'=========================================================================== ' Subject: FUNCTIONAL CHESS GAME Date: 09-21-98 (15:57) ' Author: Bill Rogers Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: WRogers824@aol.com Packet: GAMES.ABC '=========================================================================== '============================================================================ ' Program: Warlord x.1 a one ply chess program Released: 09/21/98 ' Saved as LORDX2.BAS Modified: 09/25/98 ' Written by: Wm.H.Rogers Email at: wrogers824@aol.com ' See the end of the program for additional comments... B.R. '============================================================================ DEFINT A-Z 'makes everything run faster KEY OFF 'erase bottom line COLOR 0, 3 'set Initializeial color CLS 'clear the screen DIM ChessBoard(120), Index(19), CentControl(120), Capture(6) 'needed arrays DIM A$(16), B$(13) 'needed arrays for graphics GOTO Initialize 'go Initializeialize the game '------------------- In check subroutine ------------------------------------ InCheck: 'first we find our king FOR I = 21 TO 98 'search squares IF ChessBoard(I) * Side = King THEN K = I 'if king is there save it in K NEXT 'next square '------------------- Attackers and defenders -------------------------------- Attackers: Check = True 'set incheck flag to check R = K 'put king position in R '------------------- Look for checking by pawns ----------------------------- K = K + L * 9 IF ChessBoard(K) * Side = -Pawn GOTO IC4'if in check by pawn exit K = K + L * 11 IF ChessBoard(K) * Side = -Pawn GOTO IC4'if in check by pawn exit '------------------- Look for checking by knights --------------------------- FOR I = 9 TO 16 'directions for knights K = R 'restore king's position K = K + Index(I) 'get knights position IF ChessBoard(K) * Side = -Knight GOTO IC4 'if in check by knight exit NEXT I 'next position K = R 'restore king's position '------------------- Look for checking by bishops --------------------------- FOR I = 1 TO 4 'directions for bishops FOR J = 1 TO 7 'steps in each direction K = K + Index(I) 'get bishops position IF ChessBoard(K) = 99 THEN 'is position off the board J = 7 'end steps in this direction GOTO IC1 'try next direction END IF IF ChessBoard(K) * Side > 0 THEN 'is color of man computer's J = 7 'end step in this direction GOTO IC1 'try next direction END IF IF ChessBoard(K) * Side = -Bishop GOTO IC4 'if in check by bishop exit IF ChessBoard(K) * Side < 0 THEN 'is position another enemy ? J = 7 'end step in this direction END IF IC1: NEXT J 'next step K = R 'reset king's position NEXT I 'next direction K = R 'reset king's position '-------------------- Look for checking by rooks ---------------------------- FOR I = 5 TO 8 'directions for rooks FOR J = 1 TO 7 'steps in each direction K = K + Index(I) 'get rook's position IF ChessBoard(K) = 99 THEN 'is position off the board J = 7 'end step in this direction GOTO IC2 'try next direction END IF IF ChessBoard(K) * Side > 0 THEN 'is color of man computer's J = 7 'end steps in this direction GOTO IC2 'try next direction END IF IF ChessBoard(K) * Side = -Rook GOTO IC4 'if in check by rook exit IF ChessBoard(K) * Side < 0 THEN 'is position another enemy? J = 7 END IF IC2: NEXT J 'next step K = R 'reset king's position NEXT I 'next direction K = R 'reset king's position '-------------------- Look for checking by queen ---------------------------- FOR I = 1 TO 8 'directions for queen's FOR J = 1 TO 7 'step in each direction K = K + Index(I) 'get queen's position IF ChessBoard(K) = 99 THEN 'is position off the board J = 7 'end step in this direction GOTO IC3 'try next direction END IF IF ChessBoard(K) * Side > 0 THEN 'is color of man computers J = 7 'end steps in this direction GOTO IC3 'try next direction END IF IF ChessBoard(K) * Side = -Queen GOTO IC4 'in check by queen ? IF ChessBoard(K) * Side < 0 THEN 'is position another enemy ? J = 7 'end steps in this direction END IF IC3: NEXT J 'next step K = R 'reset king's position NEXT I 'next direction K = R 'reset king's position '-------------------- Look for checking by king ----------------------------- FOR I = 1 TO 8 'directions for kings K = R 'reset king's position K = K + Index(I) 'get position IF ChessBoard(K) * Side = -King GOTO IC4 'in check by enemy king exit NEXT 'next direction Check = False 'if here we are not in check IC4: RETURN 'end of incheck subroutine '-------------------- Evaluation Subroutine --------------------------------- Evaluate: '-------------------- From here we get position control --------------------- Points = CentControl(Too) 'points for center control '-------------------- Developement stratagies if out of book ---------------- '----- on the first move. This came before I learned how to make books.------ IF M > 1 GOTO Ev1 'out of book 1st move IF Too = 64 THEN Points = Points + 20 'points for center squares IF Too = 65 THEN Points = Points + 20 'points for center squares GOTO Ev6 Ev1: IF M > 9 GOTO Ev2 'if move > 9 skip development points IF Sqrs > 90 THEN Points = Points + 20 'push back row for developement IF MyMan = Knight THEN Points = Points + 3 'push knights points IF MyMan = Rook AND CC$ = "Y" THEN 'if man is a rook and we have not Points = Points - 5 'castled yet - penalize END IF IF MyMan = Queen THEN Points = Points - 2 'don't move queen in early game '-------------------- Develope pawn structures ------------------------------ Ev2: IF MyMan <> Pawn GOTO Ev3 'if not pawn skip Points = Points + 2 'points for moving pawns IF ChessBoard(Too - 11) = Side * Pawn THEN 'build pawn chains Points = Points + 5 END IF IF ChessBoard(Too - 9) = Side * Pawn THEN 'build pawn chains Points = Points + 5 END IF IF ChessBoard(Too + 9) = Side * Pawn THEN 'build pawn chains Points = Points + 5 END IF IF ChessBoard(Too + 11) = Side * Pawn THEN 'build pawn chains Points = Points + 5 END IF '-------------------- Don't move king pawns --------------------------------- IF ChessBoard(Sqrs + 9) = Side * King THEN 'if pawn by our king don't move Points = Points - 5 END IF IF ChessBoard(Sqrs + 10) = Side * King THEN 'if pawn by our king don't move Points = Points - 10 END IF IF ChessBoard(Sqrs + 11) = Side * King THEN 'if pawn by our king don't move Points = Points - 5 END IF IF Sqrs = 81 THEN Points = Points + 5 'push outside edge pawns IF Sqrs = 88 THEN Points = Points + 5 'push outside edge pawns '-------------------- Develope rooks ---------------------------------------- Ev3: IF MyMan <> Rook GOTO Ev6 'if not rook the skip IF Too < 40 THEN Points = Points + 2 'points 4 rook in enemy territory FOR J = 5 TO 8 'start directions for rooks I = Too 'set I to rooks position Ev4: I = I + Index(J) 'get new position for rook IF ChessBoard(I) = 0 GOTO Ev4 'if empty get next position IF ChessBoard(I) = 99 GOTO Ev5 'if off board get next direction IF ChessBoard(I) * Side < 0 GOTO Ev5 'if enemy man get next direction IF ChessBoard(I) * Side <> Rook GOTO Ev5 'if not rook next direction Points = Points + 10 'points for rook protecting rook J = 8 'end of search directions Ev5: NEXT J 'get next direction '-------------------- some extra logic -------------------------------------- Ev6: IF MyMan = King THEN Points = Points - 5 'don't move king IF Too = Z1 THEN Points = Points - 5 'don't move to last square again IF CK = 1 THEN Points = Points + 250 'points for castling '-------------------- Capture exchange evaluator ---------------------------- MPoints = Capture(ABS(EnemyMan)) 'enemy man captured points K = Too 'set man on move incheck pos GOSUB Attackers 'gosub incheck IF Check = False GOTO Ev7 'if man not in check skip swapoff MPoints = MPoints - Capture(MyMan) 'computer man captured ATT = ABS(ChessBoard(K)) 'save enemy position of checking man K = Too 'set man incheck pos Side = -Side 'switch sides L = 1 'used for pawns GOSUB Attackers 'see if man protected IF Check = True THEN MPoints = MPoints + Capture(ATT) 'recapture points END IF IF ATT > MyMan THEN MPoints = MPoints - Capture(ATT) Side = -Side 'switch sides back to normal '-------------------- See if our queen is in danger ------------------------- Ev7: IF MyMan = Queen GOTO Ev9 'if queen skip FOR I = 21 TO 99 'search squares IF ChessBoard(I) * Side = Queen THEN K = I 'if found queen save position NEXT 'next square IF K < 99 THEN GOSUB Attackers 'if queen found see if incheck IF Check = True THEN Points = Points - 150'penalty for queen in danger '---------- the next two functions are only used in a one ply game ---------- '------------------- See if enemy king is in check -------------------------- Side = -Side 'switch sides L = 1 'used for pawns GOSUB InCheck 'see if enemy king is in check Side = -Side 'switch sides again L = -1 'used for pawns IF Check = True THEN 'if in check the give points Points = Points + 10 'enemy king in check points END IF '-------------------- Final move selector based on scores ------------------- Ev9: IF Points + MPoints >= Best GOTO Ev10 'if best move so far save it RETURN 'return to move generator Ev10: F = Sqrs: T = Too 'save computer's from-to position GOSUB GetFromPos 'get ascii from coordinates GOSUB GetToPos 'get ascii to coordinates LOCATE 2, 60: PRINT E$; " "; 'print position of current move LOCATE 3, 60: PRINT "Position: "; Points; " "; LOCATE 4, 60: PRINT "Material: "; MPoints; " "; LOCATE 5, 60: PRINT "Score: "; MPoints + Points; " "; FF = Sqrs 'save best position from TT = Too 'save best position to Best = Points 'save best score so far RETURN 'return to move generator '--------- Opening Book ----------------------------------------------- Books: RESTORE BookData Side = -Side 'switch sides L = -1 'switch pawn logic IF K$ = "W" GOTO Bk1 'if computer is white skip M = M + 1 'increment move counter LOCATE 16, 58 'locate move location PRINT M; " "; 'print current move Bk1: IF BookOn$ = "N" GOTO GenMoves 'if no more books skip Book$ = "*" 'set start flag for book moves N = 0 'set blank space counter FOR K = 90 TO 20 STEP -10 'scan chess board FOR J = 1 TO 8 'scan chess board IF ChessBoard(K + J) = 0 THEN 'is square empty ? N = N + 1: GOTO Bk4 'count space END IF IF N = 0 GOTO Bk2 'this means we found a man N$ = STR$(N) 'store blank squares counter Book$ = Book$ + RIGHT$(N$, LEN(N$) - 1) 'put results in book string N = 0 'reset space counter Bk2: I = ChessBoard(K + J) 'get contents of square IF I < 0 GOTO Bk3 'if black skip Book$ = Book$ + B$(I) 'store white man in book string GOTO Bk4 'try next step Bk3: Book$ = Book$ + B$(I + 14) 'store black man in book string Bk4: NEXT J 'next step NEXT K 'next direction N$ = STR$(M) 'get move number Book$ = Book$ + "*" + RIGHT$(N$, LEN(N$) - 1) 'set end flag & store move number Bk5: READ D$ 'read book data IF D$ = "END" THEN 'if we are at the end BookOn$ = "N" 'the set books to "N"o more GOTO GenMoves 'out of book so goto to genmoves END IF D1$ = LEFT$(D$, 1) 'read data IF D1$ <> "*" GOTO Bk5 'our books start with a "*" IF Book$ <> D$ GOTO Bk5 'compare with boardscan TP = 0 'it will hold book optional move % RD = (RNIndex(1) * 100) 'generate a random number Bk6: READ D$, N$ 'get next data D1$ = LEFT$(N$, 1) 'check left side IF D1$ = "*" GOTO Bk7 'if "*" then goto execute IF N$ = "END" GOTO Bk7 'if "end" goto execute PC = VAL(N$) 'save optinal percent number TP = TP + PC 'add it to TP IF RD > TP GOTO Bk6 'is random > our number - try again Bk7: X1$ = RIGHT$(D$, 4) 'used to convert to numbers that X1 = ASC(X1$) - 64 'the computer can use to make Y1$ = RIGHT$(D$, 3) 'the required move indicated by Y1 = ASC(Y1$) - 48 'our opening book data X2$ = RIGHT$(D$, 2) X2 = ASC(X2$) - 64 Y2$ = RIGHT$(D$, 1) Y2 = ASC(Y2$) - 48 IF Side = White THEN 'convert for white moves X1 = 9 - X1 Y1 = 9 - Y1 X2 = 9 - X2 Y2 = 9 - Y2 END IF F = 10 * Y1 + 10 + X1 'convert to from to format T = 10 * Y2 + 10 + X2 LOCATE 2, 60 ' PRINT "Book"; 'print move on top of screen GOTO Ex6 'goto execute moves '--------- Move Generator ---------------------------------------------- GenMoves: MC = 0 'set move counter to zero FOR Sqrs = 21 TO 98 'start move square search IF ChessBoard(Sqrs) = 0 GOTO Gm12 'if square is empty next square IF ChessBoard(Sqrs) = 99 GOTO Gm12 'if square is off board next square IF ChessBoard(Sqrs) * Side < 0 GOTO Gm12 'if it is not our man next square P1 = ChessBoard(Sqrs) 'save piece ChessBoard(Sqrs) = 0 'remove piece from board Too = Sqrs 'save current square MyMan = ABS(P1) 'get absolute value of man W = From(MyMan) 'get starting move direction X2 = Too(MyMan) 'get ending move direction Z = Steps(MyMan) 'get steps in each direction IF MyMan = Pawn GOTO Gm3 'if piece is a pawn goto pawn moves FOR D = W TO X2 'get first direction FOR N = 1 TO Z 'get first step Too = Too + Index(D) 'look at new square IF ChessBoard(Too) = 99 GOTO Gm2 'if off the board get next direction IF ChessBoard(Too) * Side > 0 GOTO Gm2 'if our man is there get next direction IF ChessBoard(Too) = 0 GOTO Gm1 'if square is empty goto make move IF ChessBoard(Too) * Side < 0 THEN N = Z 'if square is enemy man no more steps Gm1: EnemyMan = ChessBoard(Too) 'save contents of new square ChessBoard(Too) = P1 'put computer man there GOSUB InCheck 'see if king is in check IF Check = False THEN 'if king is not in check then GOSUB Evaluate 'gosub evaluate move END IF 'if king is incheck then skip evalue ChessBoard(Too) = EnemyMan 'restore squares original contents NEXT N 'try next direction Gm2: Too = Sqrs 'restore pieces original position NEXT D 'try next direction IF MyMan <> King GOTO Gm11 'if not king then skip '-------------------- Castling checker for computer ------------------------- IF CC$ = "N" GOTO Gm11 'if Comp can not castle then skip ChessBoard(Sqrs) = P1 'get king's position KingPos = Sqrs 'save king's square GOSUB InCheck 'see if king is in check IF Check = True GOTO Gm11 'if he is we can not castle '-------------------- Computer castling testing ----------------------------- IF CR$ = "N" GOTO Cc1 'if castle right = N try left '-------------------- Castle right test ------------------------------------- IF ChessBoard(96) <> 0 GOTO Cc1 'if not empty try other side IF ChessBoard(97) <> 0 GOTO Cc1 'if not empty try other side K = 96 'set square's position GOSUB Attackers 'see if square is attacked IF Check = True GOTO Cc1 'square is attacked so no castle K = 97 'set square's position GOSUB Attackers 'see if square is attacked IF Check = True GOTO Cc1 'square is attacked so no castle IF KingPos = 94 THEN IF ChessBoard(95) <> 0 GOTO Cc1 K = 95 GOSUB Attackers IF Check = True GOTO Cc1 END IF CK = 1 'set castling flag for evaluation Sqrs = KingPos 'set move from Too = KingPos + 2 'set move to GOSUB Evaluate 'evaluate and put in move list CK = 0 'reset castling flag GOTO Gm11 'goto next move '-------------------- Castle left test -------------------------------------- Cc1: IF ChessBoard(92) <> 0 GOTO Gm11 'if not empty goto next move IF ChessBoard(93) <> 0 GOTO Gm11 'if not empty goto next move K = 92 'set square's position GOSUB Attackers 'see if square is attacked IF Check = True GOTO Gm11 'if incheck goto next move K = 93 'set square's position GOSUB Attackers 'see if square is attacked IF Check = True GOTO Gm11 'if incheck goto next move IF KingPos = 95 THEN IF ChessBoard(94) <> 0 GOTO Gm11 'if not empty goto next move K = 94 'set square's position GOSUB Attackers 'see if square is attacked IF Check = True GOTO Gm11 'if incheck goto next move END IF CK = 1 'set castling flag for evaluation Sqrs = KingPos 'set move from Too = KingPos - 2 'set move to GOSUB Evaluate 'evaluate and put in move list CK = 0 'reset castle flag GOTO Gm11 'goto next move '------------------- Pawn move generator ------------------------------------ Gm3: 'try capture moves first D = W 'get first direction FOR N = 1 TO 2 'get step Too = Too + Index(D) 'get new square IF ChessBoard(Too) = 99 GOTO Gm8 'if off board next direction IF ChessBoard(Too) * Side > 0 GOTO Gm8 'if our man there next move IF Too <> HP GOTO Gm4 'if square not "ep" skip IF ChessBoard(HP + 10) = Side * -Pawn THEN EP = HP + 10 'save enpassant square EnemyMan = ChessBoard(EP) 'get contents of square ChessBoard(EP) = 0 'set square to empty ChessBoard(Too) = P1 'place our pawn GOSUB InCheck IF Check = False THEN GOSUB Evaluate 'evaluate move END IF ChessBoard(Too) = 0 'reset chess board ChessBoard(EP) = EnemyMan 'put enpassant pawn back ELSE GOTO Gm4 'if not legal goto next move END IF Gm4: IF ChessBoard(Too) = 0 GOTO Gm8 'if square empty next direction Gm5: IF Too > 30 THEN GOTO Gm8 'if moving to king row make a queen EnemyMan = ChessBoard(Too) 'save board contents ChessBoard(Too) = Side * Queen 'put a new queen there GOSUB InCheck IF Check = False THEN GOSUB Evaluate 'evauluate move END IF ChessBoard(Too) = EnemyMan 'restore board contents GOTO Gm8 'goto next move END IF '-------------------- Make regular moves here ------------------------------- EnemyMan = ChessBoard(Too) 'save board contents ChessBoard(Too) = P1 'put our man there GOSUB InCheck IF Check = False THEN GOSUB Evaluate 'evauluate move END IF ChessBoard(Too) = EnemyMan 'restore board contents Gm8: Too = Sqrs 'reset to original position D = D + 1 'change to next direction NEXT N 'make next move '---------- now we try regular moves ---------------------------------------- FOR N = 1 TO 2 'start direction loop Too = Too + Index(D) 'get first direction IF ChessBoard(Too) <> 0 THEN 'if is not empty then N = 2 'no more moves in this direction GOTO Gm10 'try next direction END IF IF Too < 30 THEN 'if moving to king row make a queen E = ChessBoard(Too) 'save board contents ChessBoard(Too) = Side * Queen 'put a new queen there GOSUB InCheck IF Check = False THEN GOSUB Evaluate 'evauluate move END IF ChessBoard(Too) = EnemyMan 'restore board contents GOTO Gm11 'get next direction END IF Gm9: EnemyMan = ChessBoard(Too) 'save board contents ChessBoard(Too) = P1 'put our man there GOSUB InCheck IF Check = False THEN GOSUB Evaluate 'evauluate move END IF ChessBoard(Too) = EnemyMan 'restore board contents IF Sqrs < 80 THEN N = 2 'if not on back no double moves Gm10: NEXT N 'next direction Gm11: ChessBoard(Sqrs) = P1 'put man back on main board Gm12: NEXT Sqrs 'make next computer move '---------- EXECUTE MOVES -------------------------------------------------- IF Best = -1100 THEN 'if Best score is still -1000 LOCATE 17, 60 'then we are still in check and PRINT "CHECKMATE!": END 'can't move so resign. ELSEIF Best = -500 THEN 'if Best score is still -500 LOCATE 17, 60 'we are not in check but can't move PRINT "STALEMATE!": END 'so we resign. END IF F = FF: T = TT 'save From - To Z1 = F: CP = 0 'save from & set comp pawn to 0 '-------------------- Check pawn moves first -------------------------------- IF ABS(ChessBoard(F)) > Pawn GOTO Ex2 'if not pawn skip IF T < 30 THEN QP = 1: GOTO Ex6 'if in last square promote to queen IF F - 20 <> T GOTO Ex1 'if not double move then skip CP = F + (T - F) / 2 'save computer enpassant square GOTO Ex6 'goto execute move Ex1: 'the rest of pawn moves IF T <> HP GOTO Ex6 'if not human enpassant square skip IF ChessBoard(T + 10) * Side = -Pawn THEN 'if human pawn then EP = HP + 10 'we capture enpassant END IF GOSUB WholeMove 'move computer's pawn D$ = E$ 'save ascii move F = EP 'get human's pawns position GOSUB HalfMove 'blank humans pawn square ChessBoard(EP) = 0 'remove it from the board GOTO Ex7 'goto reset board and human move '-------------------- Check for rooks move ---------------------------------- Ex2: IF ABS(ChessBoard(F)) <> Rook GOTO Ex3 'if man not a rook skip IF F = 91 THEN CL$ = "N": GOTO Ex6 'if rook move we can not castle left IF F = 98 THEN CR$ = "N": GOTO Ex6 'if rook move we can not castle right '-------------------- Check for king move ----------------------------------- Ex3: IF ABS(ChessBoard(F)) <> King GOTO Ex6 'if not a king then skip IF F + 2 = T GOTO Ex4 'see if we are castling right IF F - 2 = T GOTO Ex4 'see if we are castling left CC$ = "N" 'so set castle flag to NO GOTO Ex6 'goto execute regular king move Ex4: GOSUB WholeMove 'move king first for castling D$ = E$ 'save ascii move IF Side = White GOTO Ex5 'if not white goto black '-------------------- Make black rooks move --------------------------------- IF F + 2 = T THEN 'if castling right then F = 98: T = 96 'save from-to squares CC$ = "N" 'set castle flag to NO GOSUB WholeMove 'make rook's castling move GOTO Ex7 'goto finish END IF IF F - 2 = T THEN 'if castling left then F = 91: T = 94 'save from-to squares CC$ = "N" 'set castle flag to NO GOSUB WholeMove 'make rook's castling move GOTO Ex7 'goto finish END IF '-------------------- Make white rooks move --------------------------------- Ex5: IF F + 2 = T THEN 'if castling right then F = 98: T = 95 'save from-to squares CC$ = "N" 'set castle flag to NO GOSUB WholeMove 'make rook's castling move GOTO Ex7 'goto finish END IF IF F - 2 = T THEN 'if castling left then F = 91: T = 93 'save from-to squares CC$ = "N" 'set castle flag to NO GOSUB WholeMove 'make rook's castling move GOTO Ex7 'goto finish END IF Ex6: GOSUB WholeMove 'make regular move D$ = E$ 'save ascii move Ex7: Side = -Side 'switch sides L = 1 'switch pawn logic GOSUB InCheck 'see if enemy king is in check LOCATE 17, 60 'set message location IF Check = True THEN 'if enemy in check then PRINT "CHECK!"; 'print message ELSE PRINT " "; 'else erase message area END IF IF K$ = "W" THEN 'if it is white's turn then print LOCATE 15, 58 'move number,white's move and PRINT M; A$; ","; D$; 'print black's move on higest LOCATE 13, 60 'location and tell human that PRINT "Your-Move"; 'it is his turm GOTO HumanInput 'goto human input END IF LOCATE 16, 58 'if we are white then print PRINT M; D$; ","; 'move number and our move LOCATE 13, 60 PRINT "Your-Move"; 'tell opponent it is his turn '--------------------- Human input ----------------------------------- HumanInput: L = 1 'set pawn logic switch G = 58 'set graphic print @ location IF Side = White THEN M = M + 1 'if human is white then increment Hu1: 'move counter IF Side = White THEN LOCATE 16, G PRINT M; " "; END IF IF Side = Black THEN 'if human is black then G = 63 LOCATE 16, G + 3 PRINT " "; 'clear his input area END IF LOCATE 17, 60: PRINT " "; 'clear check message area A$ = "" 'set move input string to null O = 0 'set input counter to 0 Hu2: B$ = INKEY$ 'get input IF B$ = "" OR B$ = CHR$(13) GOTO Hu2 A$ = A$ + UCASE$(B$) 'add input to A$ O = O + 1 'increment input counter IF A$ = "S" GOTO SaveGame 'if input = S then save game IF A$ = "L" GOTO LoadGame 'if input = L then load game IF A$ = "Q" THEN END 'if input = Q then quit LOCATE 16, G + 3: PRINT A$; 'print move on screen IF O < 4 GOTO Hu2 'if less than 4 characters get more X1$ = RIGHT$(A$, 4): X1 = ASC(X1$) - 64 'convert to real numbers Y1$ = RIGHT$(A$, 3): Y1 = ASC(Y1$) - 48 'convert to real numbers X2$ = RIGHT$(A$, 2): X2 = ASC(X2$) - 64 'convert to real numbers Y2$ = RIGHT$(A$, 1): Y2 = ASC(Y2$) - 48 'convert to real numbers IF X1 < 1 OR X1 > 8 OR Y1 < 1 OR Y1 > 8 GOTO Hu1 'bad input IF X2 < 1 OR X2 > 8 OR Y2 < 1 OR Y2 > 8 GOTO Hu1 'bad input IF Side = Black THEN X1 = 9 - X1 'change cooridinates for black Y1 = 9 - Y1 ' X2 = 9 - X2 ' Y2 = 9 - Y2 ' END IF F = 10 * Y1 + 10 + X1 'change to board locations T = 10 * Y2 + 10 + X2 ' IF Side * ChessBoard(F) <= 0 GOTO Hu1 'if empty square get new input IF Side * ChessBoard(T) > 0 GOTO Hu1 'if enemy man get new input Sqrs = F: Too = Sqrs 'save move coordinates Legal$ = "Y" 'set legal string to Yes P1 = ChessBoard(Sqrs) 'get type man from chessboard ChessBoard(Sqrs) = 0 'set location to 0 MyMan = ABS(P1) 'save abs man type W = From(MyMan): X2 = Too(MyMan): Z = Steps(MyMan) 'get index to moves IF MyMan = Pawn GOTO Hu6 'if man is a pawn goto pawn logic FOR D = W TO X2 'increment directions FOR N = 1 TO Z 'increment steps in direction Too = Too + Index(D) 'increment move IF ChessBoard(Too) = 99 GOTO Hu5 'if off board get next direction IF ChessBoard(Too) * Side > 0 GOTO Hu5 'if enemy man next direction IF ChessBoard(Too) = 0 GOTO Hu3 'if square is empty try it IF ChessBoard(Too) * Side < 0 THEN N = Z 'if his own man there next move Hu3: IF Too <> T GOTO Hu4 'if this is not his move next step EnemyMan = ChessBoard(Too) 'save contents of square ChessBoard(Too) = P1 'put his man there GOSUB InCheck 'see if he is in check ChessBoard(Too) = EnemyMan 'reset board contents IF Check = False GOTO Hu10 'if not in check goto make move Hu4: NEXT N 'next step Hu5: Too = Sqrs 'reset to initial move position NEXT D 'goto next direction IF MyMan = King AND HC$ = "Y" GOTO Hu11 '--------------- If we get to the next line the move was not found ---------- GOTO Hu9 'goto illegal flag '-------------------- Pawn move checking starts here ------------------------ Hu6: FOR D = W TO W + 1 'set direction index Too = Too + Index(D) * -1 'try capture move IF ChessBoard(Too) = 99 GOTO Hu7 'if off board get next direction IF ChessBoard(Too) * Side > 0 GOTO Hu7 'if his man is there next IF Too = CP GOTO Hu10 'human is capturing enpassant IF ChessBoard(Too) = 0 GOTO Hu7 'if square is empty try next direction IF Too = T GOTO Hu10 'if this is his move make it Hu7: Too = Sqrs 'reset original position NEXT D 'next direction FOR N = 1 TO 2 'increment move counter Too = Too + Index(D) * -1 'try forward moves IF ChessBoard(Too) <> 0 THEN 'if square not empty then N = 2 'no more moves in this direction GOTO Hu8 'try next step END IF IF Too = T GOTO Hu10 'if this is his move make it IF Sqrs > 40 THEN N = 2 'not on original square no double moves Hu8: NEXT N 'next step Hu9: Legal$ = "N" 'set legal move flag to No Hu10: ChessBoard(Sqrs) = P1 'put man back on chessboard IF Legal$ = "N" THEN 'if not a legal move LOCATE 17, 60: PRINT "Illegal"; 'print message and GOTO Hu1 'goto back to human input ELSE GOTO Hu13 'goto execute human moves END IF Hu11: IF F + 2 = T GOTO Hu12 'castling right IF F - 2 <> T GOTO Hu9 'if not castling left then error IF HL$ = "N" GOTO Hu9 IF ChessBoard(22) <> 0 GOTO Hu9 IF ChessBoard(23) <> 0 GOTO Hu9 K = 22 GOSUB Attackers IF Check = True GOTO Hu9 K = 23 GOSUB Attackers IF Check = True GOTO Hu9 IF F = 24 GOTO Hu10 IF ChessBoard(24) <> 0 GOTO Hu9 K = 24 GOSUB Attackers IF Check = True GOTO Hu9 GOTO Hu10 Hu12: IF HR$ = "N" GOTO Hu9 IF ChessBoard(26) <> 0 GOTO Hu9 IF ChessBoard(27) <> 0 GOTO Hu9 K = 26 GOSUB Attackers IF Check = True GOTO Hu9 K = 27 GOSUB Attackers IF Check = True GOTO Hu9 IF F = 25 GOTO Hu10 IF ChessBoard(25) <> 0 GOTO Hu9 K = 25 GOSUB Attackers IF Check = True GOTO Hu9 GOTO Hu10 '-------------------- Human execute moves start here ------------------------ Hu13: HP = 0 IF ABS(ChessBoard(F)) > Pawn GOTO Hu15 IF T > 90 THEN QP = Pawn: GOTO Hu20 IF F + 20 <> T GOTO Hu14 HP = F + (T - F) / 2 GOTO Hu20 Hu14: IF T <> CP GOTO Hu20 IF ChessBoard(T - 10) * Side = -Pawn THEN EP = CP - 10 GOSUB WholeMove F = EP GOSUB HalfMove ChessBoard(EP) = 0 GOTO Hu21 Hu15: IF ABS(ChessBoard(F)) <> Rook GOTO Hu16 IF F = 21 THEN HL$ = "N": GOTO Hu20 IF F = 28 THEN HR$ = "N" Hu16: IF ABS(ChessBoard(F)) <> King GOTO Hu20 IF F + 2 = T GOTO Hu17 IF F - 2 = T GOTO Hu18 GOTO Hu19 Hu17: GOSUB WholeMove IF F = 25 THEN F = 28: T = 26: GOTO Hu19 F = 28: T = 25 GOTO Hu19 Hu18: GOSUB WholeMove IF F = 24 THEN F = 21: T = 23: GOTO Hu19 F = 21: T = 24 Hu19: HC$ = "N" HL$ = "N" HR$ = "N" Hu20: GOSUB GetFromPos GOSUB MoveFromPos GOSUB GetToPos GOSUB MoveToPos Hu21: Side = -Side L = -1 GOSUB InCheck IF Check = True THEN Best = -1000 ELSE Best = -500 Side = -Side LOCATE 13, 60 PRINT " "; IF K$ = "B" THEN LOCATE 15, 58: PRINT M; D$; ","; A$; : LOCATE 16, 58: PRINT " "; LOCATE 17, 60 IF Best = -1000 THEN PRINT "CHECK!"; ELSE PRINT " "; GOTO Books '-------------------- move pieces on the board ------------------------------ MoveFromPos: U = ChessBoard(F) 'get contents of square GOSUB EmptySquare 'remove it U = SC 'get square color GOSUB FillSquare 'repaint square COLOR 0, 3 RETURN MoveToPos: IF ChessBoard(T) <> 0 THEN SC = ChessBoard(T) END IF U = ABS(SC) ChessBoard(T) = ChessBoard(F) ChessBoard(F) = 0 IF QP = Pawn THEN ChessBoard(T) = Side * Queen QP = 0 END IF U = SC GOSUB FillSquare U = ChessBoard(T) GOSUB EmptySquare COLOR 0, 3 RETURN GetFromPos: X = F - INT(F / 10) * 10 Y = INT((F - 10) / 10) IF Side = Black THEN E$ = CHR$(X + 64) + CHR$(Y + 48) GOTO Mp1 END IF E$ = CHR$(73 - X) + CHR$(57 - Y) GOTO Mp1 GetToPos: X = T - INT(T / 10) * 10 Y = INT((T - 10) / 10) IF Side = Black THEN E$ = E$ + CHR$(X + 64) + CHR$(Y + 48) GOTO Mp1 END IF E$ = E$ + CHR$(73 - X) + CHR$(57 - Y) Mp1: Row = 2 * (9 - Y) + 3 Col = 5 * X + 3 Q = (X + Y) \ 2 Q1 = (X + Y + 1) \ 2 IF Q = Q1 THEN SC = -10 ELSE SC = 10 IF SC = 10 THEN CS = 7 ELSE CS = 3 RETURN EmptySquare: COLOR 15, CS IF U > 0 THEN LOCATE Row, Col: PRINT A$(U); LOCATE Row + 1, Col: PRINT D$(U) RETURN END IF COLOR 0, CS LOCATE Row, Col: PRINT A$(ABS(U)); LOCATE Row + 1, Col: PRINT D$(ABS(U)) RETURN FillSquare: COLOR 7, CS U = SC IF U > 0 THEN LOCATE Row, Col: PRINT A$(U); LOCATE Row + 1, Col: PRINT D$(U) RETURN END IF COLOR 3, CS LOCATE Row, Col: PRINT A$(ABS(U)); LOCATE Row + 1, Col: PRINT D$(ABS(U)) RETURN WholeMove: GOSUB GetFromPos GOSUB MoveFromPos GOSUB GetToPos GOSUB MoveToPos RETURN HalfMove: GOSUB GetFromPos GOSUB MoveFromPos RETURN '-------------------- Initialize the game ----------------------------------- Initialize: LOCATE 10, 25: PRINT "THE WARLORD x.1" LOCATE 12, 30: PRINT "A chess program" LOCATE 13, 30: PRINT "By Wm H Rogers" LOCATE 15, 14: PRINT "What is your color (B/W) "; In1: K$ = INKEY$ 'get user choice K$ = UCASE$(K$) 'convert to upper case IF K$ <> "W" AND K$ <> "B" GOTO In1 'black or white only IF K$ = "W" THEN Side = 1 ELSE Side = -1 'set color of side selected '-------------------- logical variables ------------------------------------- True = 1: False = 0: White = 1: Black = -1 King = 6: Queen = 5: Rook = 4: Bishop = 3: Knight = 2: Pawn = 1 '-------------------- values of chessmen ------------------------------------ Capture(0) = 0: Capture(Pawn) = 100: Capture(Knight) = 300 Capture(Bishop) = 320: Capture(Rook) = 500: Capture(5) = 900 Capture(King) = 5000 '-------------------- used to make chess books moves ------------------------ B$(1) = "P": B$(2) = "N": B$(3) = "B": B$(4) = "R" B$(5) = "Q": B$(6) = "K": B$(8) = "k": B$(9) = "q" B$(10) = "r": B$(11) = "b": B$(12) = "n": B$(13) = "p" '-------------------- create chess board ------------------------------------ FOR K = 0 TO 119 'first we fill board with 99's ChessBoard(K) = 99 'as 99's are off the board NEXT FOR K = 1 TO 8 'now we fill chessboard with men READ I 'read men type ChessBoard(20 + K) = Side * I 'place white men ChessBoard(90 + K) = Side * -I 'place black men ChessBoard(30 + K) = Side * Pawn 'place white pawns ChessBoard(80 + K) = Side * -Pawn 'place black pawns NEXT K DATA 4,2,3,5,6,3,2,4 FOR K = 40 TO 70 STEP 10 'now we fill the center squares FOR I = 1 TO 8 'with 0's to represent empty ChessBoard(K + I) = 0 'squares. NEXT I NEXT K IF Side = Black THEN 'if side is black then we ChessBoard(94) = King 'switch positions of Kings ChessBoard(95) = Queen 'and queens. ChessBoard(24) = -King 'the signs of the men were ChessBoard(25) = -Queen 'reversed at setup. END IF FOR E = 20 TO 90 STEP 10 'points for controlling the center FOR K = 1 TO 8 'of the board.the values are based READ I 'upon 1/10th of a pawn's value CentControl(E + K) = I 'they can be increased or decreased NEXT K 'for experientmentation purposes. NEXT E DATA 0, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 1, 0 DATA 2, 3, 5, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2 DATA 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 7, 5, 4 DATA 6, 7, 9, 10, 10, 9, 7, 6 DATA 6, 7, 9, 10, 10, 9, 7, 6 DATA 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 7, 5, 4 DATA 2, 3, 5, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2 DATA 0, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 1, 0 FOR K = 1 TO 16 'these are directions that the READ Index(K) 'chessmen can move NEXT DATA 11,9,-11,-9,-10,-1,1,10,-21,-19,-8,-12,8,12,19,21 '-------------------- here are the graphic chessmen ------------------------- A$(0) = "ÛÛÛÛÛ": D$(0) = A$(0) 'need to print white squares A$(1) = " Ñ ": A$(2) = " ÍË " 'pawn - knight D$(1) = " Ï ": D$(2) = " ÍÊÍ " A$(10) = A$(0): D$(10) = A$(10) 'this is need also for black squares A$(3) = " Å ": A$(4) = " ÉË» " 'bishop - rook D$(3) = " óñò ": D$(4) = " Èʼ " A$(5) = " Èμ ": A$(6) = " Úñ¿ " 'queen - king D$(5) = " ÍÊÍ ": D$(6) = " Ôʾ " W1$ = "ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»" W2$ = "º º" W3$ = "º ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ º" W4$ = "º ³ ³ º" W5$ = "º ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ º" W6$ = "ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ" W7$ = " A B C D E F G H" W8$ = " H G F E D C B A" Y$ = "ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ " Z$ = " ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ" FOR I = 1 TO 6 'used for locating move directions READ From(I), Too(I), Steps(I) 'in Index array for chessmen. NEXT DATA 3,4,1,9,16,1,1,4,7,5,8,7,1,8,7,1,8,1 CLS COLOR 0, 6 'set color to black on brown LOCATE 2, 3: PRINT W1$ 'the following W#$'s are for LOCATE 3, 3: PRINT W2$ 'printing a "wooden chess board" LOCATE 4, 3: PRINT W3$ FOR I = 5 TO 20 LOCATE I, 3 'fill in the edges of the board PRINT W4$ NEXT LOCATE 21, 3: PRINT W5$ 'fill in the bottom of the board LOCATE 22, 3: PRINT W2$ LOCATE 23, 3: PRINT W6$ COLOR 7, 3 GOSUB Init1 CC$ = "Y": CL$ = "Y": CR$ = "Y" 'computer can castle flags HC$ = "Y": HL$ = "Y": HR$ = "Y" 'human can castle flags G = 63 COLOR 0, 3 'swap colors IF Side = White THEN GOTO HumanInput ELSE GOTO Books END IF Init1: COLOR 7, 3 'swap colors FOR I = 5 TO 17 STEP 4 LOCATE I, 8: PRINT Y$ 'prints blank squares LOCATE I + 1, 8: PRINT Y$ LOCATE I + 2, 8: PRINT Z$ LOCATE I + 3, 8: PRINT Z$ NEXT I COLOR 0, 3 'swap colors LOCATE 1, 4 PRINT "Options: Save - Load - Quit"; LOCATE 1, 60 PRINT "WarlorD x.1" 'print all headings LOCATE 7, 60 PRINT "WarlorD", 'pring clock headings LOCATE 8, 60 PRINT "00:00:00" LOCATE 10, 60 PRINT "Opponent"; 'pring clock headings LOCATE 11, 60 PRINT "00:00:00"; K = 99 'this is where the man are put FOR Y = 8 TO 1 STEP -1 'on the visible chessboard FOR X = 8 TO 1 STEP -1 Init2: K = K - 1 IF ChessBoard(K) = 99 GOTO Init2 'if off the board then skip IF ChessBoard(K) = 0 GOTO Init3 'if square is empty then skip GOSUB Mp1 U = ChessBoard(K) 'put man on the board GOSUB EmptySquare 'draw man on the board Init3: NEXT X NEXT Y COLOR 0, 6 'swap colors IF K$ = "B" GOTO Init4 I = 5 FOR J = 8 TO 1 STEP -1 LOCATE I, 4: PRINT J; 'print ascii numbers for locating men LOCATE I, 49: PRINT J; I = I + 2 NEXT LOCATE 3, 8: PRINT W7$; 'print ascii letter for locating men LOCATE 22, 8: PRINT W7$; COLOR 0, 3 'swap colors RETURN Init4: I = 5 FOR J = 1 TO 8 LOCATE I, 4: PRINT J; 'print ascii numbers for locating men LOCATE I, 49: PRINT J; I = I + 2 NEXT LOCATE 3, 8: PRINT W8$; 'print ascii letter for locating men LOCATE 22, 8: PRINT W8$; COLOR 0, 3 'swap colors RETURN '-------------------- This is where we save a game -------------------------- SaveGame: OPEN "O", 1, "CHESS.DAT" FOR I = 20 TO 90 STEP 10 FOR J = 1 TO 8 PRINT #1, ChessBoard(I + J); NEXT PRINT #1, " " NEXT PRINT #1, CC$; ","; CR$; ","; CL$; ","; HC$; ","; HR$; ","; HL$; ","; K$; ","; D$; ","; Side; ","; IF Side = White THEN M = M - 1 PRINT #1, M CLOSE END '-------------------- This is where we load a saved game -------------------- LoadGame: OPEN "I", 1, "CHESS.DAT" FOR I = 20 TO 90 STEP 10 FOR J = 1 TO 8 INPUT #1, ChessBoard(I + J) NEXT NEXT INPUT #1, CC$, CR$, CL$, HC$, HR$, HL$, K$, D$, Side, M CLOSE GOSUB Init1 IF K$ = "B" THEN LOCATE 16, 58: PRINT M; D$; ","; GOTO HumanInput '-------------------- This is where the chess books are stored -------------- BookData: DATA"*rnbqkbnrpppppppp32PPPPPPPPRNBKQBNR*1","E2E4","75","D2D4" DATA"*rnbkqbnrppp1pppp11p7P12PPP1PPPPRNBKQBNR*2","B1C3" DATA"*rnbkqb1rppp1pppp5H5p7P9N2PPP1PPPPRNBKQB1R*3","G1F3" DATA"*rnbqkbnrpppppppp20P11PPPP1PPPRNBQKBNR*1","E7E5" DATA"*rnbqkbnrpppp1ppp12p7P8N2PPPP1PPPRNBQKB1R*2","B8C6" DATA"*r1bqkbnrpppp1ppp2n9p7P5N2N2PPPP1PPPR1BQKB1R*3","G8F6" DATA"*r1bqkb1rpppp1ppp2n2n6p5B1P5N2N2PPPP1PPPR1BQK2R*4","F8C5" DATA"END" '---------- Comments on the program ----------------------------------------- ' This program was orginally written in interpretive basic and as such ' it employs several things that are no longer in vogue. In Ibasic, a pro- ' gram could be made to run faster by two techinques.. 1. by ordering the ' variables in a Dim statement (the most used variables are accessed first. ' and 2. by putting the most use subroutines at the beginning of the program. ' Ibasic would always look for Gotos and Gosubs by starting at the begining ' of the program until it fould the line number called for. ' I also found that, at least in QBasic, that Gosubs run faster than using ' Sub's. ' Here is a summary of the subroutines used in my program. ' 1. InCheck: is actuall two subs in one. First it locates the king and then ' is finds all pieces attacking that square. It exits the sub upon finding ' a attacking piece and that pieces location is in the variable "K". ' This makes makes the program more useful as it can find attacks on other ' men by setting their location to "K" and going to Attackers: ' 2. Evualuation: is just what the program infers, and can be changed as ' by the operator/programmer as desired. The weights are for trial pur- ' poses only and may not represent the Best. ' 3. Books: is where the program looks to see if an opening book has been ' defined by the program. It is not the most efficent, but it works. ' The books can be expanded simply by hitting Control-Break after the ' program leaves the book subroutine and generates a move on its own. ' At this point pressing 'F6' and printing Book$ you can see what the ' chess board looked like at that point. Simply print that line, ' then press 'F6' again the paste the line at the end of the program, ' preceded by a "Data" statement. Then enclose you suggest move in ' quotes. By adding a number in quotes after the move, you can suggest ' an alternative move. The number is the percentage of the time the ' program will chose the first move. ' 4. Genmoves: is where the program generates all of its legal moves. It ' castle when it can and make enpassant captures when it is possible and ' they are advantageous. The first thing the program does is find a man ' of its own color, then it goes to InCheck to see if that move puts its ' king in check, if so it rejects the move. If not it then goes to the ' Evualuate subroutine, rates the move, and stores it as Best if it is ' determined to actually the best, if not it simply returns to GenMove. ' After finding its best move it falls into the execute the move and ' does just that. After making its move it switches sides and determines ' if the enemy king is in check and goes to HumanInput. ' In the begining of the computer moves "Best is set to 400 if the ' the program is in check when it starts is move gen. or 200 if it is ' not. If after trying to find a legal move and it can't it prints the ' message CheckMate you win or Stalemate, and then quits. ' 5. HumanInput: only accepts 4 commands: "Q" for quit, "S" for save the game ' "L" for loading a previously saved game, or a standard move entered as ' "E2E4" without spaces, however, it in entering a move, you hit a wrong ' key before the last digit is entered, you can hit "x" or "z" or ' any other key and it will void the move and try again. It won't do that ' unless 4 keystrokes have been entered and back spaces are not allowed. ' It checks that you are moving your own man and that the move is legal. ' If so, it makes the move, if not it prints "Illegal" goes back to ' input again. My legal checking is not 100% true, but if you don't ' cheat, it should work. After making its move it goes to see if its ' king is in check and set the approiate flag before going to Books:. ' If it has no more books stored it goes to GenMoves:. ' 6. The subroutines following HumanInput are for calculating the position ' of the chessmen on the board and putting them there. Because some ' moves require moving more that one man "castling" or enpassant there ' are some subroutines that only make half a move before making a full ' move later. DON'T REMOVE THESE SUBROUTINES. ' 7. Initialize: creates the chess board and the centercontol board as: ' chess board centercontrol board ' 99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ' 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,99 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ' 99, 4, 2, 3, 5, 6, 3, 2, 4,99 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 1, 0, 0 ' 99, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,99 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2, 0 ' 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,99 0, 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 7, 5, 4, 0 ' 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,99 0, 6, 7, 9,10,10, 9, 7, 6, 0 ' 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,99 0, 6, 7, 9,10,10, 9, 7, 6, 0 ' 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,99 0, 4, 5, 7, 8, 8, 7, 5, 4, 0 ' 99,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,99 0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 6, 5, 3, 2, 0 ' 99,-4,-2,-3,-5,-6,-3,-2,-4,99 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 4, 3, 1, 2, 0 ' 99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ' 99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99,99 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ' If the computer is black only The outside edges of this ' the signs are refersed. The board are really not needed as ' computer is always at the top only the center square witch ' of the screen. The #'s 99 are correspond to the real chess ' always off the board. board are accessed. ' However. you can put in any values ' that you want to try as these are ' only starting values based upon ' the value of one pawn = 100 ' You can try as high as 150 for the ' center squares if you want. ' A final note: ' I have never taken a class on programming, I am self taught, so some of ' my coding may not be the best. If anyone who uses this program wants to ' makes changes, feel free to do so. If you make it play better, or optimize ' any of the coding, please forward the new version of the program so as I ' can record the changes for future releases. I am giving this program as ' freeware to use as you see fit. At the current time it is not very strong. ' It is only a one-ply program, however, it has been stated that the better ' a program plays at one-ply, the better it will play at depth (many-plys). ' You can Email me at: WROGERS824@AOL.COM any comments or changes. ' I deleted the clock subroutines as they messed up the on-board computer ' clock. I just could not figure out how to do it better at this time. ' The program as it stands now has been in existance for 19 years. ' Thanks to all of you. Bill Rogers.