'=========================================================================== ' Subject: SMTP EXPRESS MAILER Date: 10-11-99 (19:41) ' Author: Wolfgang Kempin Code: RAPIDQ ' Origin: wolfgang.kempin@a-city.de Packet: RAPIDQ.ABC '=========================================================================== ' Express Mailer ' done by Wolfgang "DarkWulf" Kempin ' This program sends e-mails using SMTP and is based on ' William Yu's CHATCLIENT.BAS. The main routine is ' TimerExpired -- it will send the mail, step by step. ' [Look at the code and you'll see what I mean.] ' Hasn't been tested very much -- but seem's to work :) ' Hope you can read my cryptic programming... I don't ' usually make _any_ comments at all... ' See RFC821 for further information on sending SMTP mails. ' Remember: Some SMTP servers require that you login with POP3 ' first. [Go and fetch your e-mails once -- then you ' should be able to send them.] 'Versions '-------- ' ' V. 1.00 First complete and working version ' V. 1.01 Fixed '555 Syntax error' when sending mails 'To do: '------ ' ' + Add date/time calculation ' + Perhaps some more error checking... but works okay ' at the moment. ' + Make a better form -- the current one looks somehow ' ugly IMHO. ' + additional cool stuff $APPTYPE GUI ' $TYPECHECK ON 'argh... I don't need it! CONST DELAY = 500 CONST False = 0 CONST True = NOT False DECLARE SUB ButtonClick '"Send mail" button DECLARE SUB TimerExpired 'Check for incomming messages from server 'and continue in sending a mail. DIM TheFont AS QFONT 'Font for rich edit text box TheFont.Name="Courier New" TheFont.Size=10 DIM Socket AS QSocket 'Internet stuff DIM SockNum AS INTEGER SockNum = 0 DIM LastLine AS STRING 'Last line recieved from socket DIM LastCode AS INTEGER 'Every SMTP response from the server is 'in the format "nnn Text..." 'LastCode=nnn DIM MailStep AS INTEGER 'Which step have we got to do next? 'Used in SUB TimerExpired. CREATE MainForm AS QForm 'Main Form Height = 350 Width = 500 Caption = "Express Mailer Version 1.01" Center CREATE Label1 AS QLabel Top = 12 Left = 5 Caption = "SMTP Server:" END CREATE CREATE Label2 AS QLabel Top = 39 Left = 5 Caption = "From:" END CREATE CREATE Label3 AS QLabel Top = 67 Left = 5 Caption = "To:" END CREATE CREATE Label4 AS QLabel Top = 73+27 Left = 5 Caption = "Subject:" END CREATE CREATE Edit1 AS QEdit Left = 110 Top = 10 Width = 380 Height = 20 Text = "mail.gmx.net" END CREATE CREATE Edit2 AS QEdit Left = 110 Top = 37 Width = 380 Height = 20 Text = "anyone@gmx.net" END CREATE CREATE Edit3 AS QEdit Left = 110 Top = 37+27 Width = 380 Height = 20 Text = "someone@anywhere.com" END CREATE CREATE Edit4 AS QEdit Left = 110 Top = 71+27 Width = 380 Height = 20 Text = "" END CREATE CREATE Button AS QButton Left = 70 Top = 250+27 Height = 20 Width = 420 Caption = "<<< Send the e-mail... >>>" OnClick = ButtonClick END CREATE CREATE Status AS QLabel Left = 70 Top = 280+27 Height = 20 Width = 420 Caption = "Please enter your e-mail." END CREATE CREATE TextBox AS QRichEdit Top = 95+5+27 Left = 70 Width = 420 Height = 140 PlainText = true Font = TheFont END CREATE CREATE Label5 AS QLabel Top = 98+5+27 Left = 5 Caption = "Message:" END CREATE END CREATE DIM Timer1 AS QTimer 'Timer for checking the socket Timer1.Interval = DELAY Timer1.OnTimer = TimerExpired SUB TimerExpired '"Main" routine Timer1.Enabled = False Timer1.Interval = DELAY IF SockNum <= 0 THEN Timer1.Enabled = True EXIT SUB END IF IF Socket.IsServerReady(SockNum) THEN LastLine=Socket.ReadLine(SockNum) IF Socket.Transferred < 0 THEN 'server dropped connection SockNum = 0 ShowMessage "Server disconnected unexpectedly!" Status.Caption = "Please enter your e-mail." END IF LastCode=val(mid$(LastLine,1,3)) 'Get 3 digit error code if LastCode>400 then 'indicates error message ShowMessage "Error: "+LastLine ' -> abort Status.Caption = "Please enter your e-mail." Timer1.Enabled = False Button.Caption = "<<< Send the e-mail... >>>" Socket.Close(SockNum) SockNum = 0 Timer1.Enabled = True MailStep=0 end if if LastCode=221 and MailStep=6 then 'last step completed ShowMessage "Mail sent succesfully." ' -> done Status.Caption = "Please enter your e-mail." Timer1.Enabled = False Button.Caption = "<<< Send the e-mail... >>>" Socket.Close(SockNum) SockNum = 0 Timer1.Enabled = True MailStep=0 end if select case MailStep 'Send the mail case 1 'This mail is from... Status.Caption = "Negotiating transfer [step 1/2]..." Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "MAIL FROM:<"+Edit2.Text+">") MailStep=2 case 2 'We're gonna send it to... Status.Caption = "Negotiating transfer [step 2/2]..." Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "RCPT TO:<"+Edit3.Text+">") MailStep=3 case 3 'Dear server, I'd like to give you this "letter"... Status.Caption = "Starting mail transfer..." Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "DATA") MailStep=4 case 4 '... and here it goes Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "From: "+Edit2.Text+" <"+Edit2.Text+">") Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "To: "+Edit3.Text) Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "X-Priority: 3") Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "X-MSMail-Priority: Normal") Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "X-Mailer: Rapid-Q Express Mailer by DarkWulf V. 1.01") Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "Reply-to: "+Edit2.Text) Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "Subject: "+Edit4.Text) Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset="+chr$(34)+"iso-8859-1"+chr$(34)) Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit") Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "Status:") for a=1 to TextBox.LineCount Status.Caption = "Sending mail ["+ltrim$(rtrim$(str$(int(100/TextBox.LineCount*a))))+"%]..." t$=TextBox.Line(a) if mid$(t$,1,1)="." then t$="."+t$ 'one single dot=end of mail end if Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, t$) next a Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, ".") MailStep=5 case 5 'Log out Status.Caption = "Transfer complete ... logging out..." Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "QUIT") MailStep=6 end select END IF Timer1.Enabled = True END SUB SUB ButtonClick 'Begin to send the mail IF Button.Caption = "<<< SENDING MAIL >>>" THEN 'Abort it Status.Caption = "Please enter your e-mail." Timer1.Enabled = False Button.Caption = "<<< Send the e-mail... >>>" Socket.Close(SockNum) SockNum = 0 Timer1.Enabled = True MailStep=0 EXIT SUB END IF SockNum = Socket.Connect(Edit1.Text, 25) 'Connect to port 25 MailStep=0 IF SockNum > 0 THEN Timer1.Enabled = False Button.Caption = "<<< SENDING MAIL >>>" Status.Caption = "Connecting to "+Edit1.Text+"..." LastLine=Socket.ReadLine(SockNum) LastCode=val(mid$(LastLine,1,3)) 'Get 3 digit error code if LastCode>400 then 'indicates error message ShowMessage "Error: "+LastLine Status.Caption = "Please enter your e-mail." Timer1.Enabled = False Button.Caption = "<<< Send the e-mail... >>>" Socket.Close(SockNum) SockNum = 0 Timer1.Enabled = True MailStep=0 end if MailStep=1 Socket.WriteLine(SockNum, "HELO localhost") 'Hello server! Timer1.Enabled = True ELSE SockNum = 0 ShowMessage "Unable to connect to: "+Edit1.Text 'Couldn't connect to 'server END IF END SUB MainForm.ShowModal 'Start the MainForm