'=========================================================================== ' Subject: BANNER SCROLL WITH FADING COLOR Date: 12-11-99 (21:56) ' Author: Tyler Weston Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: joe.blow@3web.net Packet: TEXT.ABC '=========================================================================== '============================================================================= ' By: IcE621 (Tyler Weston) SteelText2 ||||| (C) 1999 IcE InC ' Email: Joe.Blow@3web.net Made In Qbasic ( . . ) ' oOo | ^ | oOo '============================================================================= 'SUB stxt (text,x position,y position,type) 'Type 1=Metal, 2=Ice, 3=Fire, 4=Grassy knoll 'List of vars: 'xabu!(x)=x pos yabu!(y)=y pos txt$=text typ=type 'b=used in stxt subroutine a=must be global, place counter 'd=direction of movement DECLARE SUB stxt (txt$, xabu!, yabu!, typ) DIM SHARED x, y, a, d 'Required 'Init vars. x = 1 'X pos y = 1 'Y pos b = 1 'Internal sub counter a = 1 'Place d = 1 'Dir counter a$ = "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system" '------- CLS DO '---Your code here 'typer = INT(RND * 5 + 1) stxt a$, x, y, 5 a = a + d IF a = LEN(a$) - 4 THEN d = -1 IF a = 1 THEN d = 1 'Your code here FOR k = 1 TO 3999: NEXT k 'This line can be REMed if you don't need the delay LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" SUB stxt (txt$, xabu, yabu, typ) IF a < 1 THEN b = 1 ELSE b = a k1$ = MID$(txt$, b, 5) k2$ = MID$(txt$, b + 1, 3) k3$ = MID$(txt$, b + 2, 1) SELECT CASE typ CASE 1: aaa = 8: baa = 7: caa = 15 CASE 2: aaa = 1: baa = 9: caa = 15 CASE 3: aaa = 4: baa = 12: caa = 14 CASE 4: aaa = 2: baa = 10: caa = 15 CASE ELSE: aaa = typ: baa = typ + 8: caa = 15 END SELECT LOCATE xabu, yabu + b COLOR aaa, 0 PRINT " " + k1$ + " " LOCATE xabu, yabu + b + 2 COLOR baa, 0 PRINT k2$ LOCATE xabu, yabu + b + 3 COLOR caa, 0 PRINT k3$ END SUB