INP(Address)
Returns the byte value read from an I/O port 0..65535
INPW Windows Unix INPW(Address)
Returns the word value read from an I/O port 0..65535
INSERT$ Windows Unix INSERT$(Source$, S$, Index)
Insert Source$ string to string S$ at Index
INSTR Windows Unix INSTR([Start,] SearchString, FindString)
Function returns the position in the SearchString that FindString was found, 0 otherwise
INT Windows Unix INT(NumericExpression)
Convert NumericExpression to a 32-bit INTEGER, truncating decimals.
KILL Windows Unix KILL Filename$
Deletes file
Removes message from queue
LBOUND Windows Unix LBOUND(ArrayName[, Dimension])
Returns the lowerbound of an array (Dimension starts at 1)
LCASE$ Windows Unix LCASE$(StringExpression)
StringExpression is lowercased
LEFT$ Windows Unix LEFT$(StringExpression, N)
Returns the leftmost N characters of a string
LEN Windows Unix LEN(StringExpression)
Returns the length of string
Calling this will start printing your document. Make sure all your LPRINTs are executed before calling LFLUSH.
Returns the handle to a loaded DLL module
LOG Windows Unix LOG(NumericExpression)
Returns the natural logarithm of NumericExpression
LPRINT Windows LPRINT [Expression][;|,][...]
LPRINT acts exactly like PRINT, except all output is directed to the default printer. Make sure to call LFLUSH. Also see the Printer component for graphical printing.
LTRIM$ Windows Unix LTRIM$(StringExpression)
Returns string with left padded spaces removed
MEMCMP Windows Unix MEMCMP(ptr1, ptr2, count)
Compares 2 memory addresses, returns 0 if not equal, non-zero otherwise.
MEMCPY Windows Unix MEMCPY(destination, source, count)
Copies count bytes of source memory address to destination memory address.
MEMSET Windows Unix MEMSET(source, char, n)
Initializes a source memory block with n bytes of char.
MESSAGEBOX Windows MESSAGEBOX(Msg$, Title$, MsgButtons%)
Displays a simple message box with prompts
MESSAGEDLG Windows MESSAGEDLG(Msg$, MsgType, MsgButtons, HelpContext)
Displays a message dialog box, see RAPIDQ.INC for proper types & buttons
MID$ Windows Unix MID$(StringExpression, I, N)
Returns string with characters from I to N of StringExpression
MKDIR Windows Unix MKDIR Dir$
Creates new directory
OUT Windows Unix OUT(Address, bytevalue)
Sends a byte value to a machine I/O port 0..65535
OUTW Windows Unix OUTW(Address, wordvalue)
Sends a word value to a machine I/O port 0..65535
PLAYWAV Windows PLAYWAV FileName$|Resource_Handle, SndOption
Plays a WAV file, see RAPIDQ.INC for sndOptions
POSTMESSAGE Windows POSTMESSAGE(Handle, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
Post message to handle, and does not block. Refer to your favourite WinAPI guide for the proper message numbers
QUICKSORT Windows QUICKSORT(Array-begin, Array-end, ASCEND | DESCEND)
Sort any array, BYTE, WORD, SHORT, STRING, etc...
Use randomize to reseed the random number generator
READ Windows Unix READ variable [, variable, ...]
Reads next DATA statement, stores it in variable.
REDIM Windows Unix REDIM Array(1000) AS INTEGER
Use REDIM to redimension an array preserving existing data. REDIM is equivalent to DIM if the array has not yet been allocated.
RENAME Windows Unix RENAME File1$, File2$
Renames File1$ to File2$
REPLACE$ Windows Unix REPLACE$(S$, R$, Index)
Replaces a string from S$ with R$ starting at Index
REPLACESUBSTR$ Windows Unix REPLACESUBSTR$(Source$, ReplaceStr$, Withstr$)
Replaces the string ReplaceStr$ in Source$ with WithStr$
RESTORE Windows Unix RESTORE [linelabel]
Jumps to specific position in DATA statement.
RESOURCE Windows Unix RESOURCE(number%)
Get numeric value of Resource, mainly for use with ExtractResource, 0 based array.
Get resource count.
REVERSE$ Windows Unix REVERSE$(S$)
Reverses a string
RGB Windows Unix RGB(Red%, Green%, Blue%)
Returns the BGR numeric representation of the color.
RIGHT$ Windows Unix RIGHT$(StringExpression, N)
Returns the righttmost N characters of a string
RINSTR Windows Unix RINSTR([Start,] SearchString, FindString)
Reverse INSTR Function, searching starts from the end of SearchString
RMDIR Windows Unix RMDIR Dir$
Removes directory
RND Windows Unix RND(UpperBound)
Returns a random number, if no upperbound is given, it returns a decimal number. Use RANDOMIZE to reseed.
ROUND Windows Unix ROUND(NumericExpression)
Rounds number to nearest integer.
RTRIM$ Windows Unix RTRIM$(StringExpression)
Returns string with rightmost padded spaces removed
RUN Windows Unix RUN command$
Executes command, but does not block
SENDMESSAGE Windows SENDMESSAGE(Handle, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
Post message to handle, and blocks. Refer to your favourite WinAPI guide for the proper message numbers
SGN Windows Unix SGN(NumericExpression)
Returns the sign of a numeric expression
SHELL Windows Unix SHELL command$
Executes command, and blocks until finished
Popups message in a simple box
SIN Windows Unix SIN(NumericExpression)
Returns sine of an angle given in radians
SOUND Windows SOUND freq, duration
Outputs sound through PC Speaker
SPACE$ Windows Unix SPACE$(Num)
Returns string with Num spaces
SQR Windows Unix SQR(NumericExpression)
Returns the square root of NumericExpression, make sure it's non-negative
STATIC Windows Unix STATIC Variable AS DataType
Creates variable of type DataType and preserves variable between procedure calls
STR$ Windows Unix STR$(NumericExpression)
Returns the string representation of the numeric expression
STRF$ Windows STRF$(NumericExpression, Format%, Precision%, Digits%)
Converts a floating point or number value to a string
STRING$ Windows Unix STRING$(m, n) or STRING$(m, StringExpression)
Returns a string m characters wide that only contains CHR$(n) character
SWAP Windows Unix SWAP A, B
Exchanges values, so A = B and B = A
TALLY Windows Unix TALLY(SearchString, MatchString)
Returns the number of occurrences of matchstring
TAN Windows Unix TAN(NumericExpression)
Returns tangent of an angle given in radians
TIME$ Windows Unix TIME$
Returns the current time in HH:MM:SS format.
TIMER Windows Unix T! = TIMER
Returns the current TIMER value
UBOUND Windows Unix UBOUND(ArrayName[, Dimension])
Returns the upperbound of array (Dimension starts at 1)
UCASE$ Windows Unix UCASE$(StringExpression)
Returns a string whose characters have been uppercased
Removes DLL from memory
VAL Windows Unix VAL(StringExpression)
Returns the closest numeric representation of the string expression
VARPTR Windows Unix VARPTR(variablename)
Returns the address of a variable.
VARPTR$ Windows Unix VARPTR$(address)
Returns the null-terminated string representation of a given address.
VARTYPE Windows Unix VARTYPE(variant)
Returns the type of a variant 0 - Integer, 1 - Float, 2 - String.

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