'=========================================================================== ' Subject: HOW TO USE POKE Date: 03-17-97 (11:35) ' Author: Benjamin L. McGee Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: FidoNet QUIK_BAS Echo Packet: FAQS.ABC '=========================================================================== ' > ... I'm a little paranoid about using the POKE and PEEK ' > commands (mainly POKE, though). How will I know where to ' > POKE into and exactly what can I accomplish by POKEing there? 'From Ralf Brown's Interrupt list MEMORY.LST ' ----------M0400072-------------------------- ' MEM 0040h:072h - POST RESET FLAG ' Size: WORD ' Desc: speify the action the BIOS should take at the beinning of the ' power-on self-test when the machine is reset '(Table M020) 'Values for POST reset flag: ' 0000h cold boot ' 0064h Burn-n mode ' 1234h to bypass memory test (warm boot) ' 4321h [PS/2 except Mod 25,30] to preserve mmory ' 5678h [Conv] system suspended ' 9ABCh [Conv] manufacturing test mode ' ABCDh [Conv] POST loop mode ' ---------- WARMBOOT.BAS ---------- '$INCLUDE: 'qbx.bi' DEF SEG = &H40 POKE &H72, &H34 POKE &H73, &H12 DEF SEG = &HFFFF CALL Absolute(&H0) ' ---------- COLDBOOT.BAS ---------- '$INCLUDE: 'qbx.bi' DEF SEG = &H40 POKE &H72, &H0 POKE &H73, &H0 DEF SEG = &HFFFF CALL Absolute(&H0) 'There are, no doubt, many other useful memory locations that 'you can POKE values into. A good reference is as valuable as 'gold. Hope that helps...