'=========================================================================== ' Subject: INTERRUPTX IN QBASIC Date: 12-29-96 (13:25) ' Author: Hans Lunsing Code: QBasic ' Origin: FidoNet QUIK_BAS Echo Packet: INTERRPT.ABC '=========================================================================== ' >> Don't forget.. I'm using Qbasic.. I don't think it has interrupt ' >> capabilities.. ' > Someone posted a SUB to use Interrupts in QBasic, but I don't ' > know where you can find it. It uses CALL ABSOLUTE, which is built ' > into QBasic. 'Here you have a sub to use interrupts in QBASIC: ' InterruptX ' Interrupt procedure for QBASIC ' (c) 1992 Hans Lunsing ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINT A-Z ' Register type for use with InterruptX TYPE RegTypeX ax AS INTEGER BX AS INTEGER CX AS INTEGER DX AS INTEGER BP AS INTEGER SI AS INTEGER DI AS INTEGER Flags AS INTEGER DS AS INTEGER ES AS INTEGER END TYPE CONST FALSE = 0, TRUE = NOT FALSE DECLARE SUB InterruptX (IntNo%, Inreg AS RegTypeX, OutReg AS RegTypeX) '----------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The machine code of the interrupt procedure for InterruptX '----------------------------------------------------------------------- InterruptXASM: ' Number of bytes DATA 190 ' Hexadecimal representation of machine code DATA 55,8B,EC,8B,5E,0C,8B,17,0A,F6 DATA 74,07,C7,07,FF,FF,E9,A7,00,8B DATA 5E,06,8B,1F,2E,88,97,77,00,32 DATA C0,80,FA,25,74,05,80,FA,26,75 DATA 02,0C,02,50,1E,06,56,57,9C,8B DATA 76,0A,80,FA,20,7C,05,80,FA,30 DATA 7C,0A,81,7C,08,FF,FF,74,03,8B DATA 6C,08,8B,44,0E,25,D5,0F,50,8B DATA 04,8B,5C,02,8B,4C,04,8B,54,06 DATA 8B,7C,0C,FF,74,0A,81,7C,12,FF DATA FF,74,03,8E,44,12,81,7C,10,FF DATA FF,74,03,8E,5C,10,5E,9D,CD,00 DATA 55,8B,EC,9C,83,C5,0E,F6,46,FE DATA 02,74,02,45,45,1E,56,8E,5E,FC DATA 8B,76,08,89,04,89,5C,02,89,4C DATA 04,89,54,06,8F,44,0A,89,7C,0C DATA 8F,44,10,8C,44,12,8F,44,0E,8F DATA 44,08,F6,46,FE,02,74,02,44,44 DATA 9D,5F,5E,07,1F,58,5D,CA,08,00 '----------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Example: get current video mode '----------------------------------------------------------------------- DIM r AS RegTypeX r.ax = &HF00 InterruptX &H10, r, r VideoMode = (r.ax AND &HFF) PRINT "Video mode is "; VideoMode END SUB InterruptX (IntNo AS INTEGER, Inreg AS RegTypeX, OutReg AS RegTypeX) STATIC '----------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Interrupt procedure. Works in the same way as its QB 4.5 counterpart. '----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT MachineCode% THEN ' First time dimension string array to hold machine code RESTORE InterruptXASM READ nASMBYTES% REDIM ASMBuffer(0 TO nASMBYTES% - 1) AS STRING * 1 END IF ' Get address of machine code DEF SEG = VARSEG(ASMBuffer(0)) Offset% = VARPTR(ASMBuffer(0)) IF NOT MachineCode% THEN ' First time load string array with machine code FOR i% = 0 TO nASMBYTES% - 1 READ Code$ POKE Offset% + i%, VAL("&H" + Code$) NEXT i% ' Indicate availability of machine code MachineCode% = TRUE END IF ' Call interrupt. ' The first Offset% parameter is used by the machine code modifying it self, ' so don't leave it out. CALL ABSOLUTE(IntNo%, Inreg, OutReg, Offset%, Offset%) DEF SEG END SUB 'Hans Lunsing, Fido : 2:281/607.214, 2:282/610.12 ' Internet : jlunsing@doge.nl