'=========================================================================== ' Subject: DOCTOR STUPID (REALLY STUPID) Date: 03-04-97 (21:54) ' Author: Jason Lashua Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: rms015911@interramp.com Packet: MISC.ABC '=========================================================================== ' ' ' ' ' DOCTOR STUPID - A WEIRD A.I. GAME BY ' JASON LASHUA (AKA NEURALFRAUD) . PRESS F5 TO RUN ' ' IF YOU MODIFY THIS, GIVE ME CREDIT WHERE IT IS DUE! ' I WASTED 17 MINUTES ON THIS THING. .. SOOO... LIKE IT! ' ' YOU CANNOT TYPE COMMA'S IN THE PHRASES.. .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' All this does, is setup the random numbers. ' RANDOMIZE TIMER t = RND * 100 d = RND * 10 I = TIMER * RND RANDOMIZE TIMER + d + RND * 10 FOR u = 1 TO RND * 100: j = RND * 5: NEXT RANDOMIZE t + TIMER ' ' the game starts here. ' CLS ' clear screen DIM n$(200) ' max #of replies = 200 FOR a = 1 TO 49 ' cycle through all 49 replies READ n$(a) ' read reply #n (0 to 49) NEXT a ' do it again PRINT "DOCTOR STUPID V1.0 - LOADING DATA."; : SLEEP 1: PRINT "...READY" PRINT PRINT "Hi there, I'm Doctor Stupid, How are you doing today?" PRINT "to exit, type 'CAN I GO NOW DOCTOR STUPID?'" DO ' setup the game loop. COLOR 8 + RND * 7 ' random colors INPUT "", a$ ' get input from user a$ = UCASE$(a$) ' make all input upper-case IF a$ = "CAN I GO NOW DOCTOR STUPID?" THEN GOTO leave ' magic phrase COLOR 1 + INT(RND * 8) ' more random colors 40 g$ = n$(1 + INT(RND * a)) ' try to avoid repeating IF INSTR(h$, g$) > 0 THEN GOTO 40 ' try to avoid repeating IF LEN(h$) > 1000 THEN h$ = MID$(h$, 50) ' shorten h$ = h$ + g$ ' PRINT g$ ' print the reply FOR f = 1 TO d: NEXT ' cycle through numbers LOOP ' loop ' ' the exit procedure.... ' leave: PRINT "why do you want to go?" INPUT a$ ' ' if the word "because" or "none of your" is found.. give the user bullshit ' IF INSTR(a$, "because") > 0 THEN PRINT "Because isnt good enough.. now, let's try again..": SLEEP 2: GOTO leave IF INSTR(a$, "none of your") > 0 THEN PRINT "Wanna get smart? ok.. i see... fine.. leave.. muthafukka!": SLEEP 2: CLS : PRINT "THANK YOU FOR TRYING DOCTOR STUPID! (C)1997 JASON LASHUA": END IF a$ = "" THEN PRINT "i need a REAL reason before i can let you go.....": SLEEP 2: GOTO leave ELSE PRINT "OK, fine.. buh-bye ... come back again!": SLEEP 2: CLS : PRINT "THANK YOU FOR TRYING DOCTOR STUPID! (C)1997 JASON LASHUA": END GOTO leave ' 'This is where Doctor stupid get's his replies.... ' DATA "oh, and why not?" DATA "intreguing..." DATA "don't SNAP at ME!" DATA "don't you have anything intelligent to say?" DATA "i was unaware of that, please explain more..." DATA "i am really getting sick of this, go away." DATA "talk about not getting the point...gesh" DATA "i think so..." DATA "Look!, it's cap'n crunch... and he's inviting you to lunch!" DATA "i like it here, do you like it here?" DATA "i'm not certain that's feasible" DATA "do you suck dicks?" DATA "are you a peter puffer?" DATA "i bet you're the type of guy that'd fuck a person up the ass and not even have the common decency to give him a reach around. i'll be watching you" DATA "only steers and queers come from texas, and you dont look to much like a steer to me..." DATA "can i shoot you and get it over with?" DATA "what's wrong?" DATA "do you feel ashamed by your actions?" DATA "what do you think?" DATA "sorry, cant help you there" DATA "i could arrange that" DATA "i see that happening REAL soon..." DATA "yup" DATA "yes" DATA "no" DATA "ahahaha" DATA "jungle bunny." DATA "oh c'mon baby!" DATA "wanna kill somebody?" DATA "thats illegal you know" DATA "you can go to jail for that.." DATA "your death" DATA "do i have to give you a reason??" DATA "what the fuck do you expect from me negroid? DATA "go eat some twinkies" DATA "do you interract with other beings?" DATA "what are the voices in your head telling you...?" DATA "don't we all?" DATA "that doesn't supprise me for some reason" DATA "oh god, you're giving me an errection!!! Stop it!" DATA "lickedy lick lick lickedy lick lick" DATA "balls..." DATA "spem..." DATA "muff..." DATA "cheese" DATA "vaginal blood fart" DATA "it's illegal to do that.." DATA "have phun." DATA "cool" DATA "i'm bored" DATA "here, have a beer, you need it" DATA "what is your favorate color" DATA "my dick hurts.. " DATA "my balls hurt"