'=========================================================================== ' Subject: OWNERDRAW MENU ITEMS Date: 06-29-00 (00:00) ' Author: The ABC Programmer Code: RAPIDQ ' Origin: voxel@edmc.net Packet: RAPIDQ.ABC '=========================================================================== ' Ownerdrawn MenuItems, very tricky, not everything you expect will be ' available. You can choose to put whatever you want in your menu items. ' Created by William Yu for Rapid-Q $TYPECHECK ON $INCLUDE "RAPIDQ.INC" CONST ODT_MENU = 1 CONST ODS_SELECTED = 1 CONST ODS_GRAYED = 2 CONST ODS_DISABLED = 4 CONST ODS_CHECKED = 8 CONST ODS_FOCUS = &H10 CONST ODS_DEFAULT = &H20 CONST ODS_COMBOBOXEDIT = &H1000 CONST WM_DRAWITEM = &H2B CONST WM_MEASUREITEM = &H2C CONST MF_BYCOMMAND = 0 CONST MF_BYPOSITION = &H400 CONST MF_OWNERDRAW = &H100 CONST MF_STRING = 0 CONST MF_BITMAP = 4 TYPE TMEASUREITEMSTRUCT CtlType AS LONG CtlID AS LONG itemID AS LONG itemWidth AS LONG itemHeight AS LONG itemData AS DWORD END TYPE TYPE TDRAWITEMSTRUCT CtlType AS LONG CtlID AS LONG itemID AS LONG itemAction AS LONG itemState AS LONG hwndItem AS LONG hDC AS LONG left AS LONG top AS LONG right AS LONG bottom AS LONG itemData AS DWORD END TYPE DIM MeasureItem AS TMEASUREITEMSTRUCT DIM DrawItem AS TDRAWITEMSTRUCT DIM Mem AS QMEMORYSTREAM DIM Bitmap AS QBITMAP DIM Font AS QFONT DIM I AS INTEGER DIM S AS STRING DECLARE FUNCTION ModifyMenu LIB "USER32" ALIAS "ModifyMenuA" _ (hMenu AS LONG, uPosition AS LONG, uFlags AS LONG, _ uIDNewItem AS LONG, lpNewItem AS LONG) AS LONG DECLARE SUB FormWndProc (Hwnd&, uMsg&, wParam&, lParam&) SUB MenuItemClick (Sender AS QMENUITEM) ShowMessage("Thanks for clicking " + Sender.Caption) END SUB DIM MenuItem(100) AS QMenuItem CREATE Form AS QForm Center Caption = "Ownerdraw Menus" CREATE MainMenu AS QMainMenu CREATE FileMenu AS QMenuItem Caption = "&File" CREATE OpenItem AS QMenuItem Caption = "&Open" Hint = "Open" END CREATE CREATE ReOpenItem AS QMenuItem Caption = "&ReOpen" CREATE I1 AS QMenuItem Caption = "Item &1" Hint = "Item 1" END CREATE CREATE I2 AS QMenuItem Caption = "Item &2" END CREATE CREATE I3 AS QMenuItem Caption = "Item &3" END CREATE END CREATE CREATE BreakItem AS QMenuItem Caption = "-" END CREATE CREATE ExitItem AS QMenuItem Caption = "E&xit" END CREATE END CREATE CREATE EditMenu AS QMenuItem Caption = "&Edit" END CREATE CREATE SearchMenu AS QMenuItem Caption = "&Search" END CREATE END CREATE WndProc = FormWndProc END CREATE FOR I = 1 to 10 MenuItem(I).Caption = "Item &" + STR$(I) MenuItem(I).OnClick = MenuItemClick EditMenu.AddItems(MenuItem(I)) NEXT '-- Change some properties of our menu items FOR I = 1 to 10 S = MenuItem(I).Caption ModifyMenu(EditMenu.Handle, MenuItem(I).MenuIndex, _ mf_ByPosition OR mf_OwnerDraw, MenuItem(I).Command, VARPTR(S)) NEXT Form.ShowModal SUB FormWndProc (Hwnd&, uMsg&, wParam&, lParam&) IF uMsg& = WM_MEASUREITEM THEN Mem.Position = 0 '-- '-- lParam& is a pointer to the TMeasureItem structure '-- Mem.MemCopyFrom(lParam&, SIZEOF(MeasureItem)) Mem.Position = 0 '-- '-- After we copy it we have to read the structure '-- Mem.ReadUDT(MeasureItem) IF MeasureItem.CtlType = ODT_MENU THEN '-- There are other types, such as listboxes, etc. that we '-- want to avoid. MeasureItem.itemWidth = 80 '-- Should be big enough to fit MeasureItem.itemHeight = 18 '-- your items. Mem.Position = 0 Mem.WriteUDT(MeasureItem) '-- Write structure back to memory Mem.Position = 0 '-- '-- Copy this structure back to the original address, so '-- changes can take effect '-- Mem.MemCopyTo(lParam&, SIZEOF(MeasureItem)) END IF ELSEIF uMsg& = WM_DRAWITEM THEN Mem.Position = 0 Mem.MemCopyFrom(lParam&, SIZEOF(DrawItem)) Mem.Position = 0 Mem.ReadUDT(DrawItem) IF DrawItem.CtlType = ODT_MENU THEN Bitmap.Handle = DrawItem.hDC IF (ODS_SELECTED AND DrawItem.itemState) <> 0 THEN Bitmap.FillRect(DrawItem.left,DrawItem.top,DrawItem.right,DrawItem.bottom, &H009900) Bitmap.Circle(DrawItem.left,DrawItem.top+1,16,DrawItem.top+16, clHiLight, clHiLight) S = VARPTR$(DrawItem.itemData) I = INSTR(S, "&") IF I THEN Bitmap.TextOut(DrawItem.left+25,DrawItem.top+3,LEFT$(S, I-1),clWhite,-1) Font.AddStyles(fsUnderline) Bitmap.Font = Font Bitmap.TextOut(DrawItem.left+25+Bitmap.TextWidth(LEFT$(S, I-1)),DrawItem.top+3,MID$(S, I+1, 1),clWhite,-1) Font.DelStyles(fsUnderline) Bitmap.Font = Font S = S - "&" Bitmap.TextOut(DrawItem.left+25+Bitmap.TextWidth(LEFT$(S, I)),DrawItem.top+3,MID$(S, I+1, LEN(S)),clWhite,-1) ELSE Bitmap.TextOut(DrawItem.left+25,DrawItem.top+3,S,clWhite,-1) END IF ELSE Bitmap.FillRect(DrawItem.left,DrawItem.top,DrawItem.right,DrawItem.bottom, clMenu) Bitmap.Circle(DrawItem.left,DrawItem.top+1,16,DrawItem.top+16, 0, 0) S = VARPTR$(DrawItem.itemData) I = INSTR(S, "&") IF I THEN Bitmap.TextOut(DrawItem.left+25,DrawItem.top+3,LEFT$(S, I-1),0,-1) Font.AddStyles(fsUnderline) Bitmap.Font = Font Bitmap.TextOut(DrawItem.left+25+Bitmap.TextWidth(LEFT$(S, I-1)),DrawItem.top+3,MID$(S, I+1, 1),0,-1) Font.DelStyles(fsUnderline) Bitmap.Font = Font S = S - "&" Bitmap.TextOut(DrawItem.left+25+Bitmap.TextWidth(LEFT$(S, I)),DrawItem.top+3,MID$(S, I+1, LEN(S)),0,-1) ELSE Bitmap.TextOut(DrawItem.left+25,DrawItem.top+3,S,0,-1) END IF END IF END IF END IF END SUB