'=========================================================================== ' Subject: TEXT FILE TO .BAS Date: 05-20-97 (15:00) ' Author: Nick Kochakian Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: NickK@worldnet.att.net Packet: MISC.ABC '=========================================================================== DECLARE SUB asc2bas (filn$, outn$) 'Convert any Ascii file to a .BAS file! ' '1997 '4/12/97 By: - Nick Kochakian - ' 'Any comments or questions should be e-mailed to: nickK@worldnet.att.net filn$ = "c:\thedraw\ad2.asc" 'Input file outn$ = "ad2.bas" 'Output file CALL asc2bas(filn$, outn$) SUB asc2bas (filn$, outn$) OPEN filn$ FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN outn$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 cnt = 1 DO LINE INPUT #1, ascline$ PRINT #2, "PRINT " + CHR$(34) + ascline$ + CHR$(34) cnt = EOF(1) LOOP UNTIL cnt = -1 CLOSE #1 CLOSE #2 END SUB