'=========================================================================== ' Subject: A BASIC SHELL V1.0 Date: 08-14-99 (20:50) ' Author: Mathew Wilson Code: PB ' Origin: lastime16@hotmail.com Packet: PB.ABC '=========================================================================== ' This is the Source Code for "A Basic Shell". ' This Source Code and Program is copyrighted by Mathew Wilson ' This Source Code was Written in Power Basic Ver 3.2 ' ' This File may be changed and distributed as long as the original ' "A Basic Shell.exe" (or "ABASIC~1.exe"), Shell.bas and Shell.txt ' is distributed with the changed file/files. ' ' Any further Questions can be sent to lastime16@hotmail.com ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Starting Variables shell "c:" shell "cd\" current_drive$ = "c:" directory_series$ = "" current_directory$ = "" Press_Key$ = "" Run_Program$ = "" 'Credits cls locate 7,31: Print "_______________________" locate 8,30: Print "| A Basic Shell |" locate 9,30: Print "| Version 1.0 |" locate 10,30: Print "| |" locate 11,30: Print "| Copyrighted and |" locate 12,30: Print "| Created By |" locate 13,30: Print "| Mathew Wilson |" locate 14,30: Print "| |" locate 15,30: Print "| lastime16@hotmail.com |" locate 16,30: Print "|_______________________|" Loop_A: Press_Key$ = Inkey$ If Press_Key$="" goto Loop_A: 'Start Screen Start_Screen: cls locate 1,5: Print "Directory" locate 2,5: Print "^" locate 1,20: Print "Run" locate 2,20: Print "^" locate 1,29: Print "Options" Locate 2,29: Print "^" locate 1,43: Print "Dos" locate 2,45: Print "^" Locate 1,52: Print "Quit" Locate 2,52: Print "^" locate 4,1: Shell "dir/w" Loop_B: Press_Key$ = Inkey$ If Press_Key$="D" goto Directory: If Press_Key$="d" goto Directory: If Press_Key$="R" goto Runn: If Press_Key$="r" goto Runn: If Press_Key$="O" goto Options: If Press_Key$="o" goto Options: If Press_Key$="S" goto Dos: If Press_Key$="s" goto Dos: If Press_Key$="Q" goto Quit: If Press_Key$="q" goto Quit: Goto Loop_B: 'Change Drive/Directory Routine Directory: locate 1,5: Print "DIRECTORY" locate 2,5: Print "~~~~~~~~~" locate 4,1: Print " __________________________________________________" locate 5,1: Print "| Current Drive: |" locate 6,1: Print "| ^ "; Current_Drive$;" |" locate 7,1: Print "| |" locate 8,1: Print "| Current Directory: |" Locate 9,1: Print "| ^ "Directory_Series$;" |" locate 10,1: Print "| |" locate 11,1: Print "| Okay |" locate 12,1: Print "| ^ |" Locate 13,1: Print "|__________________________________________________|" Loop_C: Press_Key$ = Inkey$ If Press_Key$="D" goto Change_Drive: If Press_Key$="d" goto Change_Drive: If Press_Key$="C" goto Change_Directory: If Press_Key$="c" goto Change_Directory: If Press_Key$="O" goto Start_Screen: If Press_Key$="o" goto Start_Screen: Goto Loop_C: Change_Drive: Locate 5,3: Print "CURRENT DRIVE" Locate 6,3: Print "~~~~~~~ ~~~~~" Locate 7,17: Input Current_Drive$ Locate 16,5: Shell Current_Drive$ Goto Directory: Change_Directory: Locate 8,3: Print "CURRENT DIRECTORY" Locate 9,3: Print "~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~" Locate 10,17: Input Current_Directory$ Locate 16,5: Shell "cd "+Current_Directory$ Directory_Series$ = Directory_Series$ + "\" + Current_Directory$ Goto Directory: 'Run Program Routine Runn: locate 1,20: Print "RUN" locate 2,20: Print "~~~" locate 4,1: Print " __________________________________________________" locate 5,1: Print "| |" locate 6,1: Print "| Run: |" locate 7,1: Print "| |" Locate 8,1: Print "|__________________________________________________|" locate 7,6: Input Run_Program$ If Run_Program$ = "" Then Goto Start_Screen: Shell Run_Program$ Goto Start_Screen: 'Change Options Routine Options: locate 1,29: Print "OPTIONS" Locate 2,29: Print "~~~~~~~" locate 4,1: Print " __________________________________________________" locate 5,1: Print "| |" locate 6,1: Print "| There are currently no options. |" locate 7,1: Print "| Check Later Versions. |" Locate 8,1: Print "|__________________________________________________|" Loop_D: Press_Key$ = Inkey$ If Press_Key$="" goto Loop_D: Goto Start_Screen: 'Dos Prompt Routine Dos: locate 1,43: Print "DOS" locate 2,43: Print "~~~" locate 4,1: Print " __________________________________________________" locate 5,1: Print "| |" locate 6,1: Print "| A Basic Shell - DOS Mode - Type Exit to return |" Locate 7,1: Print "|__________________________________________________|" Locate 8,1: Print " " Print " " Print " " Print " " Print " " Print " " Print " " Print " " Print " " locate 6,1: Shell Goto Start_Screen: 'Quit Program Quit: locate 4,1: Print " __________________________________________________" locate 5,1: Print "| |" locate 6,1: Print "| Yes Do You Want to Quit? No |" locate 7,1: Print "| ^ ^ |" Locate 8,1: Print "|__________________________________________________|" Loop_E: Press_Key$ = Inkey$ If Press_Key$="y" goto End_: If Press_Key$="Y" goto End_: If Press_Key$="n" goto Start_Screen: If Press_Key$="N" goto Start_Screen: Goto Loop_E: End_: