'=========================================================================== ' Subject: MESSAGE ENCODER Date: 10-24-97 (19:23) ' Author: Brian Wilkins Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: sonic@digital.net Packet: MISC.ABC '=========================================================================== ' **** Message Encoder ' **** Program (c) 1997-98 Brian Wilkins ' **** This program will encode any message you type into the computer into a ' **** spy type encoded message which can be decoded with another program ' **** called MSGDEC.BAS ' **** If you find a use for this program, then please ' **** give me credit. Thanks! CLS LET C$ = "": PRINT PRINT "Type in the message you want to encode:" INPUT M$: LET l = LEN(M$) IF INT(l / 2) <> l / 2 THEN LET M$ = M$ + " " FOR K = 1 TO LEN(M$) STEP 2 LET C$ = C$ + MID$(M$, K + 1, 1) LET C$ = C$ + MID$(M$, K, 1) NEXT K CLS PRINT : PRINT "ENCODED MESSAGE:" PRINT : PRINT C$