'=========================================================================== ' Subject: DOS EXTENSION TOOL Date: 11-23-99 (14:35) ' Author: Paul Malcher Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: kake26@yahoo.com Packet: DOS.ABC '=========================================================================== 10 CLS PRINT "Type name below" INPUT "Name: ", name$ CLS PRINT "Hi "; name$; "!" PRINT "This is the dos extension tool." PRINT "All dos commands will work including win." PRINT "Finally I have succeded in making this thing." PRINT "Type help for help." SLEEP (3) CLS start: CLS INPUT "Command?: ", com$ IF com$ = "exit" THEN END IF com$ = "Exit" THEN END IF com$ = "help" THEN GOTO help IF com$ = "HELP" THEN GOTO help IF com$ = "win" THEN SHELL "win": SYSTEM IF com$ = "WIN" THEN SHELL "win": SYSTEM IF com$ = "dos" THEN SYSTEM IF com$ = "DOS" THEN SYSTEM IF com$ = "temp" THEN GOTO temp IF com$ = "TEMP" THEN GOTO temp IF com$ = "clean" THEN GOTO cleaner IF com$ = "CLEAN" THEN GOTO cleaner IF com$ = "" THEN GOTO start ELSE SHELL com$ PRINT "Print hit any key to clear screen." DO UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" LOOP GOTO start help: CLS PRINT " Welcome to the dosextender help menu." PRINT " The programs commands are as follows." PRINT " help - gives you help menu" PRINT " win - this will only work if you are in dos mode it exits the program and" PRINT " starts windows" PRINT " dos - exits to dos mode if you started your computer into it" PRINT " exit - ends program" PRINT " temp - This will clean out your c:\windows\temp directory." PRINT " clean - will give you a directory cleaner prompt." PRINT " NOTE: The directory cleaner will erase all contents of the directory." PRINT " This is version 2.0" PRINT " Please report any bugs to kake26@mailexcite.com" PRINT " Hit any key to return to main menu." DO UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" LOOP GOTO start temp: ON ERROR GOTO st2 PRINT "I will now proced in cleanning your temp directory." INPUT "Procced? y or n: ", pro$ IF pro$ = "y" THEN KILL "c:\windows\temp\*.*" ELSE GOTO start CLS PRINT "Complete!" SLEEP (1) GOTO start cleaner: ON ERROR GOTO st2 INPUT "Clean what directory: ", cle$ ane$ = "\*.*" PRINT "I will now proced to clean "; cle$; " directory." INPUT "Proceed? y or n: ", pro2$ no$ = cle$ + ane$ IF pro2$ = "y" THEN KILL no$ ELSE GOTO start CLS PRINT "Complete!" SLEEP (1) GOTO start st2: PRINT "Error directory is already empty!" SLEEP (1) GOTO start mover: ON ERROR GOTO me INPUT "Destination:", dest$ SHELL "move " + find$ + dest$ CLS PRINT "Complete!" SLEEP (1) GOTO start me: PRINT "ERROR ENCOUNTERED WHILE MOVING OBJECT!" SLEEP (1) GOTO start killer: ON ERROR GOTO ke PRINT "Are you sure? y or n", ki$ IF ki$ = "y" THEN KILL find$ IF ki$ = "Y" THEN KILL find$ IF ki$ = "n" THEN GOTO start IF ki$ = "N" THEN GOTO start ke: PRINT "ERROR ENCOUNTERED WHILE DELETING OBJECT!" SLEEP (1) GOTO start