'=========================================================================== ' Subject: MELT CHARACTERS OFF SCREEN Date: 02-06-97 (14:09) ' Author: Dave Navarro, Jr. Code: PB ' Origin: dave@powerbasic.com Packet: TEXT.ABC '=========================================================================== 'Melt all the charactors off of the screen. 'by Dave Navarro, Jr. 'requires PowerBASIC 3.0 or later DEFINT A-Z Cells = pbvScrnRows * pbvScrnCols - 1 Range = Cells IF BIT(pbvScrnCard, 1) THEN DIM DYNAMIC ScreenMem(0:1999) AT &HB800 'color screen address ELSE DIM DYNAMIC ScreenMem(0:1999) AT &HB000 'mono screen address END IF DO Cells = Range 'restore value FOR x = 0 TO Range cell = ScreenMem(x) 'get char & attribute from screen Char = ch AND &HFF 'isolate char IF Char = 32 THEN 'is it a space? Cell = &H0720 'yes, make sure it's white on black DECR Cells 'one less non-space on screen ELSEIF Char < 32 THEN 'is it a control char? INCR Cell 'add one to move it closer to a space ELSE 'it's above a space DECR Cell 'so subtract one to move it close to a space END IF ScreenMem(x) = Char 'put it back NEXT LOOP WHILE Cells >= 0 'keep looping until their all spaces