'=========================================================================== ' Subject: FAKE DOS, HORROR DRIVE FORMAT Date: 09-02-97 (15:36) ' Author: Davey W. Taylor Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: audio.squad@mailbox.swipnet.se Packet: DOS.ABC '=========================================================================== 'ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ--Ä -ù ù '³ ** FAKE DOS, HORROR DRIVE FORMAT ** '³ Created by Davey W Taylor '³ '³ This program should scare the shit out of most PC users. '³ It should be run under a 16 bit environment (WIN 3.x / DOS) '³ in order to get the right hard drive sound / drive lights 'ÀÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄù- ù ù ' ** If you have any comments / suggestions / questions, my email is: ** ' ** audio.squad@mailbox.swipnet.se ** DECLARE SUB lots (t!) LOCATE , , 1 DO LINE INPUT "C:\>", cmd$ 'Wait for any command LOOP UNTIL cmd$ <> "" IF cmd$ = "NOWAY" THEN END 'NOWAY aborts PRINT BEEP 'Beep and display some screen junk FOR n% = 1 TO 12 PRINT CHR$(INT(RND * 200) + 50); NEXT n% PRINT lots 2 PRINT "Format drive C, this will wipe out any information on that drive!!!" PRINT "Continue? "; DO 'Get Y or N in$ = UCASE$(INKEY$) LOOP UNTIL in$ = "N" OR in$ = "Y" PRINT "Y" 'Print Yes PRINT PRINT "Checking current disk format..." lots .2 PRINT "Verifying fixed disk... " lots 1 PRINT PRINT "Please do not turn computer power off during the process!" PRINT "This may cause physical damage to the disk." s# = TIMER: DO: LOOP UNTIL TIMER - s# >= 2 PRINT PRINT " Formating 0% done" PRINT PRINT PRINT h% = 1: c% = 1: s% = 1: n% = 0 LOCATE , , 0 DO n% = n% + 1 p% = 100 / 1728 * n% LOCATE CSRLIN - 4, 2: PRINT "Formating"; p%; "% done" PRINT " Head:"; h% 'Display format information PRINT " Cylinder:"; c% PRINT " Sector:"; s% s% = s% + 1 IF n% MOD 10 = 0 THEN lots 0 ELSE WAIT &H3DA, 8 IF s% = 13 THEN s% = 1: c% = c% + 1 IF c% = 13 THEN c% = 1: h% = h% + 1 IF h% = 13 THEN GOTO joke 'When all are at 13, goto joke END IF END IF END IF LOOP joke: 'Display joke message LOCATE CSRLIN - 4, 2: PRINT "Formating 100 % done" PRINT " Head: 13" PRINT " Cylinder: 13" PRINT " Sector: 13" PRINT PRINT "Take it EASY! I was just kidding... :)" END SUB lots (t!) 'SUB to make hard drive sound d# = TIMER DO OPEN "~joke.tmp" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 'open temprary file FOR n% = 1 TO INT(RND * 1000) PRINT #1, INT(RND * 256) 'write random nuber of bytes NEXT n% CLOSE #1 IF INT(RND * 2) + 1 = 2 THEN KILL "~joke.tmp" '50% chance to delete file LOOP UNTIL ABS(TIMER - d#) >= t! OPEN "~joke.tmp" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 CLOSE #1 KILL "~joke.tmp" 'make sure the file is gone END SUB