'=========================================================================== ' Subject: .NES ROMS IMAGE DISPLAYER Date: 06-29-99 (12:44) ' Author: David A. Wicker Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: topaz817@netzero.net Packet: MISC.ABC '=========================================================================== ' >> EditNes v0.1 -- Written by David A. Wicker -- topaz817@fastlane.net ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' As always, if you borrow anything from any source code for your ' shareware projects, please give credit to the original author! ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Yup! If you have your hot little hands on a .NES file then this program ' is for you! ' If you don't have any .NES files, don't ask me! There's literally ' thousands for download. Use your favorite internet search engine to ' locate them. ' [ENTER] or [SPACE] - get next page ' Be patient! Just tap that [ENTER] until something ' interesting pops up on the screen, then use your keys ' "1" - "6" to make it easier to see for yourself. ' [BACKSPACE] - go back one page ' "-" OR "+" increment or decrement by one character (for use with Quad) ' "Q" enter or leave Quad mode (useful for finding all those images of people ' in any of the Final Fantasy ROMs ' "[" or "]" increment or decrement by 4 characters (shifting quad by one) ' "1","2","3","4","5","6" change the palette's appearance to locate images ' of people AND stuff. ' These instructions below are for Win98 users. ' So what do you do after you have some images, be it sprites or fonts on ' your screen you are ready to rip for your freeware projects ? ' Well, first off, can you see the word (Start) at the bottom-left hand ' corner of your display, if so, skip this next step. ' Hold down the [ALT] key and lightly tap the [ENTER] once. Release both. ' click on the picture of the dotted line square at the top of the screen. ' If you don't see this dotted line square, move the mouse pointer so it ' sits on top of the MSDOS icon in the top-left hand corner. Tap the ' mouse button once and select TOOLBAR. ' There! Now it should appear! After clicking on the dotted line square ' a select field will appear, use the right arrow key and go all the way to ' the right, then the down arrow key to go all the way down. ' When you have highlighted the entire screen, click on the picture of ' the clipboard. There! You just made a copy of SCREEN 13 to Win98's ' Clipboard! Bring up your favorite paint program and PASTE it in with ' SHIFT-INSERT. Naturally you gotta change the colors to what YOU want! ' To get back to full-screen DOS mode (which you should always be in anyways ' for running any of William Yu's nice programs), just hit the ALT-ENTER once ' again. Enjoy! DEFINT A-Z '$DYNAMIC DECLARE SUB ShutDown () DECLARE SUB GetKey () DECLARE SUB RGB (N, R, G, B) CLS LOCATE 24 INPUT "Name of nintendo rom:", F$ IF F$ = "" THEN END SHELL "copy " + F$ + ".nes editnes.nes" DEF FNC$ (A$, A) = MID$(A$, A, 1) DEF FNCTRL$ (A$) = CHR$(ASC(A$) - 64) R(0) = 21: G(0) = 42: B(0) = 21 R(1) = 63: G(1) = 50: B(1) = 50 R(2) = 42: G(2) = 21: B(2) = 0 Pat$ = "012 021 102 120 201 210" SCREEN 13 FOR I = 0 TO 2 RGB 17 + I, R(I), G(I), B(I) NEXT OPEN "r", 1, "editnes.nes", 1 FIELD 1, 1 AS R.C$ Again: LINE (0, 0)-(319, 199), 0, BF FOR I = 0 TO 15 FOR J = 0 TO 31 FOR M = 0 TO Quad FOR N = 0 TO Quad X = (J + N) * 8 Y = (I + M) * 8 FOR K = 0 TO 7 N& = N& + 1 GET 1, N& C = ASC(R.C$) GET 1, N& + 8& C2 = ASC(R.C$) Y = Y + 1 FOR L = 0 TO 7 XX = 2 ^ (7 - L) IF C AND XX THEN PSET (X + L, Y), 17 IF C2 AND XX THEN PSET (X + L, Y), 18 IF C AND XX AND C2 AND XX THEN PSET (X + L, Y), 19 ' >> ^ We're doing some boolean logic and bit-math comparisons here! ' See if you can see what this does! NEXT NEXT N& = N& + 8 NEXT NEXT J = J + Quad NEXT I = I + Quad NEXT EN.1: GetKey IF VAL(K$) > 0 AND VAL(K$) < 7 THEN V = VAL(K$) FOR I = 0 TO 2 RGB 17 + VAL(FNC$(Pat$, (V - 1) * 4 + I + 1)), R(I), G(I), B(I) NEXT GOTO EN.1 END IF IF K$ = "[" THEN N& = N& - 64 IF K$ = "]" THEN N& = N& + 64 IF K$ = "-" THEN N& = N& - 16 IF K$ = "+" THEN N& = N& + 16 IF K$ = "Q" THEN Quad = 1 - Quad N& = N& - 8192& IF K$ = " " OR K$ = CHR$(13) THEN N& = N& + 8192 IF K$ = CHR$(8) THEN N& = N& - 8192 GOTO Again REM $STATIC SUB GetKey : SHARED K$ DO K$ = UCASE$(INKEY$) LOOP UNTIL K$ > "" IF K$ = CHR$(27) OR K$ = FNCTRL$("Q") THEN ShutDown END SUB SUB RGB (N, R, G, B) OUT &H3C8, N OUT &H3C9, R OUT &H3C9, G OUT &H3C9, B END SUB SUB ShutDown CLOSE KILL "editnes.nes" SCREEN 0: WIDTH 80 END END SUB