'=========================================================================== ' Subject: TEST KEYBOARD BUFFER FOR CHAR Date: 08-19-97 (09:59) ' Author: Kerry S. Goodin Code: QB, PDS ' Origin: medvrsys@venus.net Packet: KEYBOARD.ABC '=========================================================================== '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' -----Instat.bas---- ' ' Function to test the keyboard buffer to see if a character is present. ' ' ' ' ( A key has been pressed). ' ' It will not read the character but will return -1 if there is a ' ' character or 0 is there is not a character in the buffer thus leaving ' ' the buffer undisturbed. This mimics the same function in PowerBasic(c) ' ' but for QB 4.5. ' ' Written by: Kerry S. Goodin, D.D.S. ' ' ' ' USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ' ' ' 'note: start QB with the /L QB switch ' ' ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' DEFINT A-Z DECLARE FUNCTION instat () '$INCLUDE: 'c:\qb45\qb.bi' DIM SHARED inRegs AS RegType, outRegs AS RegType FUNCTION instat inRegs.ax = &HB00 CALL INTERRUPT(&H21, inRegs, outRegs) IF (outRegs.ax AND &HFF) <> 0 THEN instat = -1 ELSE instat = 0 END IF END FUNCTION