'=========================================================================== ' Subject: EASY QUESTIONS Date: 03-25-98 (18:24) ' Author: Clive Dutton Code: QB, PDS ' Origin: Clive.Dutton@health.wa.gov.au Packet: MISC.ABC '=========================================================================== DECLARE SUB ButtonPressed (number%) 'Draws a pushed-in button DECLARE SUB CursorOn () 'Puts the mouse cursor on the screen DECLARE SUB CursorOff () 'Takes the mouse cursor off the screen DECLARE FUNCTION CursorOnButton% (number%) 'Returns -1 if mouse cursor on specified button DECLARE SUB CheckPressed (number%) 'Checks if specified button is pressed DECLARE SUB CheckReleased (number%) 'Checks if specified button is released DECLARE SUB Initmouse () 'Initialises mouse DECLARE SUB Initarrow () 'Initialises the arrow DECLARE SUB InitCursor () 'Initialises the mouse cursor DECLARE SUB ButtonReleased (number%) 'Draws a released button '$INCLUDE: 'QB.BI' DEFINT A-Z TYPE buttontype x AS INTEGER 'Column and row positions y AS INTEGER text AS STRING * 20 active AS INTEGER '-1 if 'pressable', 0 if not END TYPE DIM SHARED inreg AS RegTypeX, outreg AS RegTypeX, button(10) AS buttontype, numberButtonPressed CONST mouse = 51, userfont = 16, true = -1, false = 0 Initmouse Initarrow InitCursor ' data for arrow DATA 128,192,192,224,240,240,248,252,252,254,255,252,216,24,12,12 CLS 10001 c = 1 SCREEN 0 RANDOMIZE TIMER DIM scren$(80, 80) s = 1 COLOR 0, 7: CLS 'Init buttons button(0).x = 3 button(0).y = 3 button(0).text = "a" button(0).active = true button(1).x = 3 button(1).y = 6 button(1).text = "b" button(1).active = true button(2).x = 3 button(2).y = 9 button(2).text = "c" button(2).active = true button(3).x = 3 button(3).y = 12 button(3).text = "d" button(3).active = true button(4).x = 71 button(4).y = 21 button(4).text = "exit" button(4).active = true button(5).x = 3 button(5).y = 21 button(5).text = "next" button(5).active = true button(6).x = 61 button(6).y = 21 button(6).text = "jump" button(6).active = true button(7).x = 71 button(7).y = 15 button(7).text = "beep" button(7).active = true button(8).x = 51 button(8).y = 21 button(8).text = "copy" button(8).active = true GOTO 13000 1010 IF k$ = "q" THEN END CLS ButtonReleased 0 ButtonReleased 1 ButtonReleased 2 ButtonReleased 3 ButtonReleased 4 ButtonReleased 5 ButtonReleased 6 ButtonReleased 7 ButtonReleased 8 CursorOn DO KEY 15, CHR$(4 + 128 + 32 + 64) + CHR$(70) ON KEY(15) GOSUB NoBreak: KEY(15) ON KEY 16, CHR$(4 + 128) + CHR$(70): ON KEY(16) GOSUB NoBreak: KEY(16) ON KEY 17, CHR$(4 + 128 + 32) + CHR$(70): ON KEY(17) GOSUB NoBreak KEY(17) ON: KEY 18, CHR$(4 + 128 + 64) + CHR$(70): ON KEY(18) GOSUB NoBreak KEY(18) ON: KEY 19, CHR$(4) + CHR$(70): ON KEY(21) GOSUB NoBreak KEY(21) ON: KEY 22, CHR$(4 + 64) + CHR$(70) ON KEY(22) GOSUB NoBreak: KEY(22) ON: KEY 23, CHR$(4 + 32) + CHR$(46) ON KEY(23) GOSUB NoBreak: KEY(23) ON: KEY 24, CHR$(4 + 64) + CHR$(46) ON KEY(24) GOSUB NoBreak: KEY(24) ON KEY 25, CHR$(4 + 32 + 64) + CHR$(46): ON KEY(25) GOSUB NoBreak: KEY(25) ON IF INKEY$ = CHR$(13) THEN END COLOR 1 pu$ = "##. &" s$ = " &. &" 1 IF INKEY$ = CHR$(27) THEN END READ qno, q$, a1$, a2$, a3$, a4$, cr$, ca$ IF qno = -99 THEN LOCATE 22, 14: PRINT "That's it, the end of the questions.": GOSUB 25000 IF qno = -99 THEN GOTO 15000 1002 IF LEN(q$) < 142 THEN q$ = q$ + " ": GOTO 1002 1003 IF LEN(a1$) < 67 THEN a1$ = a1$ + " ": GOTO 1003 1004 IF LEN(a2$) < 67 THEN a2$ = a2$ + " ": GOTO 1004 1005 IF LEN(a3$) < 67 THEN a3$ = a3$ + " ": GOTO 1005 1006 IF LEN(a4$) < 67 THEN a4$ = a4$ + " ": GOTO 1006 1001 LOCATE 1, 1 COLOR 0 PRINT USING pu$; qno; q$ COLOR 14 LOCATE 4, 11 PRINT a1$ LOCATE 7, 11 PRINT a2$ LOCATE 10, 11 PRINT a3$ LOCATE 13, 11 PRINT a4$ COLOR 0 LOCATE 16, 31: PRINT " " 2 LOCATE 16, 11 5 PRINT "Click a,b,c, or d ": GOTO 24700 6 COLOR 9: LOCATE 16, 31: PRINT k$ IF k$ = "s" THEN 21000 IF k$ = "p" THEN 22000 LOCATE 16, 35 IF k$ = "q" THEN COLOR 0: END IF k$ <> "a" THEN IF k$ <> "b" THEN IF k$ <> "c" THEN IF k$ <> "d" THEN GOTO 2 IF k$ = "a" THEN IF cr$ = "a" THEN correct = correct + 1: answer = 1: COLOR 2: PRINT "C O R R E C T" ELSE COLOR 4: PRINT "W R O N G ": wrong = wrong + 1: GOSUB 20000: GOTO 3 IF k$ = "b" THEN IF cr$ = "b" THEN correct = correct + 1: answer = 1: COLOR 2: PRINT "C O R R E C T" ELSE COLOR 4: PRINT "W R O N G ": wrong = wrong + 1: GOSUB 20000: GOTO 3 IF k$ = "c" THEN IF cr$ = "c" THEN correct = correct + 1: answer = 1: COLOR 2: PRINT "C O R R E C T" ELSE COLOR 4: PRINT "W R O N G ": wrong = wrong + 1: GOSUB 20000: GOTO 3 IF k$ = "d" THEN IF cr$ = "d" THEN correct = correct + 1: answer = 1: COLOR 2: PRINT "C O R R E C T" ELSE COLOR 4: PRINT "W R O N G ": wrong = wrong + 1: GOSUB 20000: GOTO 3 3 COLOR 15 LOCATE 17, 1: PRINT "Answer: "; : COLOR 14: PRINT cr$: COLOR 15 LOCATE 18, 1 PRINT ca$ COLOR 0 LOCATE 22, 15: PRINT "P r o g r e s s i v e s c o r e " LOCATE 23, 19: COLOR 2: PRINT "Correct "; correct; " ": LOCATE 23, 35: COLOR 4: PRINT "Wrong "; wrong; " " GOSUB 20000 COLOR 9 1007 GOTO 24800 1008 LOCATE 16, 31: PRINT k$ LOCATE 17, 8: PRINT " " LOCATE 18, 1: PRINT " " LOCATE 19, 1: PRINT " " IF k$ = "q" THEN END IF k$ = "s" THEN 21000 GOTO 1 230 DATA 1, "What is the colour of the black-box flight recorder used on modern jets?" 231 DATA "It is a bright colour." 232 DATA "Black." 234 DATA "Grey - a dark shade." 236 DATA "Jet black." 237 DATA "a" 238 DATA "A bright colour, yellow or red, to make it more visible amongst the debris of a plane crash." 240 DATA 2, "How many wise men or magi does the bible say came from the east to be at the side of baby Jesus?" 241 DATA "There were three kings from the orient." 242 DATA "There were three who gave gold, frankinsense and myrhh." 244 DATA "It could be 5 or more, but it doesn't really say." 246 DATA "They weren't wise men, magi or kings - they were the apostles." 247 DATA "c" 248 DATA "It doesn't say. If you want to go by prophesy, there could be 5 or more." 250 DATA 3, "The 'Battle of Bunker Hill' was an important battle in the American war of independence. On what hill was it fought?" 251 DATA "It was fought on Bunker Hill." 252 DATA "It was fought on the hill next to Bunker Hill." 254 DATA "It was on the very top of Bunker hill." 256 DATA "It was fought on the slopes of Bunker Hill." 257 DATA "b" 258 DATA "It was fought on Breed's Hill, the hill next to Bunker Hill." 260 DATA 4,"Ever seen a cowboy movie; those ten gallon hats. How many gallons does a ten gallon hat hold?" 261 DATA "Less than one." 262 DATA "Ten." 264 DATA "Just over ten." 266 DATA "About nine and a half." 267 DATA "a" 268 DATA "About two-thirds of a gallon." 10 DATA 5 ,"How many are there in a baker's dozen?" 11 DATA "12 of course." 12 DATA "13 - an extra one to ensure that the weight is OK." 14 DATA "144 - it means a gross." 16 DATA "6 -two lots make a proper dozen." 17 DATA "b" 18 DATA "There are 13 in a baker's dozen. Minimum bread weights were set in 15C England. In order to avoid jail an extra loaf, bun or roll was added to the dozen." 20 DATA 6, "What is black gold?" 21 DATA "Gold that is painted black." 22 DATA "Gold that is still in an unrefined state." 24 DATA "Gold obtained on the black market." 26 DATA "Oil" 27 DATA "d" 28 DATA "Black gold is oil,it is called 'black gold' because of its precious nature." 30 DATA 7, "What is Texas tea?" 31 DATA "It is the 'T', the first letter of the word 'Texas'." 32 DATA "It is oil." 34 DATA "It is a special variety of tea that is grown in Texas." 36 DATA "It is the name of a ceremonial tea service, held at 11:00 am." 37 DATA "b" 38 DATA "Texas tea is oil, so named because of its abundance." 40 DATA 8,"Young lads are often called 'Snowy' because of their white hair. What colour hair do people have who are called 'Bluey'?" 41 DATA "The name 'Bluey' relates to them getting into fights, not hair.' 42 DATA "Blue" 44 DATA "White" 46 DATA "Red" 47 DATA "d" 48 DATA "People called bluey have red hair - and blue or green eyes." 50 DATA 9, "The royal family are blue bloods. What colour blood does the royal family have?" 51 DATA "Red - same colour as everbody else." 52 DATA "Blue - due to genetic changes over centuries." 54 DATA "It is a purplish colour but called blue as a differentiation.' 56 DATA "The colour relates to the royals frequently having 'blue babies'." 57 DATA "a" 58 DATA "Their blood colour is red. The colour blue relates to the royal blue standard colour on their ensigns." 60 DATA 10, "In the sport of rowing, their are competitions for singles, pairs and eights. How many crew are there in an eights rowing team?" 61 DATA "Any number, the crew includes all of the training staff." 62 DATA "Nine." 64 DATA "Eight." 66 DATA "The 'eight' really refers to 'weight', a limit on crew size.' 67 DATA "b" 68 DATA "There are nine. Eight rowers and a cox." 70 DATA 11, "You have heard the phrase 'Not worth a red cent'. What colour is a red cent?" 71 DATA "Red." 72 DATA "Aluminium - silver type colour." 74 DATA "Crimson." 76 DATA "It doesn't matter." 77 DATA "d" 78 DATA "It is copper-coloured. The 'red' refers to 'commumist' and relates to the worthlessness of the currency, in times of galloping inflation." 80 DATA 12,"Non-colloquially speaking, if you had a terrific time, would you have enjoyed it?' 81 DATA "You would have been in raptures." 82 DATA "Yes." 84 DATA "No, you would have been frightened." 86 DATA "All of the above." 87 DATA "c" 88 DATA "You would have been frightened, terrified in fact. 'Terrific' is an adjective of the word 'terror'." 90 DATA 13, "How many chins does a two-faced person have?" 91 DATA "Depends upon how fat they are." 92 DATA "At least three." 94 DATA "Two - one for each face." 96 DATA "One." 97 DATA "d" 98 DATA "One. Being two-faced relates to different attitudes about the same topic to different people. Nothing to do with the anatomy of the head." 100 DATA 14, "What does a 'nose bag' usually contain?" 101 DATA "Food." 102 DATA "Handkerchiefs." 103 DATA "Noses." 104 DATA "Sweet-smelling fragrances." 105 DATA "a" 106 DATA "A nose bag contains food. It relates to a bag of chaff that is placed over a horse's nose in order that it can stand and eat." 113 DATA 15,"When a racehorse grows an extra leg, how many shoes are needed?" 114 DATA "Five." 115 DATA "Four." 116 DATA "Eight - that is two sets." 117 DATA "None - because unfortunately it will be shot." 118 DATA "b" 119 DATA "Four. The expression 'grows an extra leg' refers to an unexpected increase in the speed of the horse." 120 DATA 16, "If you were black-listed or put on the black list, what colour would the list be? 121 DATA "Blue - after the expression 'black and blue'." 122 DATA "Black." 124 DATA "Probably white." 126 DATA "Sort of a dark grey." 127 DATA "c" 128 DATA "Probably white, if there was a list at all it would probably be of white paper. The word black does not refer to colour but to 'persons out of favour'." 130 DATA 17, "What is the diameter of a boxing ring?" 131 DATA "Nil." 132 DATA "Twenty-seven feet." 134 DATA "Nine yards." 136 DATA "Just over eight meters." 137 DATA "a" 138 DATA "Nil. A boxing ring is square, it does not have a diameter." 140 DATA 18,"If a person is caught 'red-handed'. What colour are their hands?" 141 DATA "White." 142 DATA "Red." 144 DATA "Pink." 146 DATA "Not relevant." 147 DATA "d" 148 DATA "Not relevant. It means that you have been caught in the act. It comes from being caught after a murder with red blood on the hands." 150 DATA 19, "What sort of reception would you get if you called a party line?" 151 DATA "Any one of a number of people may answer the phone." 152 DATA "You would be invited to a party." 154 DATA "You would be invited to join the party." 156 DATA "There would be a lot of party noises." 157 DATA "a" 158 DATA "Any one person may answer the phone. A party line is one telephone line that is connected to more than one handset. 160 DATA 20, "A blue-eyed boy has usually what coloured eyes?" 161 DATA "Can be any colour." 162 DATA "Blue." 163 DATA "Blue with a greenish tinge." 164 DATA "Brown." 165 DATA "a" 166 DATA "Can be any colour. A blue-eyed boy is a favoured person." 173 DATA 21,"How fast would you do something if you did it in 'less than no time'?" 174 DATA "Minus one second." 175 DATA "A moment." 176 DATA "Very quickly." 177 DATA "Instantaneously." 178 DATA "c" 179 DATA "Very quickly. Its just an expression meaning that you would do it quickly." 180 DATA 22, "To which direction does the north wind blow?" 181 DATA "South." 182 DATA "North." 184 DATA "It blows to the north." 186 DATA "It doesn't blow at all." 187 DATA "a" 188 DATA "South. The north wind blows from the north to the south." 190 DATA 23, "Dog tags are usually dangle from what neck?" 191 DATA "A dog's neck." 192 DATA "A soldier's neck." 194 DATA "They don't dangle from a neck, they go on luggage." 196 DATA "Any canine's neck." 197 DATA "b" 198 DATA "A soldier's neck. The identification (ID) tags remind soldiers of ID tags attached to a dogs collar." 200 DATA 24,"Why should you never put your china-plate in a dishwasher?" 201 DATA "Because he is your friend." 202 DATA "Because it will break." 204 DATA "Because fine china should never be placed in an auto dishwasher." 206 DATA "Because the geographical plate upon which China sits is too big." 207 DATA "a" 208 DATA "Your china-plate is rhyming slang for your mate, your friend." 210 DATA 25,"General Grant is a hero from the US civil war. Who is buried in Grant's tomb?" 211 DATA "General Grant is buried there." 212 DATA "General Grant AND his wife are buried there." 214 DATA "The unknown soldier." 216 DATA "Nobody is buried there." 217 DATA "d" 218 DATA "Nobody is buried there. To be buried is to be put in a coffin and earth placed on top. General Grant and his wife are entombed there, not buried." 220 DATA 26, "Where did 'Music soothes the savage beast' come from?" 221 DATA "It is a quote from the Bible." 222 DATA "It is a misquote." 224 DATA "It is from Shakespeare." 226 DATA "It is from Motzart." 227 DATA "b" 228 DATA "It is a misquote. Shakespeare writes 'Music sootheth the savage breast'." 880 DATA 27,"In a parade ground, where is the most likely spot that you would find a truck." 882 DATA "Neatly parked to one side." 884 DATA "Filled with soldiers, somewhere in the middle." 885 DATA "Trucks are not allowed on the parade ground." 886 DATA "On top of the flagpole." 887 DATA "d" 888 DATA "The ball on top of a flagpole is called a 'truck'. 270 DATA 28,"Do you know the book or movie 'The Three Musketeers'. How many musketeers were in the three musketeers." 271 DATA "There were millions of them." 272 DATA "There were four." 274 DATA "There were three." 276 DATA "There were only three at any one time, because they kept dying." 277 DATA "b" 278 DATA "There were four, Aramis, Athos, Porthos and D'Artagnan." 280 DATA 29, "The desert plants 'Salvation Jane' and 'Patterson's Curse', which is the best for cattle?" 281 DATA "Salvation Jane, with a purplish flower." 282 DATA "Patterson's Curse. Patterson was a bad guy." 284 DATA "They must be eaten together." 286 DATA "They are the same thing." 287 DATA "d" 288 DATA "They are the same plant with different names." 290 DATA 30,"The Imam in Islam is the priest. Who is more revered in Islam, Jesus or the Imam?" 291 DATA "Jesus." 292 DATA "The Imam." 294 DATA "Revered about the same." 296 DATA "Non of them are revered." 297 DATA "a" 298 DATA "The major phrophets after Mohammed are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses & Jesus." 300 DATA 31,"The dog days are the hottest days, where did the dog go?" 301 DATA "Out of the sun." 302 DATA "To the other side of the Earth." 304 DATA "Died of heat exhaustion." 306 DATA "For a swim." 307 DATA "b" 308 DATA "To the other side of the earth. 'Dog' relates to the Dog Star, part of a constellation present in summer in the northeren hemisphere." 310 DATA 32, "Who invented the frankfurter?" 311 DATA "An unknown German." 312 DATA "Frank" 314 DATA "Saint Francis of Assisi" 316 DATA "Anne Frank." 317 DATA "a" 318 DATA "Frankfurters came from Frankfurt, a town in Germany. 320 DATA 33,"Why don't the Japanese mind the jibe 'Ah so'?" 321 DATA "Because it means you agree with them." 322 DATA "Because you are saying that you are stupid." 324 DATA "Because you are saying that you love them." 326 DATA "Because you are saying that they are stupid." 327 DATA "b" 328 DATA "Ah so means 'I am stupid'. 330 DATA 34,"On a ship, what time is it when 8 bells are rung?" 331 DATA "It is 8 am." 332 DATA "It is 8 pm." 334 DATA "It is on the hour." 336 DATA "It is time to change shift." 337 DATA "d" 338 DATA "The shift is changed on four bells and eight bells." 340 DATA 35,"Where did the saying 'Money is the root of all evil' come from?" 341 DATA "Its a misquote." 342 DATA "Its from the Bible." 344 DATA "Its from Shakespeare." 346 DATA "It came from Rothschild." 347 DATA "a" 348 DATA "The Bible says that 'The love of money is the root of all evil." 350 DATA 36, "At what Belgian area was the Battle of Waterloo fought." 351 DATA "It was at the town of Waterloo." 352 DATA "It was at Mont-Saint-Jean." 354 DATA "It was at a toilet area in Waterford." 356 DATA "It was fought in Wellington." 357 DATA "b" 358 DATA "The battle of Waterloo was fought between Mont-Saint-Jean and Belle-Alliance, Belgium, 18 June,1815." 360 DATA 37, "The Scottish Island of St Kilda was named after what saint?" 361 DATA "After Saint Kilda." 362 DATA "After Saint Kevin, (Kilda = Scottish Kevin). 364 DATA "After a saint who killed snakes (da = scottish for snake)." 366 DATA "There is no such saint." 367 DATA "d" 368 DATA "There is no such saint." 370 DATA 38, "The sheet on a yacht is used for what purpose?" 371 DATA "As a sail, to propel the boat." 372 DATA "It is the name of a rope." 374 DATA "As a covering for toiletry purposes." 376 DATA "As a spinnaker." 377 DATA "b" 378 DATA "It is the name of a rope." 380 DATA 39, "How many verticies (points) are on a five pointed star?" 381 DATA "Ten." 382 DATA "A five pointed star is pointless." 384 DATA "Five." 386 DATA "Just under five." 387 DATA "a" 388 DATA "There are 10 verticies on a five pointed star." 390 DATA 40, "What colour are White Rhinos?" 391 DATA "They are white." 392 DATA "They are black." 394 DATA "Much the same colour as a black rhino." 396 DATA "No such thing as a White Rhino." 397 DATA "c" 398 DATA "A white rhino is so named because of its 'veit' (Africaans = wide) mouth. Black rhinos have a hooked mouth like a parrot." 400 DATA 41, "The Exchequer of Britain is the Treasurer. The name exchequer came from:" 401 DATA "The cheques that he needed to draw to pay the accounts." 402 DATA "The checkered tablecloths." 404 DATA "Checks and balances that have to be made." 406 DATA "Invaders from the Czech Republic." 407 DATA "b" 408 DATA "The checkered tablecloths." 410 DATA 42,"Robin Island is a popular spot near Capetown, after which animal was it named?" 411 DATA "Robin Hood." 412 DATA "The Robin - a bird." 414 DATA "Seals." 416 DATA "Swallows." 417 DATA "c" 418 DATA "The Dutch word for seal is Robben." 420 DATA 43, "What is the predominant colour of Greenland?" 421 DATA "Green." 422 DATA "Brownish green." 423 DATA "Bluish Green." 424 DATA "White." 427 DATA "d" 428 DATA "Its main colour comes from the ice-cap that covers most of its surface." 430 DATA 44, "Where were Chinese Checkers invented?" 431 DATA "In the USA." 432 DATA "In China." 433 DATA "In the Czech Republic." 434 DATA "In Mongolia." 437 DATA "a" 438 DATA "They were invented in the USA." 440 DATA 45, "What type of meat is usually placed in Hamburgers?" 441 DATA "Ham." 442 DATA "Beef." 443 DATA "Bacon." 444 DATA "Pork." 447 DATA "b" 448 DATA "Hamburgers originated in Hamburg, Germany and contain beef." 450 DATA 46,"How many balls are used in a game of 8 ball?" 451 DATA "Nine." 452 DATA "Eight." 453 DATA "Sixteen." 454 DATA "Three." 457 DATA "c" 455 DATA "There are 15 coloured balls plus one cue ball." 460 DATA 47,"Where were venetian blinds invented?" 461 DATA "In Venice, Italy." 462 DATA "From Venus, planet of the god of love." 463 DATA "In Deer Park - derived from venison." 464 DATA "In Japan." 467 DATA "d" 465 DATA "Venetian blinds were invented in Japan." 470 DATA 48,"Panama hats were once very popular, where did they come from?" 471 DATA "Quito, Equador." 472 DATA "From Greece, pan=Greek god of frivolity, ama=hat." 473 DATA "Panama City, Panama." 474 DATA "Balboa, Panama." 477 DATA "a" 475 DATA "Almost all Panama hats were made in Quito, Equador." 480 DATA 49,"Tennessee Williams was born in what US state?" 481 DATA "Tennessee." 482 DATA "Iowa." 483 DATA "He was not born in the USA." 484 DATA "Tenahassee." 487 DATA "b" 485 DATA "Tennessee Williams was born in Iowa in 1914." 490 DATA 50, "Where was spaghetti invented." 491 DATA "Sicily." 492 DATA "Italy." 493 DATA "China." 494 DATA "In a laboratory at Roche Chemicals." 497 DATA "c" 495 DATA "Marco Polo is thought to have brought the Chinese noodles back to Italy." 500 DATA 51, "What is a camel's hair brush made from?" 501 DATA "Hair from camels." 502 DATA "Hair from llamas or alpacas." 503 DATA "Hair from the dromedary camel only." 504 DATA "Squirrel fur." 507 DATA "d" 505 DATA "Squirrel fur." 510 DATA 52, "After what animal were the Canary Islands named?" 511 DATA "Dogs." 512 DATA "Canaries." 513 DATA "Yellow parrots." 514 DATA "Not animals at all but canneries that processed anchovies." 517 DATA "a" 515 DATA "The ancient Greeks saw dogs there. Greek 'canaris' = dogs." 520 DATA 53,"Where were pizzas invented?" 521 DATA "Italy, near the leaning tower of Pisa." 522 DATA "USA." 523 DATA "Sicily." 524 DATA "The Vatican." 527 DATA "b" 525 DATA "Pizzas wre invented in Brooklyn, New York." 530 DATA 54, "The 'Hundred Years War' was fought between England and France. How long did it last?" 531 DATA "It lasted a century." 532 DATA "One hundred years." 533 DATA "One hundred and seventeen years." 534 DATA "Ninety-nine years, eleven months and 30 days." 537 DATA "c" 538 DATA "The war lasted 117 years - from 1337 to 1453." 540 DATA 55, "The word centipede is derived from Latin (cent=100 and pede=foot). How many legs does a centipede have?" 541 DATA "Two." 542 DATA "One hundred and one." 544 DATA "One hundred." 546 DATA "Averages out at about 70." 547 DATA "d" 548 DATA "Depending upon the type, a centipede can have anywhere between 30 and 360 legs." 550 DATA 56, "The word millipede is derived from Latin (mille=1000 and pede = foot). How many legs does a millipede have?" 551 DATA "Depends upon the type but they come in sets of four." 552 DATA "It has a thousand legs." 554 DATA "It has a million legs." 556 DATA "It doesn't have legs." 557 DATA "a" 558 DATA "A millipede has numerous legs coming in two pair of legs per segment." 560 DATA 57,"Who in the 1942 film Casablanca said 'Play it again Sam'?" 561 DATA "Humphrey Bogart." 562 DATA "No-one." 564 DATA "Nat King Cole." 566 DATA "Ingrid Bergman." 567 DATA "b" 568 DATA "Humphrey Bogart said 'You played it for her now you can play it for me'." 570 DATA 58, "When you are in cramped quarters you may say 'There is not enough room in here to swing a cat'. Where would you grab the cat?" 571 DATA "By the tail." 572 DATA "By the scruff of the neck." 574 DATA "By the handle." 576 DATA "By the right leg." 577 DATA "c" 578 DATA "The cat was the cat-o-nine tails, a whip." 580 DATA 59,"Where does Swiss Cheese come from?" 581 DATA "Geneva." 582 DATA "Switzerland." 584 DATA "The Matterhorn." 586 DATA "Wisconsin in the USA." 587 DATA "d" 588 DATA "It was invented 1869, by mistake when trying to imitate Gruyere Cheese." 590 DATA 60, "Who in the Sherlock Holmes novels said 'Elementary my dear Watson'?" 591 DATA "Sherlock Holmes." 592 DATA "Dr Watson." 594 DATA "No-one." 596 DATA "Moriaty." 597 DATA "c" 598 DATA "The saying was made-up by the press." 600 DATA 61, "In the British House of Commons, who is not allowed to speak." 601 DATA "The newly elected representative." 602 DATA "The Prime Minister." 604 DATA "The Speaker." 605 DATA "The Minister for Health." 607 DATA "c" 608 DATA "The Speaker is the chairperson and cannot 'speak' - engage in debates." 610 DATA 62, "What does the Morse code SOS stand for?' 611 DATA "Save our Souls." 612 DATA "Save our Ship." 614 DATA "Nothing in particular." 616 DATA "Six or seven." 617 DATA "c" 618 DATA "Three dashes and three dots and three dashes was invented as a distress signal because it was easy to do." 620 DATA 63, "In the original story of 1001 Arabian Nights, what nationality was Aladdin?" 621 DATA "Arabian." 622 DATA "Chinese." 623 DATA "Persian." 624 DATA "Iranian." 627 DATA "b" 628 DATA "Walt Disney thought that it would be better to change his nationality." 630 DATA 64,"What colour is a polar bear's fur?" 631 DATA "Cream." 632 DATA "Clear." 634 DATA "White." 636 DATA "Green." 637 DATA "b" 638 DATA "Rather than having white-coloured fur, hollow hair shafts and the reflection of light make its colourless hair appear white or yellowish." 640 DATA 65, "What is paper money usually made from?" 641 DATA "Paper." 642 DATA "Woven Linen." 644 DATA "Wood pulp." 646 DATA "Hemp." 647 DATA "b" 648 DATA "Made from cotton." 650 DATA 66, "To make Eve, God took one of Adam's ribs. Who has the most ribs now?" 651 DATA "Men and women have the same number of ribs." 652 DATA "Women have two more ribs than men." 653 DATA "Women have one more rib than men." 656 DATA "Men have one less rib at birth but grow an extra rib later." 657 DATA "a" 658 DATA "Same amount!" 660 DATA 67, "In the original French version, what were Cinderalla's slippers made from?" 661 DATA "Fur." 662 DATA "Glass." 664 DATA "Beer bottles." 666 DATA "Wine glasses." 667 DATA "a" 668 DATA "The word 'varre' meaning fur was mistranslated as 'verre' - glass." 670 DATA 68, "From what nationality originated the Pensylvania Dutch?" 671 DATA "German." 672 DATA "Dutch." 674 DATA "Hollandaise." 676 DATA "Nederlandish." 677 DATA "a" 678 DATA "They were descended from the Deutsch - or German." 680 DATA 69, "The Baby Ruth candy bar was named after which person?" 681 DATA "Babe Ruth, a famous baseball player." 682 DATA "A little girl." 683 DATA "Ruth Babenstein." 684 DATA "Ruth and Boaz from the Bible." 687 DATA "b" 688 DATA "It was named after Ruth Cleveleand the daughter of US President Cleveland." 690 DATA 70, "In Star Trek who often said 'Beam me up Scotty'?" 691 DATA "Captain Nimrod." 692 DATA "Captain Kirk." 694 DATA "The crew sometimes." 696 DATA "Captain Blood." 697 DATA "c" 698 DATA "Captain Kirk always said 'Beam me up Mr Scott'." 700 DATA 71, "Residents of Lesbos ( A Greek Island), are called: 701 DATA "Lesbians." 702 DATA "Lesos." 704 DATA "Dykes." 706 DATA "None of the above." 707 DATA "d" 708 DATA "They are called Lesbosians. (Sappho was from Lesbos)." 710 DATA 72, "What do you call a scholar who studies the Marquis de Sade?" 711 DATA "A marquisian." 712 DATA "A sadist." 714 DATA "Saddam." 715 DATA "None of the above." 717 DATA "d" 718 DATA "The scholar will be called a Sadian." 720 DATA 73,"That painful hangnail was so named because:" 721 DATA "It was painful." 722 DATA "The nail is hanging." 723 DATA "It is used to hang people." 724 DATA "None of the above." 725 DATA "a" 726 DATA "Hangnail is derived from the Old English words ang=pain and nail, nothing to do with hanging." 730 DATA 74,"In the old Roman days, when Senators testified, what did they put on the line?" 731 DATA "A test of their strength." 732 DATA "Their life by dueling at sunrise." 733 DATA "Their testicles." 734 DATA "Their honour and reputation." 737 DATA "c" 738 DATA "Might have been their honour and reputation but principly it was their testes." 740 DATA 75,"Where was Cleopatra Ptolemy, wife of Marc Antony born?" 741 DATA "Greece." 742 DATA "Egypt." 743 DATA "North of Sudan." 744 DATA "East of Libya." 747 DATA "a" 748 DATA "Cleopatra, daughter of Ptolemy XI was born in Greece in 69 B.C." 750 DATA 76,"What a load of baloney! What is baloney?" 751 DATA "Mortadella sausage." 752 DATA "Hot air - as in a balloon." 753 DATA "Tripe from the horse." 754 DATA "Its a mispronunciation of polony, a Polish sausage." 755 DATA "a" 756 DATA "Originating from Bologna, Italy - hence the slang name." 760 DATA 77,"'Its so cold it could freeze the balls of a brass monkey'. What type of monkey would that be?" 761 DATA "Chimpanzee." 762 DATA "Japanese monkey." 764 DATA "A stack of cannonballs." 766 DATA "One of the three wise monkeys." 767 DATA "c" 768 DATA "Cannonballs were stacked in a pyramid formation, called a monkey. When it got extremely cold they would crack and fall off." 770 DATA 78,"Is a peanut a nut?' 771 DATA "Yes." 772 DATA "Sometimes." 773 DATA "No." 774 DATA "Only when it is devilled." 777 DATA "c" 778 DATA "Peanuts are from the legume family, as are peas and beans." 780 DATA 79, "'To go the whole nine yards', comes from:" 781 DATA "American football." 782 DATA "Gridiron." 783 DATA "Long jumping." 784 DATA "Machine guns." 787 DATA "d" 788 DATA "WWII Pacific figher planes were equipped with nine yards of bullets." 790 DATA 80, "Chess is played on a checkered board. What does check-mate really mean?" 791 DATA "The male sovereign is deceased." 792 DATA "The checkered board is mine now matey." 793 DATA "Check that out mate." 794 DATA "I want payment by cheque, thank's mate!" 795 DATA "a" 798 DATA "From the Persion words 'Sha-mat' meaning the king is dead." 800 DATA 81, "From what is the girl's name Wendy derived?" 801 DATA "Wind." 802 DATA "A goer, to go or wend one's way." 803 DATA "A North German Slavic name." 804 DATA "Peter Pan's girlfriend." 807 DATA "d" 808 DATA "Barrie wrote Peter Pan and invented the name for the book." 810 DATA 82, "US, British and Victorian railguage of 4' 11 and a half inches, came from what source?" 811 DATA "The with of a tram" 812 DATA "The size of Train." 813 DATA "The size of two Siberian horses' backsides." 814 DATA "The breadth of a wagon." 817 DATA "c" 818 DATA "Chariots originated on the Siberian Steppes, Egyptians and wagonmakers used the same guage so the wheels sat in the rut properly. 820 DATA 83,"Sept means seven and Octo means eight. What are the seventh and eighth months of the year? 821 DATA "September and November, because Novo means nine." 822 DATA "July and August." 823 DATA "September and October." 824 DATA "None of the above." 825 DATA "b" 826 DATA "July and August." 830 DATA 84,"If you had a 'square leg' what would you be?" 831 DATA "Sick." 832 DATA "Requiring an operation." 833 DATA "A chair." 834 DATA "A cricket captain." 837 DATA "d" 838 DATA "You would also be able to have a silly leg and a slip at the same time." 840 DATA 85, "From what country did 'Indian Corn' originate?" 841 DATA "Not from a country, from the Americas." 842 DATA "India." 843 DATA "Pakistan." 844 DATA "Bangladesh." 845 DATA "a" 847 DATA "Indian corn was named after the indians who grew it. The indians were named after India." 850 DATA 86, "How do you spell the letter 'W'." 851 DATA "Double U." 852 DATA "Doubleyou" 853 DATA "Duhbellyu." 854 DATA "W." 855 DATA "d" 858 DATA "Easy isn't it!" 860 DATA 87, "Like French fries? Where did chips originate from?" 861 DATA "Belgium." 862 DATA "France - the place of all great culinary ideas." 863 DATA "England - wouldn't be without good ol' fish 'n chips." 864 DATA "Normandy." 867 DATA "a" 868 DATA "The invention is fiercely claimed by the Belgians." 870 DATA 88,"The Lone Ranger and his indian companion Tonto. What does Tonto mean?" 871 DATA "He who rides with masked hero." 872 DATA "Brave and wise eagle." 873 DATA "Sitting Bull." 874 DATA "Stupid." 877 DATA "d" 878 DATA "Direct Spanish translation of el indio del Cabellero Soltero." 107 DATA 89,"Ho, ho, ho, that cheery, white bearded, plump and red and white suited Santa Clause, was born where?" 108 DATA "At the North Pole." 109 DATA "In the Arctic." 110 DATA "Above the fifth parrallel." 111 DATA "At the Coca-Cola factory." 112 DATA "d", "An ad in 1930, then in 1931 illustrator, Haddon Sunblom drew the first Santa using neighbour Lou Prentice as a model. Previously Santa looked like a gnome." 167 DATA 90,"LAST QUESTION. How many cattle, deer, sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, doves, and pheasants, does the Bible say Noah took onto the ark?" 168 DATA "Two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark." 169 DATA "A pair - they shall be male and female." 170 DATA "Forty - because it rained for 40 days and 40 nights." 171 DATA "Seven." 172 DATA "d"," Of every clean beast thou shall take to thee by sevens... Of fowls also of the air, by sevens." 10000 DATA -99,"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h" 12000 LOCATE 23, 13: COLOR 15: INPUT "Jump to which question (90 = max)"; jqn$ jqn = VAL(jqn$): IF jqn < 1 THEN 12000 IF jqn > 90 THEN 12000 RESTORE FOR x = 1 TO 16: READ n1: NEXT x 12010 READ qno, q$, a1$, a2$, a3$, a4$, cr$, ca$ LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT " " LOCATE 2, 1: PRINT " " LOCATE 4, 11: PRINT " " LOCATE 7, 11: PRINT " " LOCATE 10, 11: PRINT " " LOCATE 13, 11: PRINT " " LOCATE 17, 9: PRINT " " LOCATE 18, 1: PRINT " " LOCATE 19, 1: PRINT " " LOCATE 23, 13: PRINT " " IF qno = jqn THEN 1001 GOTO 12010 13000 ButtonReleased 4 ButtonReleased 5 CursorOn COLOR 14 LOCATE 2, 6: PRINT "E A S Y Q U E S T I O N S" COLOR 0 LOCATE 5, 6: PRINT "Fed up of those quizzes where the questions" LOCATE 6, 6: PRINT "were "; : COLOR 15: PRINT "JUST TOO HARD!": COLOR 0 LOCATE 8, 6: PRINT "Well here's your chance to get some right answers!" LOCATE 9, 6: PRINT "and get a top IQ rating at the same time." LOCATE 14, 6: PRINT "Use the mouse for all commands." LOCATE 16, 6: PRINT "Sound on/off button = 'beep'" LOCATE 17, 6: PRINT "Jump ahead or backwards = 'jump'" LOCATE 18, 6: PRINT "Next question please = 'next'" LOCATE 19, 6: PRINT "Print the question(s) = 'copy'" LOCATE 20, 6: PRINT "Exit = 'exit'" COLOR 14 LOCATE 22, 14: PRINT "(click 'next' to continue)" LOCATE 1, 58: PRINT "______________________" LOCATE 2, 58: PRINT "| Click the Windows | " LOCATE 3, 58: PRINT "| maximize button for|" LOCATE 4, 58: PRINT "| better effect |" LOCATE 5, 58: PRINT "---------------------" DO CheckPressed 0 IF outreg.bx THEN IF CursorOnButton(4) THEN ButtonPressed 4 k$ = "q" GOTO 1010 END IF IF CursorOnButton(5) THEN ButtonPressed 5 k$ = "" GOTO 1010 END IF END IF CheckReleased 0 IF outreg.bx THEN ButtonReleased numberButtonPressed LOOP RETURN 15000 CLS COLOR 15 IF wrong + correct > 50 THEN enough = 1 LOCATE 1, 2: PRINT "E A S Y Q U E S T I O N S - Finished at last." IF enough < 1 THEN LOCATE 5, 2: PRINT "You have not answered enough questions for an IQ rating!": GOTO 17000 percent = (correct / (correct + wrong)) * 100 IF percent < 50 THEN rating = 100: GOTO 15100 IF percent < 60 THEN rating = 110: GOTO 15100 IF percent < 70 THEN rating = 120: GOTO 15100 IF percent < 80 THEN rating = 130: GOTO 15100 IF percent < 90 THEN rating = 140: GOTO 15100 rating = 150 15100 LOCATE 5, 5: PRINT "Your IQ rating is "; rating LOCATE 6, 5: PRINT "This means:-" LOCATE 8, 5 IF rating = 100 THEN PRINT "You should read more and watch less TV.": GOTO 17000 IF rating = 110 THEN PRINT "You are about average": GOTO 17000 IF rating = 120 THEN PRINT "You are above average": GOTO 17000 IF rating = 130 THEN PRINT "You are a clever person.": GOTO 17000 IF rating = 140 THEN PRINT "You are very intelligent.": GOTO 17000 IF rating = 150 THEN PRINT "You are either a genius or you cheated!" 17000 IF s = 1 THEN PLAY "X" + VARPTR$(Tifweet$): PLAY "X" + VARPTR$(upscale2$): PLAY "X" + VARPTR$(upscale3$) IF s = 1 THEN PLAY "X" + VARPTR$(bongee2$): PLAY "X" + VARPTR$(bongee3$): PLAY "X" + VARPTR$(bongee4$) LOCATE 15, 2: COLOR 0 PRINT "This program was written for your pleasure by Clive Dutton." LOCATE 16, 2 PRINT "Its freeware. Please feel free to share it around." LOCATE 17, 2: PRINT "If you know any more questions like these or you" LOCATE 18, 2: PRINT "think any answers are wrong then please give me a call." 17300 ButtonReleased 4 ButtonReleased 8 CursorOn DO CheckPressed 0 IF outreg.bx THEN IF CursorOnButton(8) THEN ButtonPressed 8 k$ = "p" GOTO 1111 END IF IF CursorOnButton(4) THEN ButtonPressed 4 k$ = "q" GOTO 1111 END IF END IF CheckReleased 0 IF outreg.bx THEN ButtonReleased numberButtonPressed LOOP 1111 CLS IF k$ = "p" THEN 23000 CLS END 20000 Cuckoo$ = "T120L16MLO3BF#" Zap$ = "T255L64MLO4BAGFEDC= button(number).x) AND (mx <= button(number).x + LEN(RTRIM$(button(number).text)) + 5) AND (my >= button(number).y) AND (my <= button(number).y + 2)) END FUNCTION SUB Initarrow FOR counter = 1 TO 16 READ byte arrow$ = arrow$ + CHR$(byte) NEXT counter DIM cursor AS STRING * 16 cursor = arrow$ inreg.ax = 17 * 256 inreg.bx = 16 * 256 inreg.cx = 1 inreg.dx = 64 inreg.es = VARSEG(cursor) inreg.bp = VARPTR(cursor) CALL INTERRUPTX(userfont, inreg, outreg) END SUB SUB InitCursor inreg.ax = 10 inreg.bx = 0 inreg.cx = 0 inreg.dx = (7 * 16 + 15) * 256 + 64 CALL INTERRUPTX(mouse, inreg, outreg) END SUB SUB Initmouse inreg.ax = 0 CALL INTERRUPTX(mouse, inreg, outreg) IF NOT outreg.ax THEN PRINT "Mousedriver not installed.": END END SUB