'=========================================================================== ' Subject: ESCAPE FROM ATLANTIS Date: 01-21-00 (17:01) ' Author: Thomas Ally Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: Thomas_Ally@freenet.richland.oh Packet: GAMES.ABC '=========================================================================== '"Escape From Atlantis" is a rather small Qbasic Adventure game for the IBM. 'I originally programmed it in high school on a Model 1 TRS-80 computer with '16k of ram. Then I reprogrammed it all from memory on a Commodore 64 and 'had a friend upload it to Genie. In fact the C64 version may still be on 'Genie. Finally I reprogrammed it in Qbasic, this file. Thanks go to Shaun 'Shelton for coming up with the ideas. The only thing not implemented in 'this file is a save/load feature ,but that's no big deal since it's a real 'small adventure. I am currently reprogramming it using the ALAN adventure 'language by Thoni & Gorfo. It helps me to learn new systems & languages 'by reprogramming it all the time. The ALAN implementation has a save/load 'feature and sports a few changes. If you get stuck, you can email me at 'Thomas_ally@freenet.richland.oh.us 'p.s. I hope you like it - Feel free to modify it and if you do, send me a 'note on where I can get the modified version. 5 RANDOMIZE TIMER: SCREEN 2: GOSUB 5000 10 DIM cm$(31), ro$(32), rn(32, 4), ob$(33, 8), p$(35): CLS 20 ob$(1, 1) = "immovable door": ob$(2, 1) = "a delicious looking malt": ob$(2, 2) = "* platinum spoon" 30 ob$(5, 1) = "sign": ob$(6, 1) = "tombstone": ob$(7, 1) = "motocycle": ob$(8, 1) = "woman": ob$(10, 1) = "folded piece of paper" 40 ob$(12, 1) = "safe": ob$(16, 1) = "manhole": ob$(16, 2) = "dirtpile": ob$(17, 1) = "gas container": ob$(17, 2) = "dirtpile": ob$(21, 1) = "a large pool" 50 ob$(22, 1) = "duct tape": ob$(24, 1) = "sign": ob$(24, 2) = "a very large machine": ob$(25, 1) = "prybar": ob$(26, 1) = "* diamonds" 60 ob$(27, 1) = "scientific book": ob$(28, 1) = "a large cabinet": ob$(30, 1) = "sign": ob$(31, 1) = "crate" 70 ob$(32, 1) = "dying plant": ob$(26, 2) = "a very large machine": ob$(18, 1) = "ladder": FOR x = 1 TO 31: READ cm$(x): NEXT x 80 FOR d = 1 TO 32: FOR x = 1 TO 4 90 READ rn(d, x): NEXT x: NEXT d 95 FOR f = 1 TO 32: READ ro$(f): NEXT f 96 rn = 1 100 LOCATE 1, 1: FOR x = 1 TO 12: PRINT " "; : NEXT x: LOCATE 1, 1 101 PRINT "you are in a "; ro$(rn) 105 PRINT "Exits are: "; 110 FOR x = 1 TO 4: IF rn(rn, x) <> 0 THEN PRINT LEFT$(cm$(x), 1); " "; 111 NEXT x: PRINT 115 PRINT "Here you see: "; 116 obj = 0: FOR x = 1 TO 8 117 IF ob$(rn, x) <> "" THEN obj = 1 118 NEXT x 119 IF obj = 0 THEN PRINT "Nothing." 120 FOR x = 1 TO 8 121 IF ob$(rn, x) <> "" THEN PRINT ob$(rn, x); " "; 122 NEXT x: PRINT 130 PRINT "------------------------------------------------------------------------" 131 PRINT " " 132 LOCATE 12, 1 133 IF rn = 27 THEN GOSUB 3800 135 INPUT "command"; a$: PRINT " ": PRINT " ": LOCATE 14, 1 IF a$ = "quit" THEN END 137 x1 = 1: a$ = a$ + " ": tw = LEN(a$) 138 p$(0) = LEFT$(a$, 3) 139 FOR a1 = 1 TO tw 140 IF MID$(a$, a1, 1) = " " THEN GOSUB 144 141 NEXT a1 142 GOTO 150 143 STOP 144 p$(x1) = MID$(a$, a1 + 1, 3) 145 x1 = x1 + 1 146 RETURN 150 FOR i = 0 TO x1 151 IF p$(i) = "the" THEN p$(i) = "" 152 IF p$(i) = "and" THEN p$(i) = "" 153 IF p$(i) = "at " THEN p$(i) = "" 154 IF LEFT$(p$(i), 1) = "i" AND p$(i) <> "imm" THEN p$(i) = "inv" 155 IF LEFT$(p$(i), 1) = "e" AND p$(i) <> "ent" AND p$(i) <> "exa" AND p$(i) <> "eat" THEN p$(i) = "eas" 156 IF LEFT$(p$(i), 1) = "w" AND p$(i) <> "wom" AND p$(i) <> "wat" THEN p$(i) = "wes" 157 IF LEFT$(p$(i), 1) = "n" AND p$(i) <> "nec" THEN p$(i) = "nor" 158 _ ' IF LEFT$(p$(i), 1) = "s" AND p$(i) <> "spa" AND p$(i) <> "say" AND p$(i) <> "sci" AND p$(i) <> "str" AND p$(i) <> "sho" AND p$(i) <> "spo" AND p$(i) <> "sco" AND p$(i) <> "sig" AND p$(i) <> "saf" AND p$(i) <> "sha" AND p$(i) <> "swi" THEN p$(i) = "sou" 159 IF p$(i + 1) = "tap" THEN p$(i + 1) = "duc" 160 IF p$(i + 1) = "boo" THEN p$(i + 1) = "sci" 161 IF p$(i + 1) = "pap" AND up = 0 THEN p$(i + 1) = "fol" 162 IF p$(i + 1) = "mac" THEN p$(i + 1) = "a v" 163 IF p$(i + 1) = "sto" THEN p$(i + 1) = "tom" 164 IF p$(i + 1) = "doo" THEN p$(i + 1) = "imm" 165 IF p$(i + 1) = "mal" THEN p$(i + 1) = "a d" 166 IF p$(i + 1) = "pla" AND fs = 0 THEN p$(i + 1) = "dyi" 167 IF p$(i + 1) = "cab" AND bc = 0 THEN p$(i + 1) = "a l" 168 IF p$(i + 1) = "poo" THEN p$(i + 1) = "a l" 169 IF p$(i + 1) = "spo" THEN p$(i + 1) = "* p" 170 IF p$(i + 1) = "nec" THEN p$(i + 1) = "* n" 171 IF p$(i + 1) = "cro" THEN p$(i + 1) = "* c" 172 IF p$(i + 1) = "dia" THEN p$(i + 1) = "* d" 173 IF p$(i + 1) = "con" THEN p$(i + 1) = "gas" 174 IF p$(i + 1) = "cab" AND bc = 1 THEN p$(i + 1) = "a b" 175 IF p$(i + 1) = "pla" AND fs = 1 THEN p$(i + 1) = "a p" 176 IF p$(i + 1) = "mon" OR p$(i + 1) = "bag" THEN p$(i + 1) = "* m" 177 IF p$(i + 1) = "dou" OR p$(i + 1) = "spa" THEN p$(i + 1) = "* s" 195 NEXT i 196 a = 0: FOR i = 0 TO x1 197 IF p$(i) <> "" THEN B$(a) = p$(i): a = a + 1 198 NEXT i 199 FOR d = 0 TO a - 1: p$(d) = B$(d): NEXT d: x1 = a - 1 201 FOR i = 0 TO x1 202 FOR ds = 1 TO 31 205 IF p$(i) = cm$(ds) THEN ON ds GOSUB 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, 3600, 3700 210 NEXT ds, i 220 GOTO 100 1000 FOR x = 1 TO 4 1010 IF cm$(x) = p$(i) AND rn(rn, x) <> 0 THEN 1030 1020 NEXT x: PRINT "that direction is not an exit!": FOR f = 1 TO 1050: NEXT f: RETURN 1030 nr = rn(rn, x): rn = nr: RETURN 1100 IF rn = 16 AND p$(i + 1) = "man" THEN GOTO 1140 1105 GOTO 1199 1140 FOR x = 0 TO 9 1145 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "mot" THEN 1155 1150 NEXT x: PRINT "you enter the manhole!": rn = 18: RETURN 1155 PRINT "the motorcycle hampers your effort.": RETURN 1199 PRINT "you can't enter that!": RETURN 1200 IF rn = 18 AND p$(i + 1) = "lad" THEN PRINT "you climb the ladder.": rn = 16: RETURN 1299 PRINT "you can't climb that!": RETURN 1300 REM get 1301 FOR x = 1 TO 8 1329 IF p$(i + 1) = LEFT$(ob$(rn, x), 3) THEN GOTO 1350 1330 NEXT x: PRINT "you can't get it!!": RETURN 1350 IF p$(i + 1) = "saf" AND rn = 12 THEN PRINT "don't be funny, its made of steel and is too large!": RETURN 1351 IF p$(i + 1) = "a l" AND rn = 21 THEN PRINT "the pool is a hole filled with water!": RETURN 1352 IF p$(i + 1) = "a l" AND rn = 28 THEN PRINT "the cabinet is bolted to the floor!": RETURN 1353 IF p$(i + 1) = "imm" AND rn = 1 THEN PRINT "you think your superman? the door wont budge!": RETURN 1354 IF p$(i + 1) = "dir" AND (rn = 16 OR rn = 17) THEN PRINT "the dirt runs through your fingers!": RETURN 1355 IF p$(i + 1) = "wom" AND rn = 8 THEN PRINT "she wiggles away from you.": RETURN 1356 IF p$(i + 1) = "sig" AND rn = 5 OR rn = 24 OR rn = 30 THEN PRINT "the sign wont budge!": RETURN 1357 IF p$(i + 1) = "tom" AND rn = 6 THEN PRINT "I wont defile a place of the dead!!!": RETURN 1358 IF p$(i + 1) = "dyi" OR p$(i + 1) = "a p" AND rn = 32 THEN PRINT "the plants roots go too deep! it wont budge.": RETURN 1359 IF p$(i + 1) = "man" AND rn = 16 THEN PRINT "you can't expect me to get a manhole!": RETURN 1360 IF p$(i + 1) = "cra" AND rn = 31 THEN PRINT "the crate wont budge!": RETURN 1361 IF rn = 24 OR rn = 26 AND p$(i + 1) = "a v" THEN PRINT "the machine won't budge!": RETURN 1365 IF p$(i + 1) = "bod" AND rn = 6 THEN PRINT "that's sick!!!": RETURN 1366 IF p$(i + 1) = "* n" THEN GOTO 1383 1367 IF p$(i + 1) = "lad" AND rn = 18 THEN PRINT "the ladder won't move.": RETURN 1368 IF p$(i + 1) = "a b" AND rn = 28 THEN PRINT "you can't get the broken cabinet!": RETURN 1375 FOR x = 1 TO 8: IF p$(i + 1) = LEFT$(ob$(rn, x), 3) THEN GOTO 1377 1376 NEXT x: STOP 1377 FOR d = 0 TO 9: IF inv$(d) <> "" THEN 1380 1378 IF p$(i + 1) = LEFT$(ob$(rn, x), 3) THEN inv$(d) = ob$(rn, x) 1379 ob$(rn, x) = "": PRINT "taken!": RETURN 1380 NEXT d: PRINT "no room in inventory.": RETURN 1383 FOR d = 0 TO 9: IF inv$(d) = "* cross" THEN GOTO 1375 1384 NEXT d: IF rn = 6 THEN PRINT "the body springs to life and kills you!": END 1385 GOTO 1375 1400 FOR x = 0 TO 9 1405 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = p$(i + 1) THEN GOTO 1415 1410 NEXT x: PRINT "you don't have it!": RETURN 1415 FOR d = 1 TO 8 1420 IF ob$(rn, d) = "" THEN 1430 1425 NEXT d: PRINT "no room to drop it!": RETURN 1430 ob$(rn, d) = inv$(x): inv$(x) = "": PRINT "dropped.": RETURN 1500 CLS : PRINT "your inventory: " 1505 FOR x = 0 TO 9: PRINT inv$(x): NEXT x 1510 INPUT "press return to continue"; a$: RETURN 1600 rh = RND * 6 1605 rh = INT(ABS(rh) + 1) 1610 ON rh GOTO 1620, 1630, 1640, 1650, 1660, 1670 1615 GOTO 1600 1620 PRINT "you will receive no help from me mortal!": RETURN 1630 PRINT "dig that weird tombstone.": RETURN 1640 PRINT "watch out for the librarian!": RETURN 1650 PRINT "try swimming.": RETURN 1660 PRINT "don't operate the machine without doing a little reading first!": RETURN 1670 PRINT "try examining things!": RETURN 1699 RETURN 1700 IF rn = 1 AND p$(i + 1) = "imm" THEN PRINT "on the door you see a button.": RETURN 1701 IF (rn = 5 OR rn = 24 OR rn = 30) AND p$(i + 1) = "sig" AND p$(i + 1) <> "a v" THEN PRINT "the sign has writing on it!": RETURN 1702 IF rn = 28 AND p$(i + 1) = "a l" THEN PRINT "the cabinet is made of glass!": RETURN 1710 IF rn = 32 AND p$(i + 1) = "dyi" AND wp = 0 THEN PRINT "the plant is murmuring water.....water.": RETURN 1711 IF rn = 31 AND p$(i + 1) = "cra" THEN PRINT "the crate looks like it can be moved.": RETURN 1712 IF rn = 6 AND p$(i + 1) = "tom" THEN PRINT "it has writing on it.": RETURN 1713 IF rn = 24 OR rn = 26 AND p$(i + 1) = "a v" THEN PRINT "the machine has a lever on it.": RETURN 1714 IF rn = 8 AND p$(i + 1) = "wom" THEN PRINT "she looks beautiful!": RETURN 1715 IF p$(i + 1) = "a d" THEN GOTO 1785 1716 IF p$(i + 1) = "bod" AND rn = 6 AND fp = 0 THEN PRINT "you find a necklace!": GOTO 1777 1776 GOTO 1799 1777 FOR x = 1 TO 8: IF ob$(rn, x) = "" THEN GOTO 1779 1778 NEXT x: PRINT "remove an item from room and try again.": RETURN 1779 ob$(rn, x) = "* necklace": fp = 1: RETURN 1785 FOR x = 1 TO 8 1786 IF LEFT$(ob$(rn, x), 3) = p$(i + 1) THEN 1790 1787 NEXT x: GOTO 1791 1790 PRINT "the malt smells like burnt almonds.": RETURN 1791 FOR x = 0 TO 9: IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = p$(i + 1) THEN 1790 1792 NEXT x: PRINT "you don't see it!": RETURN 1799 PRINT "you see nothing special.": RETURN 1800 IF rn = 1 AND p$(i + 1) = "but" THEN GOTO 1850 1810 PRINT "nothing happens!": RETURN 1850 PRINT "the room tilt's and you are thrown into a new room.": rn = 2: RETURN 1900 IF rs = 1 AND rn = 24 AND p$(i + 1) = "lev" THEN PRINT "everything goes blurry.": rn = 26: RETURN 1902 IF rs = 1 AND rn = 26 AND p$(i + 1) = "lev" THEN PRINT "everything goes black.": rn = 24: RETURN 1904 IF rn = 24 OR rn = 26 AND rs = 0 AND p$(i + 1) = "lev" THEN PRINT "the machine blows up killing you!": END 1999 PRINT "you can't pull that!": RETURN 2000 IF rn = 6 AND db = 0 THEN GOTO 2040 2001 IF rn = 6 AND db = 1 THEN PRINT "you can't dig anymore!": RETURN 2003 GOTO 2040 2040 FOR x = 0 TO 9 2045 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "sho" THEN 2055 2050 NEXT x: PRINT "you need a shovel to dig!": RETURN 2055 IF rn = 6 THEN 2060 2056 PRINT "you find nothing.": RETURN 2060 PRINT "you find a body!": FOR x = 1 TO 8 2062 IF ob$(rn, x) = "" THEN 2070 2064 NEXT x: PRINT "remove an item from room and dig again!": RETURN 2070 ob$(rn, x) = "body": db = 1: RETURN 2099 PRINT "you find nothing special.": RETURN 2100 IF rn = 16 AND p$(i + 1) = "dir" THEN GOTO 2140 2101 IF rn = 17 AND p$(i + 1) = "dir" THEN GOTO 2140 2103 PRINT "you can't jump that!": RETURN 2140 FOR x = 0 TO 9 2145 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "mot" THEN 2155 2150 NEXT x: PRINT " you need a motorcycle before you jump!": RETURN 2155 IF rn = 16 THEN PRINT "you jump the dirtpile with the motorcycle!": rn = 17: RETURN 2156 IF rn = 17 THEN PRINT "you jump the dirtpile with the motorcycle!": rn = 16: RETURN 2157 PRINT "nothing happens!": RETURN 2200 ts = 0: FOR x = 1 TO 8 2205 IF LEFT$(ob$(5, x), 1) = "*" THEN ts = ts + 1 2210 NEXT x: IF ts = 6 THEN PRINT "you solved my adventure! my next one will be harder.": END 2220 PRINT "you have got "; ts; " out of a possible 6 treasures so far.": RETURN 2300 IF p$(i + 1) = "tom" AND rn = 6 THEN PRINT "you feel dizzy!": rn = INT(RND * 31) + 1: RETURN 2310 PRINT "nothing happens.": RETURN 2400 IF rn = 6 AND p$(i + 1) = "tom" THEN PRINT "kilroy was here!": RETURN 2401 IF rn = 5 AND p$(i + 1) = "sig" THEN PRINT "drop treasures here and say score!": RETURN 2402 IF rn = 24 AND p$(i + 1) = "sig" THEN PRINT "experimental time machine": RETURN 2403 IF rn = 30 AND p$(i + 1) = "sig" THEN PRINT "look for more adventures by Thomas Ally!": RETURN 2405 IF p$(i + 1) = "pap" AND up = 1 THEN 2440 2406 IF p$(i + 1) = "fol" AND up = 0 THEN 2460 2407 IF p$(i + 1) = "sci" AND rs <> 1 THEN GOTO 2476 2408 IF p$(i + 1) = "sci" AND rs = 1 THEN GOTO 2476 2439 GOTO 2499 2440 FOR x = 0 TO 9 2445 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "pap" THEN 2455 2450 NEXT x: PRINT "you aren't carrying the piece of paper!": RETURN 2455 PRINT "it's the combination to a safe!": cs = 1: RETURN 2460 FOR x = 0 TO 9 2465 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "fol" THEN 2475 2470 NEXT x: PRINT "you aren't carrying the piece of paper!": RETURN 2475 PRINT "you have to unfold it first!": RETURN 2476 FOR x = 0 TO 9 2477 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "sci" THEN 2485 2478 NEXT x: PRINT "you aren't carrying the scientific book!": RETURN 2485 IF rs = 0 THEN PRINT "the book tells how to operate a time machine.": rs = 1: RETURN 2486 IF rs = 1 THEN PRINT "you already read the book.": RETURN 2499 PRINT "you can't read it!": RETURN 2500 IF p$(i + 1) = "sco" THEN GOTO 2200 2599 PRINT "nothing happens!": RETURN 2600 IF p$(i + 1) = "fol" THEN GOTO 2640 2610 IF p$(i + 1) = "pap" THEN PRINT "you already unfolded that!": RETURN 2615 GOTO 2699 2640 FOR x = 0 TO 9 2645 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "fol" THEN 2655 2650 NEXT x: PRINT "you aren't carrying the piece of paper!": RETURN 2655 PRINT "you unfold the piece of paper.": up = 1: inv$(x) = "paper": RETURN 2699 PRINT "you can't unfold that!": RETURN 2700 IF p$(i + 1) = "gas" THEN 2740 2710 GOTO 2799 2740 FOR x = 0 TO 9 2742 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "gas" THEN 2755 2744 NEXT x: PRINT "you don't have the gas can.": RETURN 2755 FOR x = 1 TO 8 2756 IF ob$(rn, x) = "" AND fd = 0 THEN PRINT "you found something!": ob$(rn, x) = "* spanish doubloon": fd = 1: RETURN 2760 NEXT x: PRINT "you find nothing.": RETURN 2799 PRINT "nothing happens.": RETURN 2800 IF p$(i + 1) = "a d" THEN 2840 2810 GOTO 2899 2840 FOR x = 0 TO 9 2842 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "a d" THEN 2846 2844 NEXT x: PRINT "you don't have the malt!": RETURN 2846 PRINT "the malt was laced with cyanide! you are dead.": END 2899 PRINT "you can't eat that!": RETURN 2900 IF rn = 21 AND p$(i + 1) = "can" AND fc = 0 THEN 2940 2901 IF rn = 21 AND p$(i + 1) = "can" THEN 2940 2903 GOTO 2999 2940 FOR x = 0 TO 9 2942 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "can" THEN GOTO 2944 2943 NEXT x 2944 IF fc = 1 THEN PRINT "the canteen is already full!": RETURN 2945 IF fc = 0 THEN PRINT "you fill the canteen from the pool!": fc = 1: RETURN 2999 PRINT "you can't fill that!": RETURN 3000 IF rn = 31 AND p$(i + 1) = "cra" AND fl = 0 THEN GOTO 3040 3005 IF rn = 1 AND p$(i + 1) = "imm" THEN PRINT "can't you read? the door can't be moved!": RETURN 3010 GOTO 3099 3040 FOR x = 1 TO 8 3042 IF ob$(rn, x) = "" THEN 3050 3046 NEXT x: PRINT "remove an item from the room and try again.": RETURN 3050 ob$(rn, x) = "card": fl = 1: PRINT "you find something!": RETURN 3099 PRINT "you find nothing!": RETURN 3100 IF rn = 21 THEN PRINT "you swim down.": rn = 25: RETURN 3105 IF rn = 25 THEN PRINT "you swim up.": rn = 21: RETURN 3199 PRINT "you can't swim here!": RETURN 3200 IF rn = 28 AND p$(i + 1) = "a l" AND tg = 0 THEN 3240 3205 IF rn = 28 AND p$(i + 1) = "a l" AND tg = 1 THEN PRINT "the glass cabinet is already taped up!": RETURN 3210 GOTO 3240 3240 FOR x = 0 TO 9 3242 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "duc" THEN GOTO 3246 3244 NEXT x: PRINT "you aren't carrying the duct tape!": RETURN 3246 IF rn = 28 THEN PRINT "you tape the glass cabinet with the duct tape.": tg = 1: RETURN 3299 PRINT "you can't tape that!": RETURN 3300 IF rn = 28 AND p$(i + 1) = "a l" AND tg = 1 THEN GOTO 3340 3310 IF rn = 28 AND p$(i + 1) = "a l" AND tg = 0 THEN PRINT "the flying glass cuts you to pieces!": END 3320 GOTO 3399 3340 FOR x = 1 TO 8 3342 IF LEFT$(ob$(rn, x), 3) = "a l" THEN 3350 3344 NEXT x: PRINT "you can't break it!": RETURN 3350 FOR d = 1 TO 8 3352 IF ob$(rn, d) = "" THEN 3354 3353 NEXT d: PRINT "remove an item from the room and try again.": RETURN 3354 ob$(rn, x) = "a broken cabinet": bc = 1: ob$(rn, d) = "* cross": PRINT "you find something!": RETURN 3399 PRINT "you can't break that!": RETURN 3400 IF p$(i + 1) = "wat" OR p$(i + 1) = "can" AND fc = 1 THEN 3405 3405 FOR x = 0 TO 9 3406 IF inv$(x) = "canteen" THEN GOTO 3440 3407 NEXT x: PRINT "you don't have the canteen!": RETURN 3440 IF rn = 32 AND fc = 1 THEN 3445 3441 IF fc = 1 AND rn <> 32 THEN GOTO 3499 3444 PRINT "the canteen is empty!": RETURN 3445 FOR x = 1 TO 8 3446 IF LEFT$(ob$(rn, x), 3) = "dyi" THEN ob$(rn, x) = "a plant" 3447 NEXT x: FOR x = 1 TO 8: IF ob$(rn, x) = "" AND fs = 0 THEN 3450 3448 NEXT x: PRINT "you already watered the plant.": RETURN 3450 PRINT "for your kindness you are rewarded!": fc = 0: ob$(rn, x) = "shovel": fs = 1: RETURN 3499 PRINT "the ground becomes wet.": fc = 0: RETURN 3500 IF rn = 32 AND p$(i + 1) = "dyi" THEN GOTO 3540 3510 IF rn = 32 AND p$(i + 1) = "a p" THEN PRINT "you already watered the dying plant!": RETURN 3540 FOR x = 0 TO 9 3541 IF inv$(x) = "canteen" THEN GOTO 3550 3542 NEXT x: PRINT "you don't have the canteen!": RETURN 3550 IF rn = 32 AND fc = 1 THEN GOTO 3445 3551 IF fc = 1 AND rn <> 32 THEN GOTO 3499 3552 PRINT "the canteen is empty!": RETURN 3600 IF rn = 12 AND cs = 1 AND fb = 0 AND p$(i + 1) = "saf" THEN GOTO 3640 3601 IF rn = 31 AND oc = 0 AND p$(i + 1) = "cra" THEN GOTO 3610 3602 IF rn = 31 AND oc = 1 AND p$(i + 1) = "cra" THEN PRINT "you opened the crate already!": RETURN 3603 IF rn = 12 AND cs = 0 AND p$(i + 1) = "saf" THEN PRINT "you don't know the combination!": RETURN 3604 IF rn = 12 AND fb = 1 AND p$(i + 1) = "saf" THEN PRINT "you already opened the safe!": RETURN 3605 PRINT "you can't open that.": RETURN 3610 FOR x = 0 TO 9 3611 IF LEFT$(inv$(x), 3) = "pry" THEN GOTO 3613 3612 NEXT x: PRINT "you don't have anything to pry with!": RETURN 3613 FOR x = 1 TO 8 3614 IF ob$(rn, x) = "" THEN 3616 3615 NEXT x: PRINT "remove an item from the room and try again.": RETURN 3616 ob$(rn, x) = "canteen": PRINT "you find something!": oc = 1: RETURN 3640 FOR x = 1 TO 8 3641 IF ob$(rn, x) = "" THEN 3643 3642 NEXT x: PRINT "remove an item from the room and try again.": RETURN 3643 ob$(rn, x) = "* moneybag": PRINT "you find something!": fb = 1: RETURN 3700 IF rn = 8 AND p$(i + 1) = "wom" THEN PRINT " she stabbed you in the back! your dead!": END 3799 PRINT "geesh, you sure kiss alot!": RETURN 3800 FOR x = 0 TO 9 3905 IF inv$(x) = "card" THEN RETURN 3906 NEXT x: PRINT : PRINT "the librarian throws you out for forgetting your card!": rn = 17: GOTO 100 4500 DATA nor,sou,eas,wes,ent,cli,get,dro,inv,hel,exa,pus,pul,dig,jum,sco,rub,rea,say,unf,sha,eat,fil,mov,swi,tap,bre,pou,wat,ope,kis 4510 DATA 0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,2,4,5,6,0,7,3,0,0,3,0,0,4,0,0,9,31,8,4,0,0,0,7,11,7,29,10,0,0,9,0,0,9,0,12,13,0,11,0,14,12,0,28,15,13,0,0,0,14,16,0 4520 DATA 0,0,0,15,27,0,0,0,19,0,0,0,0,18,22,20,0,21,19,0,20,0,0,0,23,0,0,19,24,22,0,0,0,23,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,17,0,0,0,0,13,0,0,0,30,9,0,32,0,29,7,0,0,0,30,0,0,0 4530 DATA docking bay,malt shop,street,street,hotel,graveyard,street,geisha house,street,street,street,bank,street,street,street,street,gas station 4540 DATA underground complex,underground complex,underground complex,underground complex,underground complex,underground complex,underground complex 4550 DATA bottom of a pool,slimy cave,library,high school,street,street,warehouse,greenhouse 5000 CLS 5010 FOR x = 199 TO 0 STEP -2: FOR d = 1 TO 300: NEXT d 5020 LINE (0 + x, 0 + x)-(639 - x, 199 - x), , B 5025 NEXT x 5050 LOCATE 13, 26 5060 PRINT "Escape From Atlantis by Fly" 5065 LOCATE 14, 34: PRINT "Version 5.01" 5070 SLEEP 3 5080 RETURN