'=========================================================================== ' Subject: SOME GRAPHICS HELP Date: 02-26-98 (14:45) ' Author: David A. Wicker Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: pyramax@fastlane.net Packet: FAQS.ABC '=========================================================================== '>So..When you said the thing about "TA", how can I use this to rotate the '>actual ship. I learned something from that E-mail, and It was useful, but I '>need to know how to actully work for me. I tried using DRAW "BMa, bTA" + A$ + '>"U", (where a and b are the coordinates) ,but it didn't work. So how do I get '>it to rotate the ship? Also, your explanation of how the enemy moves was, '>very general. Can you give me a more specific explanation? 'Read the HELP on the DRAW command very carefully. All the value components 'must be in a string format. ' Simple Triangle rotation - David W. 02/26/98 SCREEN 7, 0, 1, 0 FOR I = 0 TO 359 CLS A$ = "ta" A$ = A$ + STR$(I) A$ = A$ + "s50bm160,100bm+0,-1m-1,+2m+2,+0m-1,-2" DRAW A$ PCOPY 1, 0 NEXT ' * This rotates a nice little triangle * 'As for objects chasing one another ' Simple chase stationary target - David W. 02/26/98 RANDOMIZE TIMER SCREEN 7, , 1, 0 H = INT(RND(1) * 320) V = INT(RND(1) * 200) X = INT(RND(1) * 320) Y = INT(RND(1) * 200) Again: CLS IF X < H THEN X = X + 1 IF X > H THEN X = X - 1 IF Y < V THEN Y = Y + 1 IF Y > V THEN Y = Y - 1 CIRCLE (H, V), 7 CIRCLE (X, Y), 7, 12 PCOPY 1, 0 IF X <> H OR Y <> V THEN GOTO Again 'Hopefully this will explain it. Also, SCREEN 7 is once again, very good 'for flicker-free graphics. I recommend it for all beginner game projects. 'I'm looking forward to seeing your final product for the game, also, you 'should use ARROW keystrokes to move your ships around, not the E,S,D,F . ':) 'To simplify drawing elements as they can get pretty messy: '"s50bm160,100bm+0,-1m-1,+2m+2,+0m-1,-2" 'You should first make a QBasic program that lets you easily draw your own 'images and have it generate the source code to MERGE into your own 'projects.