'=========================================================================== ' Subject: TEXT CREDIT SCROLLER Date: 07-05-99 (00:57) ' Author: Tal Bereznitskey Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: berzniz@ibm.net Packet: MISC.ABC '=========================================================================== DECLARE SUB writetext (text$, speed#) 'Tal Bereznitskey (berzniz@ibm.net) 'http://fifa99.cyber-soccer.net/fsh-flash/ 'http://members.tripod.com/~god9/ ' 'This is a TEXT SCROLL... i made it in 7 minutes and 37 seconds(and i had 'to answer the phone twice in the middle). it takes text and write it in a 'cool way on the screen. the idea is from a program called Cheat-Machine-2 'and i also used it on FSH-Flash(check page for a really really cool/amazing 'utility made in QB4.5 ' 'ENJOY! ' DECLARE SUB pause (tdelay#) DECLARE SUB delay (times%) DEFINT A-Z SCREEN 13 'use screen 13 (you must) CLS 'clear screen(altough it is already clear) FOR i = 1 TO 11 'go thru all text lines READ a$ 'get a line from the data into a$ writetext a$, .01 'write it to screen at speed 0.01 NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 10 'do this ten times: writetext "", .01 'moves everything up and clears screen NEXT i 'From here on it's just the text DATA "Tal Bereznitskey presents" DATA "" DATA "" DATA "The CREDIT SCROLLER" DATA "ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ" DATA "Usually used in (old) films" DATA "but now you can use it in QB" DATA "i don't know why you'd want to" DATA "but you can !" DATA "" DATA "berzniz@ibm.net" DEFSNG A-Z SUB pause (howmuch#) time# = TIMER DO LOOP WHILE (TIMER - time# < howmuch#) OR (time# > TIMER) END SUB SUB writetext (text$, speed#) lentext = LEN(text$) 'get length of text FOR t = 1 TO lentext 'go thru all text characters LOCATE 24, 20 - (lentext \ 2) + t - 1 'sends cursor to the right place PRINT MID$(text$, t, 1) + CHR$(219); 'print the char and a Û after it pause speed# 'delay NEXT t LOCATE 24, 20 - (lentext \ 2) 'sends cursor to the right place PRINT text$ + " ": pause .00001 'this is used to clear the Û LOCATE 24, 20: PRINT CHR$(219); 'draw a Û and it will scroll screen pause speed# 'delay LOCATE 24, 20: PRINT " "; 'clear Û PRINT 'scroll screen END SUB