'=========================================================================== ' Subject: TURN SCREEN ON AND OFF Date: 03-04-97 (18:20) ' Author: The ABC Programmer Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: SCREEN.SWG Packet: TEXT.ABC '=========================================================================== '>I use alot of line draws and some text on the screen....the lines come out '>first and then the text a second or two later....is there a way so that the '>whole output comes at once. I tried Setvisualpage and setactivepage but the '>the whole output screen is off. ' I'm not completely sure how it works, but it looks like the original ' coder is switching bitplanes to create the effect. DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB ScreenOn () DECLARE SUB ScreenOff () PRINT "Turning Screen Off..." A$ = INPUT$(1) ScreenOff PRINT "Can you see this??" PRINT "Can you see this??" PRINT "Can you see this??" PRINT "Can you see this??" PRINT "Can you see this??" PRINT "Can you see this??" PRINT "Can you see this??" A$ = INPUT$(1) ScreenOn END SUB ScreenOff OUT &H3C4, 1 OUT &H3C5, (INP(&H3C5) OR &H20) END SUB SUB ScreenOn OUT &H3C4, 1 OUT &H3C5, 0 END SUB