'=========================================================================== ' Subject: SPLIT FUNCTION LIKE VB Date: 09-16-99 (17:37) ' Author: Dave Navarro, Jr. Code: PBCC, PBDLL ' Origin: dave@powerbasic.com Packet: PBCC.ABC '=========================================================================== ' ' Perform the same operation as the SPLIT function in Visual Basic 6.0 ' ' Takes a string and splits it into a string array based on a specified ' delimeter. If you don't specify a delimeter, a space is assumed. ' ' Split will work in PB/DLL or PB/CC. ' SUB Split(BYVAL expression AS STRING, BYVAL delimeter AS STRING, StrArray() AS STRING) LOCAL c AS LONG LOCAL x AS LONG IF LEN(delimeter) = 0 THEN delimeter = " " END IF c = MAX(PARSECOUNT(expression, delimeter), 1) REDIM StrArray(0 to c - 1) AS STRING FOR x = 1 TO c StrArray(x - 1) = PARSE$(expression, delimeter, x) NEXT END SUB FUNCTION PbMain() LOCAL x AS LONG DIM s(0 to 0) AS STRING Split "This is what it's all about", "", s() FOR x = 0 TO UBOUND(s()) PRINT s(x) NEXT END FUNCTION