'=========================================================================== ' Subject: (TALKER) TEXT MANIPULATIONS Date: 07-03-97 (12:01) ' Author: Brian Mahocker Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: Kain121182@aol.com Packet: TEXT.ABC '=========================================================================== DECLARE SUB RandomIn (x, y, text$, pause, col) DECLARE SUB BackwardsTalker (x, y, text$, col) DECLARE SUB CoolPause (x, y, speed) DECLARE SUB CaseColorTalker (x, y, text$, firstcase) DECLARE SUB ColorTalker (x, y, text$) DECLARE SUB CaseTalker (x, y, c, text$, firstcase) 'Go into the sub for information on it CLS COLOR 15: LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Case Talker" CaseTalker 2, 10, 9, "Brian's da bomb", 1 COLOR 15: LOCATE 4, 1: PRINT "Color Talker" ColorTalker 5, 10, "Who da man?" COLOR 15: LOCATE 7, 1: PRINT "Case & Color Talker" CaseColorTalker 8, 10, "do i rule? i think so", 1 COLOR 15: LOCATE 10, 1: PRINT "Backwards Talker" BackwardsTalker 11, 10, "This iz cool!", 10 COLOR 15: LOCATE 13, 1: PRINT "Random In" RandomIn 14, 10, "Real Programmers Use Q-Basic!!!!", 500, 9 COLOR 15: LOCATE 16, 1: PRINT "Cool Pause" CoolPause 17, 10, 200 SUB BackwardsTalker (x, y, text$, col) 'Backwards Talker By: Brian Mahocker - Contact me at "Kain121182@AOL.COM 'What this does is print text$ in backwards 'Variables - X = Xpos on the screen, Y = Ypos on the screen ' text$ = The text to be Backwarded, Col = The color of the text COLOR col FOR BW = LEN(text$) TO 1 STEP -1 LET BWT$ = BWT$ + MID$(text$, BW, 1) NEXT BW LOCATE x, y: PRINT BWT$ END SUB SUB CaseColorTalker (x, y, text$, firstcase) 'Case & Color Talker By: Brian Mahocker - Contact me at "Kain121182@AOL.COM 'What this does is print text$ in case like this, "BrIaN Is dA BoMb" and ' in different colors 'Variables - X = Xpos on the screen, Y = Ypos on the screen ' text$ = The text to be CaseColorTalked ' firstcase = if it is 1, the first letter will be lower case ' firstcase = if it is 2, the first letter will be upper case IF firstcase = 1 THEN LET cas = 1 IF firstcase = 2 THEN LET cas = 2 FOR CCT = 1 TO LEN(text$) LET c = INT(RND * 15) + 1 IF cas = 1 THEN COLOR c: LOCATE x, y: PRINT LCASE$(MID$(text$, CCT, 1)): LET y = y + 1 END IF IF cas = 2 THEN COLOR c: LOCATE x, y: PRINT UCASE$(MID$(text$, CCT, 1)): LET y = y + 1 END IF IF cas = 2 THEN LET cas = 1: GOTO NextcCT IF cas = 1 THEN LET cas = 2: GOTO NextcCT NextcCT: NEXT CCT END SUB SUB CaseTalker (x, y, c, text$, firstcase) 'Case Talker By: Brian Mahocker - Contact me at "Kain121182@AOL.COM" 'Simply what this does is print text$ in case like this, "BrIaN Is dA BoMb" 'Variables - X = Xpos on the screen, Y = Ypos on the screen ' c = Color of text, text$ = The text to be CaseTalked ' firstcase = if it is 1, the first letter will be lower case ' firstcase = if it is 2, the first letter will be upper case IF firstcase = 1 THEN LET cas = 1 IF firstcase = 2 THEN LET cas = 2 FOR CT = 1 TO LEN(text$) IF cas = 1 THEN COLOR c: LOCATE x, y: PRINT LCASE$(MID$(text$, CT, 1)): LET y = y + 1 END IF IF cas = 2 THEN COLOR c: LOCATE x, y: PRINT UCASE$(MID$(text$, CT, 1)): LET y = y + 1 END IF IF cas = 2 THEN LET cas = 1: GOTO NextCT IF cas = 1 THEN LET cas = 2: GOTO NextCT NextCT: NEXT CT END SUB SUB ColorTalker (x, y, text$) 'Color Talker By: Brian Mahocker - Contact me at "Kain121182@AOL.COM" 'Simply what this does is print text$ in random colors, 1 letter at a time 'Variables - X = Xpos on the screen, Y = Ypos on the screen ' text$ = the text to be printed RANDOMIZE TIMER FOR CT = 1 TO LEN(text$) LET c = INT(RND * 15) + 1 COLOR c: LOCATE x, y: PRINT MID$(text$, CT, 1): LET y = y + 1 NEXT CT END SUB SUB CoolPause (x, y, speed) 'Cool Pause By: Brian Mahocker - Contact me at 'Kain121182@AOL.COM' 'This is a really cool pause sub 'Variables - X = Xpos on the screen, Y = Ypos on the screen ' speed = how long the pasue is in between the movements of the ><'s ' 300 is a good setting for speed DO LET CoolPauseW$ = INKEY$ LOCATE x, y COLOR 7: PRINT "..."; : COLOR 8: PRINT "["; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 15: PRINT "Press a key!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "]"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "..." LET t = 0: DO: LET CoolPauseW$ = INKEY$ IF CoolPauseW$ <> "" THEN : EXIT SUB LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = speed LOCATE x, y COLOR 15: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 7: PRINT ".."; : COLOR 8: PRINT "["; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 15: PRINT "Press a key!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "]"; : COLOR 7: PRINT ".."; : COLOR 15: PRINT "<" LET t = 0: DO: LET CoolPauseW$ = INKEY$ IF CoolPauseW$ <> "" THEN : EXIT SUB LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = speed LOCATE x, y COLOR 7: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 15: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "."; : COLOR 8: PRINT "["; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 15: PRINT "Press a key!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "]"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "."; : COLOR 15: PRINT "<"; : COLOR 7: PRINT _ "<" LET t = 0: DO: LET CoolPauseW$ = INKEY$ IF CoolPauseW$ <> "" THEN : EXIT SUB LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = speed LOCATE x, y COLOR 8: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 7: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 15: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "["; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 15: PRINT "Press a key!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "]"; : COLOR 15: PRINT "<"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "<"; : COLOR 8: PRINT _ "<" LET t = 0: DO: LET CoolPauseW$ = INKEY$ IF CoolPauseW$ <> "" THEN : EXIT SUB LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = speed LOCATE x, y COLOR 7: PRINT "."; : COLOR 8: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 7: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "["; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 15: PRINT "Press a key!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "]"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "<"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "<"; : COLOR 7: PRINT _ "." LET t = 0: DO: LET CoolPauseW$ = INKEY$ IF CoolPauseW$ <> "" THEN : EXIT SUB LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = speed LOCATE x, y COLOR 7: PRINT ".."; : COLOR 8: PRINT ">"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "["; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 15: PRINT "Press a key!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "]"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "<"; : COLOR 7: PRINT ".." LET t = 0: DO: LET CoolPauseW$ = INKEY$ IF CoolPauseW$ <> "" THEN : EXIT SUB LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = speed LOCATE x, y COLOR 7: PRINT "..."; : COLOR 8: PRINT "["; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 15: PRINT "Press a key!"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "-"; : COLOR 8: PRINT "]"; : COLOR 7: PRINT "..." LOOP AfterCoolPause: END SUB SUB RandomIn (x, y, text$, pause, col) 'RandonIn Talker By: Brian Mahocker - Contact me at "Kain121182@AOL.COM 'What this does is print text$ by printing 1 random letter at a time 'Variables - X = Xpos on the screen, Y = Ypos on the screen ' text$ = The text to be RandomedIn, Pause = the pause between ' Col = The color of the text each letter. RANDOMIZE TIMER COLOR col DIM RI(LEN(text$)) FOR PRI = 1 TO LEN(text$) GetLet: LET WL = INT(RND * LEN(text$)) + 1 IF RI(WL) = 1 THEN GOTO GetLet LET RI(WL) = 1 LET CurLet$ = MID$(text$, WL, 1) LOCATE x, y + WL - 1 PRINT CurLet$ FOR delay = 1 TO pause: NEXT delay NEXT PRI END SUB