'=========================================================================== ' Subject: PRECISE DELAY Date: 05-20-97 (15:00) ' Author: Nick Kochakian Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: NickK@worldnet.att.net Packet: DATETIME.ABC '=========================================================================== DECLARE SUB halfpause () DECLARE SUB secpause () DECLARE SUB initdelay () 'Good delay ' '5/20/97 By: - Nick Kochakian - ' 'This program should help programmers out alot by making delays (or pauses) 'ALOT more accurate! I hope most of you will use this code in your games, 'demos, etc. ' 'If you have any comments or questions e-mail me at: nickk@worldnet.att.net DIM SHARED cpusec DIM SHARED ok$ CALL initdelay 'CALL secpause 'Pause for a second 'CALL halfpause 'Pause for a half of a second END 'You have to add these 3 lines of code for the delay init to work ok: ok$ = "ok" RETURN SUB halfpause 'Pause for a half of a second cntend = cpusec * .5 cnt = 0 DO cnt = cnt + 1 LOOP UNTIL cnt >= cntend END SUB SUB initdelay 'Init the delay ok$ = "" TIMER ON ON TIMER(1) GOSUB ok: cpusec = 0 DO cpusec = cpusec + 1 LOOP UNTIL ok$ = "ok" END SUB SUB secpause 'Pause for a second cnt = 0 DO cnt = cnt + 1 LOOP UNTIL cnt >= cpusec END SUB