'=========================================================================== ' Subject: REBOOT COMPUTER Date: 07-03-97 (12:01) ' Author: Brian Mahocker Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: Kain121182@aol.com Packet: DOS.ABC '=========================================================================== CLS PRINT "This program will reboot your computer." PRINT "You shold exit Windows if you are running it!" INPUT "Are you sure that you want to do this? (Y/N) : ", sure1$ IF UCASE$(sure1$) = "Y" THEN GOTO 2 IF UCASE$(sure1$) = "N" THEN GOTO quit 2 : INPUT "You will lose any unsaved work!! Still sure? (Y/N) : ", sure2$ IF UCASE$(sure2$) = "Y" THEN GOTO countdown IF UCASE$(sure2$) = "N" THEN GOTO quit countdown: PRINT "Rebooting in 5" LET t = 0: DO: LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = 3000 PRINT "4" LET t = 0: DO: LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = 3000 PRINT "3" LET t = 0: DO: LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = 3000 PRINT "2" LET t = 0: DO: LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = 3000 PRINT "1" LET t = 0: DO: LET t = t + 1: LOOP UNTIL t = 3000 OUT &H64, &HFE 'the actual Re-Boot Command quit: