'=========================================================================== ' Subject: QBASIC PROGRAMMER V1.0 Date: 07-06-98 (17:27) ' Author: Nitin Reddy Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: reddy@emirates.net.ae Packet: MISC.ABC '=========================================================================== 'Qbasic Programmer By Nitin Reddy ' 'If anyone figures out how to add background music as in the ABC packet reader 'email to : reddy@emirates.net.ae with the modified file attached to it. ' 'Since this is the first version, the next version will have more possibilities 'better menu system and help. ' ' DECLARE SUB DrawLine () DECLARE SUB DrawPoint () DECLARE SUB WriteText () DECLARE SUB Playmusic () DECLARE SUB ScreenMode () DECLARE SUB Halt () DECLARE SUB ColorChang () DECLARE SUB Finish () CLS PRINT PRINT " Qbasic programmer Ver 1.0" PRINT VIEW PRINT 4 TO 24 GetFilename: 'INPUT "Enter filename : ", File$ 'IF INSTR(File$, ".") = 0 THEN 'File$ = File$ + ".bas" 'IF LEN(File$) > 12 THEN PRINT "Filename too large!": GOTO GetFilename 'END IF File$ = "CON" PRINT OPEN File$ FOR APPEND AS #1 DO CLS PRINT " 1) Draw a line" PRINT " 2) Draw a point" PRINT " 3) Write something" PRINT " 4) Change the screen mode" PRINT " 5) Wait" PRINT " 6) Play musical note" PRINT " 7) Change colour" PRINT " 8) Close file" PRINT SELECT CASE INPUT$(1) CASE "1": DrawLine CASE "2": DrawPoint CASE "3": WriteText CASE "4": ScreenMode CASE "5": Halt CASE "6": Playmusic CASE "7": ColorChang CASE "8": CLOSE : SYSTEM END SELECT LOOP SUB ColorChang CLS INPUT " Enter colour : ", COL$ PRINT #1, "COLOR " + COL$ END SUB SUB DrawLine CLS PRINT INPUT "Starting Point (X1,Y1): ", X1$, Y1$ INPUT "Ending Point (X2, Y2) : ", X2$, Y2$ INPUT "Colour (1-15) : ", C$ PRINT #1, "LINE (" + X1$ + "," + Y1$ + ")-(" + X2$ + "," + Y2$ + "), " + C$ END SUB SUB DrawPoint CLS PRINT INPUT " Enter coordinates of point (X,Y) : ", X$, Y$ INPUT " Enter color : ", C$ PRINT #1, "PSET (" + X$ + "," + Y$ + "), " + C$ END SUB SUB Halt CLS INPUT "Enter no. of seconds : ", SEC$ PRINT #1, "SLEEP " + SEC$ END SUB SUB Playmusic CLS LINE INPUT " Enter Notes : ", Txt$ PRINT #1, "PLAY " + CHR$(34) + Txt$ + CHR$(34) END SUB SUB ScreenMode CLS INPUT "Enter screen mode : ", SCR$ PRINT #1, "SCREEN " + SCR$ END SUB SUB WriteText CLS LINE INPUT " Enter text : ", Txt$ PRINT #1, "PRINT " + CHR$(34) + Txt$ + CHR$(34) END SUB