'=========================================================================== ' Subject: DOS WITH A BAD ATTITUDE Date: 09-02-97 (15:36) ' Author: Davey W. Taylor Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: audio.squad@mailbox.swipnet.se Packet: DOS.ABC '=========================================================================== 'ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄÄ--Ä -ù ù '³ ** DOS WITH A BAD ATTITUDE ** '³ ** more intelligent version! ** '³ '³ Created by Davey W Taylor '³ '³ This little program should annoy any DOS user. '³ It will not do anything unless you say PLEASE 'ÀÄÄÄÄÄ--ÄÄù- ù ù ' ** If you have any comments / suggestions / questions, my email is: ** ' ** audio.squad@mailbox.swipnet.se ** CLS PRINT DO SHELL "CD>~diskop.tmp" 'Write CD(Current Directory :) to file OPEN "~diskop.tmp" FOR INPUT AS #1 LINE INPUT #1, n$ 'Read current dir CLOSE #1 KILL "~diskop.tmp" p$ = n$ DO PRINT p$ + ">"; 'Print prompt LINE INPUT "", n$ 'Get command LOOP UNTIL n$ <> "" IF UCASE$(RIGHT$(n$, 6)) = "PLEASE" AND LEN(n$) <> 6 THEN ok% = 1 n$ = LEFT$(n$, LEN(n$) - 6) END IF n$ = n$ + " " cmd$ = LEFT$(n$, INSTR(n$, " ") - 1) 'Get the command par$ = MID$(n$, INSTR(n$, " ") + 1) 'Get the command parameters SELECT CASE UCASE$(cmd$) 'Check command CASE "CD" SHELL n$ CASE "STOP" PRINT "HEHEHE!!!" CASE "WHAT", "WHY", "WHERE", "HOW", "WHEN", "WHO" RESTORE Q FOR n% = 1 TO INT(RND * 3) + 1: READ o$: NEXT n% PRINT o$ CASE "PLEASE" IF r$ <> "" THEN please: RESTORE o FOR n% = 1 TO INT(RND * 2) + 1: READ o$: NEXT n% PRINT o$ IF UCASE$(r$) = "EXIT " THEN END IF UCASE$(r$) = "EXIT " THEN END SHELL r$ r$ = "" END IF CASE ELSE IF ok% = 1 THEN r$ = n$: GOTO please RESTORE C FOR n% = 1 TO INT(RND * 5) + 1: READ o$: NEXT n% PRINT o$ r$ = n$ END SELECT ok% = 0 LOOP Q: DATA "Don't even try to ask me anything!!!" DATA "What makes you think I would answer that?" DATA "I don't answer questions!" C: DATA "No way!" DATA "Forget it! DATA "Why should I?" DATA "Say PLEASE!!!" DATA "You forgot to say the magic word!!!" o: DATA "Well, alright..." DATA "OK, then..."