'=========================================================================== ' Subject: DOS SIMULATION Date: 07-08-97 (21:20) ' Author: Michael G. Stewart Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: mikegs@juno.com Packet: DOS.ABC '=========================================================================== 'DOS.BAS and DOS.BAT: A QBasic Version of MS-DOS 'Put Both Files in Your C:\ Directory, or Change as Instructed below. 'I've Changed The 'CD/CHDIR' Command! Read Help File! 'I've Also Added A New Command: LINES Changes The Rows And Columns Of 'Screen 'Have Fun 'Put My Name in Your Credits If You Use My Program. 'Send Me A Copy If You Change It! -Thanks 'Mike Stewart CLS PRINT "Arrowhead Imitation Disk Operating System (A-DOS) V. 1.5" PRINT "Type 'Exit' To Return To Microsoft Windows or MS-DOS" PRINT PRINT CHDIR "C:\" curdir$ = "C:" echo = 1 GOSUB prompt prompt: IF echo = 1 THEN PRINT curdir$; : INPUT ">", comand$ IF echo = 0 THEN INPUT "", comand$ GOSUB process process: comand$ = UCASE$(comand$) IF comand$ = "RESTART" THEN GOSUB restart IF comand$ = "HELP" THEN GOSUB help IF comand$ = "ECHO OFF" THEN echo = 0: GOSUB prompt IF comand$ = "ECHO ON" THEN echo = 1: GOSUB prompt IF comand$ = "EXIT" THEN GOSUB quit IF LEFT$(comand$, 5) = "LINES" THEN IF RIGHT$(comand$, 7) = "DEFAULT" THEN WIDTH 80, 25: PRINT "New Lines Setting Active: 25 * 80": GOSUB prompt rows = VAL(MID$(comand$, 7, 2)) cols = VAL(MID$(comand$, 10, 2)) IF cols = 0 THEN cols = 80 WIDTH cols, rows PRINT "New Lines Setting Active:"; rows; "*"; cols GOSUB prompt END IF IF LEFT$(comand$, 2) = "CD" THEN IF RIGHT$(comand$, 2) = ".." THEN curdir$ = "C:": CHDIR "C:\": GOSUB prompt SHELL comand$ curdir$ = curdir$ + "\" + MID$(comand$, 4) GOSUB prompt END IF IF RIGHT$(comand$, 2) = ":\" OR RIGHT$(comand$, 1) = ":" OR RIGHT$(comand$, 1) = "\" THEN SHELL comand$ curdir$ = LEFT$(comand$, 1) + ":" GOSUB prompt END IF SHELL comand$ GOSUB prompt quit: CLS PRINT "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT "Arrowhead Imitation Disk Operating System (AI-DOS) V. 1.5" PRINT "Copyright (C) 1997 Arrowhead Corporation" PRINT "All Rights Reserved" PRINT PRINT "Programed with:" PRINT "MS-DOS QBasic" PRINT "Version 1.1" PRINT "Copyright (C) 1987-1992 Microsoft Corporation" PRINT "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT PRINT "Press Any Key" ' SLEEP SYSTEM help: CLS PRINT "---------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT "All MS-DOS Keywords Are Supported in AI-DOS" PRINT "Except For The 'CHDIR'/'CD' Keyword as follows:" PRINT "---------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT " CHDIR (CD)" PRINT "Changes the current directory. 'CHDIR' Not Supported!" PRINT "Syntax" PRINT " CD path" PRINT " CD .." PRINT "Parameters" PRINT " path Specifies the directory to change to. Directory must be in" PRINT " current directory." PRINT " .. Changes to the C:\ Directory" PRINT "--------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT "Press Any Key For New Keyword: LINES" WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND CLS PRINT "--------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT "New Keyword: LINES" PRINT "Changes the Number of Rows And Colomns on the Screen" PRINT "Syntax" PRINT " LINES numberoflines[*width]" PRINT " LINES DEFAULT" PRINT "Parameters" PRINT " numberoflines Specifies The Number of Rows On The Screen." PRINT " Options Are: 25,43,50" PRINT " width Specifies The Number of Columns On The Screen." PRINT " Options Are: 40,80" PRINT " DEFAULT Sets To Defaults (25*80)" PRINT "--------------------------------------------------------------------" PRINT PRINT GOSUB prompt restart: RUN ------------------8<-----------------CUT HERE-------------->8--------------- REM DOS.BAT echo off CLS c:\dos\qbasic /run c:\dos.bas REM change this^^^^ if you are putting the file in another directory. REM i.e. c:\dos\qbasic /run c:\dos\dos.bas CLS echo on