'=========================================================================== ' Subject: ROT-13 ENCODER/DECODER Date: 02-27-97 (01:13) ' Author: Marc van den Dikkenberg Code: QB, QBasic, PDS, PB ' Origin: excel@xs4all.nl Packet: TEXT.ABC '=========================================================================== ' ROT-13 encoder/decoder ' Created 26-02-1997 ' By Marc van den Dikkenberg (pb@excelsior.xs4all.nl) ' ' http://pitel-lnx.ibk.fnt.hvu.nl/~excel/pb.html ' test$="This is a test" print "Original - "test$ call rot13(test$) print "ROT-13 - "test$ SUB ROT13(test$) for tt=1 to len(test$) y%=0 x%=asc(mid$(test$,tt,1)) if (x%>64 and x%<91) or (x%>96 and x%<123) then y%=13 x%=x%-y% if x%<97 and x%>83 then x%=x%+26 else if x%<65 then x%=x%+26 end if mid$(test$,tt,1)=chr$(x%) next tt END SUB