'=========================================================================== ' Subject: RANDOMLY GENERATED NAMES Date: 06-16-97 (16:37) ' Author: Brian Bacon Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: kyberteknik@geocities.com Packet: MISC.ABC '=========================================================================== 'I originally wrote this program to create names for characters (in 'games or whatever) but it can also be used to create words for 'different languages (incase you are writting a book or game and you 'need to create a language) I do admit you have to look through pages 'and pages of these words to find good ones, it is still easier then 'trying to think them all up (especially when you have friends that 'will sit in front of the screen for hours doing this for you). 'I have used up all my creative names playing D&D, it was starting to 'be hard to make up some good names, but this solved that. It isn't the 'best program, but it works.. ' ' (c) 1997, Brian Bacon ' No warrenty implied or given.. blah blah blah.. you know the rest.. ' ' Some of the best names I have gotten from here are: ' Kezler Jinil Kovan Porte Rozin Lenn ' Civon Ivry Wesco Sanikar Cevvun Kyne ' RANDOMIZE TIMER CLS h$ = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 'all letters v$ = "aeiouy" 'vowls only c$ = "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz" 'constanants only 'SWAP c$, v$ 'for some more cool words try this DO length = INT(RND(1) * 6 + 1) + 3 'change this line to vary the a$ = "" 'name/word length curr = LEN(h$) curr$ = h$ p$ = "" FOR I = 1 TO length lett = INT(RND(1) * curr) + 1 b$ = MID$(curr$, lett, 1) a$ = a$ + b$ IF INSTR(v$, b$) THEN curr$ = c$ curr = LEN(c$) ELSEIF INSTR(c$, p$) THEN curr$ = v$ curr = LEN(v$) ELSE curr$ = h$ curr = LEN(h$) END IF p$ = b$ NEXT I PRINT a$, ; IF CSRLIN = 23 THEN PRINT "press any key to continue (q) to quit..."; DO: k$ = INKEY$: LOOP UNTIL LEN(k$) IF UCASE$(k$) = "Q" THEN END CLS END IF LOOP