'=========================================================================== ' Subject: FILE SPLITTER Date: 04-30-00 (00:18) ' Author: Mesut Akcan Code: RAPIDQ ' Origin: makcan@SoftHome.net Packet: RAPIDQ.ABC '=========================================================================== ' QFileSplitter.bas for RapidQ ' Coded by Mesut AKCAN ' updated 22 April 2000 ' http://kaynak.cjb.net ' http://makcan.virtualave.net $apptype gui $typecheck on $INCLUDE "RAPIDQ.INC" declare sub ExitClick declare sub AboutClick declare sub sourceselect declare sub e2change declare sub split declare sub targetSelect declare function fPath(fPFN as string)as string '' declare sub OKclick declare sub CANCELclick '----------- FORM --------- CREATE Form AS QFORM Center Caption = "QFileSplitter v1.0" Width = 315 Height = 265 create Mainmenu as qmainmenu create mnuFile as qmenuitem caption="&File" create mnuSoSel as qmenuitem caption="S&ource Select" onclick = sourceselect end create create mnuTarSel as qmenuitem caption="&Target Select" onclick = targetselect end create create mnuSpl as qmenuitem caption = "&Split" enabled = False onclick = split end create create mnuBrk as qmenuitem caption="-" end create create mnuExit as qmenuitem caption="E&xit" onclick = ExitClick end create end create create mnuHelp as qmenuitem caption = "&Help" create mnuAbout as qmenuitem caption ="&About" onclick = AboutClick end create end create end create CREATE Label3 AS QLABEL Caption = "Split size(bytes) :" Left = 8 Top = 172 Width = 100 END CREATE CREATE Label5 AS QLABEL Left = 119 Top = 192 Transparent = 1 END CREATE CREATE GroupBox1 AS QGROUPBOX Caption = "SOURCE" Left = 4 Top = 4 Width = 292 Height = 80 TabOrder = 2 CREATE Label1 AS QLABEL Caption = "Path / File :" Left = 7 Top = 18 Width = 55 Transparent = 1 END CREATE CREATE Label2 AS QLABEL Caption = "File Size" Left = 7 Top = 58 Transparent = 1 END CREATE CREATE Edit1 AS QEDIT Text = "" Left = 7 Top = 35 Width = 239 END CREATE CREATE Button1 AS QBUTTON Caption = "..." Left = 250 Top = 33 Width = 29 TabOrder = 1 onclick = sourceSelect END CREATE END CREATE CREATE Edit2 AS QEDIT Text = "1457152" Left = 9 Top = 187 Width = 101 onchange = e2change END CREATE CREATE Button2 AS QBUTTON Caption = "&Split File" Left = 222 Top = 181 TabOrder = 1 enabled=false onclick = split END CREATE CREATE GroupBox2 AS QGROUPBOX Caption = "TARGET" Left = 6 Top = 89 Width = 291 Height = 71 TabOrder = 3 CREATE Label4 AS QLABEL Caption = "Path :" Left = 7 Top = 18 Width = 55 Transparent = 1 END CREATE CREATE Edit3 AS QEDIT Text = "" Left = 7 Top = 35 Width = 239 END CREATE CREATE Button3 AS QBUTTON Caption = "..." Left = 250 Top = 33 Width = 29 TabOrder = 1 onclick = targetSelect END CREATE END CREATE END CREATE '----------- FORM2 --------- CREATE Form2 AS QFORM Caption = "Select a Folder" Width = 320 Height = 330 Center CREATE btnOK AS QBUTTON Caption = "&OK" Left = 223 Top = 270 onclick = OKclick END CREATE CREATE btnCANCEL AS QBUTTON Caption = "&Cancel" Left = 138 Top = 270 TabOrder = 1 onclick = CANCELclick END CREATE create dtree as qdirtree top = 5 left = 5 width = 300 height = 260 end create END CREATE dim fsize as long , splsize as long , rmn as long dim spl as integer dim file as QFileStream , nfile as QFileStream dim crLF as string , c34 as string crLF = chr$(13) + chr$(10) c34 = chr$(34) '-------------------------------------------------------------- sub split DIM memory AS QMemoryStream dim n as integer , poz as long dim sPF as string 'source path/file dim tPF as string 'target path dim sFName as string 'source file name dim tFName as string 'target file name dim tFull as string , fBAT as string , a as string dim bf as string sPF = edit1.text 'source file pathname tPF = edit3.text 'target file pathname sFName = sPF - fPath(sPF) 'source file name IF file.open(sPF , fmOpenRead) = FALSE then 'open source file showmessage "Problem with reading " + sPF : EXIT SUB END IF memory.CopyFrom(file, fsize) file.close fBAT = "@echo off" + crLF a = "" for n = 0 to spl-1 poz = n * splsize memory.Position = poz if n = spl-1 then splsize = fsize - poz 'remain tFName = sFName + "." + right$ (("00" + str$(n)) , 3) ' target filename a = c34 + sFName + c34 + "+" if n=0 then a="" fBAT = fBAT + "copy /b " + a + c34 + tFName + c34 + " " + c34 + sFName + c34 + crLF tFull = tPF + tFName 'target file full path name poz = n * splsize IF nfile.open(tFull , fmCreate) = FALSE then 'create target file showmessage "Problem with creating " + tFull : EXIT SUB END IF nfile.close IF nfile.open(tFull , fmOpenWrite)=FALSE then 'open target file for write showmessage "Problem with writing " + tFull : EXIT SUB END IF nfile.CopyFrom(memory, splsize) ' write target file nfile.close next memory.close bf = tPF + "merge_" + sFName + ".bat" ' batch file name IF file.open(bf , fmCreate) = FALSE then ' create bat file showmessage "Problem with creating " + bf EXIT SUB END IF file.close if file.open(bf, fmOpenReadWrite) = FALSE then ' if error showmessage "Problem with writing " + bf EXIT SUB END IF fBAT = fBAT + "REM This file was created by QFileSplitter" + crLF + "REM http://kaynak.cjb.net" file.WriteStr(fBAT,len(fBAT)) ' write to batch file file.close showmessage sFName + " SPLITTED !" ' OK. end sub sub sourceSelect DIM OpenDialog AS QOpenDialog dim FName as string IF OpenDialog.Execute THEN edit1.text = OpenDialog.FileName FName = edit1.text IF file.open(FName , fmOpenReadWrite) = FALSE then 'open source file showmessage "Problem with reading " + FName : EXIT SUB END IF fsize = file.size file.close label2.caption = str$(fsize) + " bytes" Edit3.text = fpath(FName) END IF CALL e2change end sub sub e2change splsize = val(edit2.text) spl = int(fsize/splsize) if splsize >= fsize then button2.enabled = false mnuSpl.enabled = false label5.caption="" else button2.enabled = true mnuSpl.enabled = true rmn = fsize mod splsize spl = int(fsize/splsize) if rmn>0 then spl++ label5.caption = str$(spl) + " split files" end if end sub function fPath(fPFN as string)as string dim poz as integer dim lastpoz as integer do poz = instr(lastpoz + 1 , fPFN,"\" ) if poz=0 then exit do end if lastpoz = poz loop fPath = left$(fPFN,lastpoz) end function sub targetSelect if edit3.text then dtree.initialdir = edit3.text else dtree.initialdir = CURDIR$ end if form2.showmodal end sub sub OKclick edit3.text= dtree.Directory form2.close end sub sub CANCELclick form2.close end sub sub ExitClick form.close end sub sub AboutClick showmessage "QFileSplitter v1.0" + crLF + "Programmed by Mesut AKCAN" + crLF _ + "web: http://kaynak.cjb.net" + crLF + "mail: makcan@softhome.net" end sub '************** Form.ShowModal