'=========================================================================== ' Subject: CAPTURE GRAPHICS TSR Date: 01-28-99 (17:00) ' Author: Randall L. Glass Code: PB ' Origin: rlglass@yahoo.com Packet: PB.ABC '=========================================================================== ' Capture ' By Randall L Glass ' Copyright 1998 'You may do anything you want with this program as long as you give me 'credit in the aknowledgments section of the program 'This program is as is.No claims are made for it x& = SETMEM(-500000) 'release unused memory dim static display%(19210) declare sub viewgph shared display%(),address& popup KEY CHR$(8,30,247) ' ALT-A is the hot key print"GPH SCREEN CAPTURE PROGRAM gosub anykey PRINT "Popping down now . . ." WHILE 1=1 POPUP SLEEP "sleep.tsr" def seg = varseg(display%(0)) address&=varptr(display%(0)) if pbvScrnmode?=12 then gmode?=12 gosub get12 end if if pbvScrnmode?=11 then gmode?=11 get (0,0)-(639,479),display% bsave "\graphics\temp.gph", address&,bytelength&& end if gosub anykey entername: locate 10,1 print "enter name of file .GPH format" print"(up to eight letters only)" print input gname$ input"Is this right (Y/N)";yes$ yes$=ucase$(yes$) if yes$<>"Y" then goto entername if gmode?=11 then name "\graphics\temp.gph" as "\graphics\"+gname$+".ghp" put (0,0),display% end if if gmode?=12 then name "\graphics\graph.1" as "\graphics\"+gname$+".1" name "\graphics\graph.2" as "\graphics\"+gname$+".2" name "\graphics\graph.3" as "\graphics\"+gname$+".3" name "\graphics\graph.4" as "\graphics\"+gname$+".4" end if open "\graphics\"+gname$+".dat" for output as #2 print #2,gmode? close #2 WEND Anykey: locate 25,30:print "press any key" keyloop: ky$=inkey$ if ky$="" then goto keyloop return get12: bytelength&&=38420 get (0,0)-(639,119),display% bsave "\graphics\graph.1", address&,bytelength&& get (0,120)-(639,239),display% bsave "\graphics\graph.2", address&,bytelength&& get (0,240)-(639,359),display% bsave "\graphics\graph.3", address&,bytelength&& get (0,360)-(639,479),display% bsave "\graphics\graph.4", address&,bytelength&& return sub viewgph screen 12 bload "\graphics\graph.1", address& put (0,0),display% bload "\graphics\graph.2", address& put (0,120),display% bload "\graphics\graph.3", address& put (0,240),display% bload "\graphics\graph.4", address& put (0,360),display% end sub