'=========================================================================== ' Subject: GORILLAS GAME FOR PB Date: 02-06-97 (14:02) ' Author: Dave Navarro, Jr. Code: PB ' Origin: dave@powerbasic.com Packet: GAMES.ABC '=========================================================================== ' Q B a s i c G o r i l l a s ' ' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990 ' ' Your mission is to hit your opponent with the exploding banana ' by varying the angle and power of your throw, taking into account ' wind speed, gravity, and the city skyline. ' ' Speed of this game is determined by the constant SPEEDCONST. If the ' program is too slow or too fast adjust the "SPEEDCONST = " line ' below. The larger the number the faster the game will go. ' ' To get help on a BASIC keyword, move the cursor to the keyword and press ' F1 or click the right mouse button. ' 'Set default data type to integer for faster game play DEFINT A - Z 'Make all arrays Dynamic $DYNAMIC 'User-Defined TYPEs TYPE XYPoint XCoor AS INTEGER YCoor AS INTEGER END TYPE 'Constants SHARED SPEEDCONST, TRUE, FALSE, HITSELF, BACKATTR, OBJECTCOLOR, WINDOWCOLOR SHARED SUNATTR, SUNHAPPY, SUNSHOCK, RIGHTUP, LEFTUP, ARMSDOWN SPEEDCONST = 18000 TRUE = -1 FALSE = NOT TRUE HITSELF = 1 BACKATTR = 0 OBJECTCOLOR = 1 WINDOWCOLOR = 14 SUNATTR = 3 SUNHAPPY = FALSE SUNSHOCK = TRUE RIGHTUP = 1 LEFTUP = 2 ARMSDOWN = 3 'Global Variables DIM GorillaX( 1 TO 2 ) AS SHARED INTEGER 'Location of the two gorillas DIM GorillaY( 1 TO 2 ) AS SHARED INTEGER SHARED LastBuilding SHARED pi# DIM LBan( x ) AS SHARED LONG 'Graphical picture of banana DIM RBan( x ) AS SHARED LONG DIM UBan( x ) AS SHARED LONG DIM DBan( x ) AS SHARED LONG DIM GorD( 120 ) AS SHARED LONG 'Graphical picture of Gorilla arms down DIM GorL( 120 ) AS SHARED LONG 'Gorilla left arm raised DIM GorR( 120 ) AS SHARED LONG 'Gorilla right arm raised SHARED gravity# SHARED Wind 'Screen Mode Variables SHARED ScrHeight SHARED ScrWidth SHARED Mode SHARED MaxCol 'Screen Color Variables SHARED ExplosionColor SHARED SunColor SHARED BackColor SHARED SunHit SHARED SunHt SHARED GHeight SHARED MachSpeed! DEF FnRan( x ) = INT( RND( 1 ) * x ) + 1 DEF SEG = 0 'Set NumLock to ON KeyFlags = PEEK( 1047 ) IF ( KeyFlags AND 32 ) = 0 THEN POKE 1047, KeyFlags OR 32 END IF DEF SEG GOSUB InitVars Intro GetInputs Name1$, Name2$, NumGames GorillaIntro Name1$, Name2$ PlayGame Name1$, Name2$, NumGames DEF SEG = 0 'Restore NumLock state POKE 1047, KeyFlags DEF SEG END CGABanana: 'BananaLeft DATA 327686, -252645316, 60 'BananaDown DATA 196618, -1057030081, 49344 'BananaUp DATA 196618, -1056980800, 63 'BananaRight DATA 327686, 1010580720, 240 EGABanana: 'BananaLeft DATA 458758, 202116096, 471604224, 943208448, 943208448, 943208448, 471604224, 202116096, 0 'BananaDown DATA 262153, -2134835200, -2134802239, -2130771968, -2130738945, 8323072, 8323199, 4063232, 4063294 'BananaUp DATA 262153, 4063232, 4063294, 8323072, 8323199, -2130771968, -2130738945, -2134835200, -2134802239 'BananaRight DATA 458758, -1061109760, -522133504, 1886416896, 1886416896, 1886416896, -522133504, -1061109760, 0 InitVars: pi# = 4 * ATN( 1# ) 'This is a clever way to pick the best graphics mode available ON ERROR GOTO ScreenModeError Mode = 9 SCREEN Mode ON ERROR GOTO PaletteError IF Mode = 9 THEN PALETTE 4, 0 'Check for 64K EGA ON ERROR GOTO 0 MachSpeed! = CalcDelay IF Mode = 9 THEN ScrWidth = 640 ScrHeight = 350 GHeight = 25 RESTORE EGABanana REDIM LBan&( 8 ), RBan&( 8 ), UBan&( 8 ), DBan&( 8 ) FOR i = 0 TO 8 READ LBan&( i ) NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 8 READ DBan&( i ) NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 8 READ UBan&( i ) NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 8 READ RBan&( i ) NEXT i SunHt = 39 ELSE ScrWidth = 320 ScrHeight = 200 GHeight = 12 RESTORE CGABanana REDIM LBan&( 2 ), RBan&( 2 ), UBan&( 2 ), DBan&( 2 ) REDIM GorL&( 20 ), GorD&( 20 ), GorR&( 20 ) FOR i = 0 TO 2 READ LBan&( i ) NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 2 READ DBan&( i ) NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 2 READ UBan&( i ) NEXT i FOR i = 0 TO 2 READ RBan&( i ) NEXT i MachSpeed! = MachSpeed! * 1.3 SunHt = 20 END IF RETURN ScreenModeError: IF Mode = 1 THEN CLS LOCATE 10, 5 PRINT "Sorry, you must have CGA, EGA color, or VGA graphics to play GORILLA.BAS" END ELSE Mode = 1 RESUME END IF PaletteError: Mode = 1 '64K EGA cards will run in CGA mode. RESUME NEXT $STATIC 'CalcDelay: ' Checks speed of the machine. FUNCTION CalcDelay! s! = TIMER DO i! = i! + 1 LOOP UNTIL TIMER - s! >= .05 CalcDelay! = i! END FUNCTION ' Center: ' Centers and prints a text string on a given row ' Parameters: ' Row - screen row number ' Text$ - text to be printed ' SUB Center( Row, Text$ ) Col = MaxCol \ 2 LOCATE Row, Col - ( LEN( Text$ ) / 2 + .5 ) PRINT Text$; END SUB ' DoExplosion: ' Produces explosion when a shot is fired ' Parameters: ' X#, Y# - location of explosion ' SUB DoExplosion( x#, y# ) PLAY "MBO0L32EFGEFDC" Radius = ScrHeight / 50 IF Mode = 9 THEN Inc# = .5 ELSE Inc# = .41 FOR c# = 0 TO Radius STEP Inc# CIRCLE( x#, y# ), c#, ExplosionColor NEXT c# FOR c# = Radius TO 0 STEP( -1 * Inc# ) CIRCLE( x#, y# ), c#, BACKATTR FOR i = 1 TO 100 NEXT i Rest .005 NEXT c# END SUB ' DoShot: ' Controls banana shots by accepting player input and plotting ' shot angle ' Parameters: ' PlayerNum - Player ' x, y - Player's gorilla position ' FUNCTION DoShot( PlayerNum, x, y ) 'Input shot IF PlayerNum = 1 THEN LocateCol = 1 ELSE IF Mode = 9 THEN LocateCol = 66 ELSE LocateCol = 26 END IF END IF LOCATE 2, LocateCol PRINT "Angle:"; Angle# = GetNum#( 2, LocateCol + 7 ) LOCATE 3, LocateCol PRINT "Velocity:"; Velocity = GetNum#( 3, LocateCol + 10 ) IF PlayerNum = 2 THEN Angle# = 180 - Angle# END IF 'Erase input FOR i = 1 TO 4 LOCATE i, 1 PRINT SPACE$( 30 \ ( 80 \ MaxCol )); LOCATE i,( 50 \ ( 80 \ MaxCol )) PRINT SPACE$( 30 \ ( 80 \ MaxCol )); NEXT SunHit = FALSE PlayerHit = PlotShot( x, y, Angle#, Velocity, PlayerNum ) IF PlayerHit = 0 THEN DoShot = FALSE ELSE DoShot = TRUE IF PlayerHit = PlayerNum THEN PlayerNum = 3 - PlayerNum VictoryDance PlayerNum END IF END FUNCTION ' DoSun: ' Draws the sun at the top of the screen. ' Parameters: ' Mouth - If TRUE draws "O" mouth else draws a smile mouth. ' SUB DoSun( Mouth ) 'set position of sun x = ScrWidth \ 2: y = Scl( 25 ) 'clear old sun LINE( x - Scl( 22 ), y - Scl( 18 )) - ( x + Scl( 22 ), y + Scl( 18 )), BACKATTR, BF 'draw new sun: 'body CIRCLE( x, y ), Scl( 12 ), SUNATTR PAINT( x, y ), SUNATTR 'rays LINE( x - Scl( 20 ), y ) - ( x + Scl( 20 ), y ), SUNATTR LINE( x, y - Scl( 15 )) - ( x, y + Scl( 15 )), SUNATTR LINE( x - Scl( 15 ), y - Scl( 10 )) - ( x + Scl( 15 ), y + Scl( 10 )), SUNATTR LINE( x - Scl( 15 ), y + Scl( 10 )) - ( x + Scl( 15 ), y - Scl( 10 )), SUNATTR LINE( x - Scl( 8 ), y - Scl( 13 )) - ( x + Scl( 8 ), y + Scl( 13 )), SUNATTR LINE( x - Scl( 8 ), y + Scl( 13 )) - ( x + Scl( 8 ), y - Scl( 13 )), SUNATTR LINE( x - Scl( 18 ), y - Scl( 5 )) - ( x + Scl( 18 ), y + Scl( 5 )), SUNATTR LINE( x - Scl( 18 ), y + Scl( 5 )) - ( x + Scl( 18 ), y - Scl( 5 )), SUNATTR 'mouth IF Mouth THEN 'draw "o" mouth CIRCLE( x, y + Scl( 5 )), Scl( 2.9 ), 0 PAINT( x, y + Scl( 5 )), 0, 0 ELSE 'draw smile CIRCLE( x, y ), Scl( 8 ), 0,( 210 * pi# / 180 ),( 330 * pi# / 180 ) END IF 'eyes CIRCLE( x - 3, y - 2 ), 1, 0 CIRCLE( x + 3, y - 2 ), 1, 0 PSET( x - 3, y - 2 ), 0 PSET( x + 3, y - 2 ), 0 END SUB 'DrawBan: ' Draws the banana 'Parameters: ' xc# - Horizontal Coordinate ' yc# - Vertical Coordinate ' r - rotation position (0-3). ( \_/ ) /-\ ' bc - if TRUE then DrawBan draws the banana ELSE it erases the banana SUB DrawBan( xc#, yc#, r, bc ) SELECT CASE r CASE 0 IF bc THEN PUT( xc#, yc# ), LBan&, PSET ELSE PUT( xc#, yc# ), LBan&, XOR END IF CASE 1 IF bc THEN PUT( xc#, yc# ), UBan&, PSET ELSE PUT( xc#, yc# ), UBan&, XOR END IF CASE 2 IF bc THEN PUT( xc#, yc# ), DBan&, PSET ELSE PUT( xc#, yc# ), DBan&, XOR END IF CASE 3 IF bc THEN PUT( xc#, yc# ), RBan&, PSET ELSE PUT( xc#, yc# ), RBan&, XOR END IF END SELECT END SUB 'DrawGorilla: ' Draws the Gorilla in either CGA or EGA mode ' and saves the graphics data in an array. 'Parameters: ' x - x coordinate of gorilla ' y - y coordinate of the gorilla ' arms - either Left up, Right up, or both down SUB DrawGorilla( x, y, arms ) DIM i AS SINGLE 'Local index must be single precision 'draw head LINE( x - Scl( 4 ), y ) - ( x + Scl( 2.9 ), y + Scl( 6 )), OBJECTCOLOR, BF LINE( x - Scl( 5 ), y + Scl( 2 )) - ( x + Scl( 4 ), y + Scl( 4 )), OBJECTCOLOR, BF 'draw eyes/brow LINE( x - Scl( 3 ), y + Scl( 2 )) - ( x + Scl( 2 ), y + Scl( 2 )), 0 'draw nose if ega IF Mode = 9 THEN FOR i = -2 TO - 1 PSET( x + i, y + 4 ), 0 PSET( x + i + 3, y + 4 ), 0 NEXT i END IF 'neck LINE( x - Scl( 3 ), y + Scl( 7 )) - ( x + Scl( 2 ), y + Scl( 7 )), OBJECTCOLOR 'body LINE( x - Scl( 8 ), y + Scl( 8 )) - ( x + Scl( 6.9 ), y + Scl( 14 )), OBJECTCOLOR, BF LINE( x - Scl( 6 ), y + Scl( 15 )) - ( x + Scl( 4.9 ), y + Scl( 20 )), OBJECTCOLOR, BF 'legs FOR i = 0 TO 4 CIRCLE( x + Scl( i ), y + Scl( 25 )), Scl( 10 ), OBJECTCOLOR, 3 * pi# / 4, 9 * pi# / 8 CIRCLE( x + Scl( -6 ) + Scl( i - .1 ), y + Scl( 25 )), Scl( 10 ), OBJECTCOLOR, 15 * pi# / 8, pi# / 4 NEXT 'chest CIRCLE( x - Scl( 4.9 ), y + Scl( 10 )), Scl( 4.9 ), 0, 3 * pi# / 2, 0 CIRCLE( x + Scl( 4.9 ), y + Scl( 10 )), Scl( 4.9 ), 0, pi#, 3 * pi# / 2 FOR i = -5 TO - 1 SELECT CASE arms CASE 1 'Right arm up CIRCLE( x + Scl( i - .1 ), y + Scl( 14 )), Scl( 9 ), OBJECTCOLOR, 3 * pi# / 4, 5 * pi# / 4 CIRCLE( x + Scl( 4.9 ) + Scl( i ), y + Scl( 4 )), Scl( 9 ), OBJECTCOLOR, 7 * pi# / 4, pi# / 4 GET( x - Scl( 15 ), y - Scl( 1 )) - ( x + Scl( 14 ), y + Scl( 28 )), GorR& CASE 2 'Left arm up CIRCLE( x + Scl( i - .1 ), y + Scl( 4 )), Scl( 9 ), OBJECTCOLOR, 3 * pi# / 4, 5 * pi# / 4 CIRCLE( x + Scl( 4.9 ) + Scl( i ), y + Scl( 14 )), Scl( 9 ), OBJECTCOLOR, 7 * pi# / 4, pi# / 4 GET( x - Scl( 15 ), y - Scl( 1 )) - ( x + Scl( 14 ), y + Scl( 28 )), GorL& CASE 3 'Both arms down CIRCLE( x + Scl( i - .1 ), y + Scl( 14 )), Scl( 9 ), OBJECTCOLOR, 3 * pi# / 4, 5 * pi# / 4 CIRCLE( x + Scl( 4.9 ) + Scl( i ), y + Scl( 14 )), Scl( 9 ), OBJECTCOLOR, 7 * pi# / 4, pi# / 4 GET( x - Scl( 15 ), y - Scl( 1 )) - ( x + Scl( 14 ), y + Scl( 28 )), GorD& END SELECT NEXT i END SUB 'ExplodeGorilla: ' Causes gorilla explosion when a direct hit occurs 'Parameters: ' X#, Y# - shot location FUNCTION ExplodeGorilla( x#, y# ) YAdj = Scl( 12 ) XAdj = Scl( 5 ) SclX# = ScrWidth / 320 SclY# = ScrHeight / 200 IF x# < ScrWidth / 2 THEN PlayerHit = 1 ELSE PlayerHit = 2 PLAY "MBO0L16EFGEFDC" FOR i = 1 TO 8 * SclX# CIRCLE( GorillaX( PlayerHit ) + 3.5 * SclX# + XAdj, GorillaY( PlayerHit ) + 7 * SclY# + YAdj ), i, ExplosionColor,,, - 1.57 LINE( GorillaX( PlayerHit ) + 7 * SclX#, GorillaY( PlayerHit ) + 9 * SclY# - i ) - ( GorillaX( PlayerHit ), GorillaY( PlayerHit ) + 9 * SclY# - i ), ExplosionColor NEXT i FOR i = 1 TO 16 * SclX# IF i < ( 8 * SclX# ) THEN CIRCLE( GorillaX( PlayerHit ) + 3.5 * SclX# + XAdj, GorillaY( PlayerHit ) + 7 * SclY# + YAdj ),( 8 * SclX# + 1 ) - i, BACKATTR,,, - 1.57 CIRCLE( GorillaX( PlayerHit ) + 3.5 * SclX# + XAdj, GorillaY( PlayerHit ) + YAdj ), i, i MOD 2 + 1,,, - 1.57 NEXT i FOR i = 24 * SclX# TO 1 STEP - 1 CIRCLE( GorillaX( PlayerHit ) + 3.5 * SclX# + XAdj, GorillaY( PlayerHit ) + YAdj ), i, BACKATTR,,, - 1.57 FOR Count = 1 TO 200 NEXT NEXT i ExplodeGorilla = PlayerHit END FUNCTION 'GetInputs: ' Gets user inputs at beginning of game 'Parameters: ' Player1$, Player2$ - player names ' NumGames - number of games to play SUB GetInputs( Player1$, Player2$, NumGames ) COLOR 7, 0 CLS LOCATE 8, 15 LINE INPUT "Name of Player 1 (Default = 'Player 1'): "; Player1$ IF Player1$ = "" THEN Player1$ = "Player 1" ELSE Player1$ = LEFT$( Player1$, 10 ) END IF LOCATE 10, 15 LINE INPUT "Name of Player 2 (Default = 'Player 2'): "; Player2$ IF Player2$ = "" THEN Player2$ = "Player 2" ELSE Player2$ = LEFT$( Player2$, 10 ) END IF DO LOCATE 12, 56: PRINT SPACE$( 25 ); LOCATE 12, 13 INPUT "Play to how many total points (Default = 3)"; game$ NumGames = VAL( LEFT$( game$, 2 )) LOOP UNTIL NumGames > 0 AND LEN( game$ ) < 3 OR LEN( game$ ) = 0 IF NumGames = 0 THEN NumGames = 3 DO LOCATE 14, 53: PRINT SPACE$( 28 ); LOCATE 14, 17 INPUT "Gravity in Meters/Sec (Earth = 9.8)"; grav$ gravity# = VAL( grav$ ) LOOP UNTIL gravity# > 0 OR LEN( grav$ ) = 0 IF gravity# = 0 THEN gravity# = 9.8 END SUB 'GetNum: ' Gets valid numeric input from user 'Parameters: ' Row, Col - location to echo input FUNCTION GetNum#( Row, Col ) Result$ = "" Done = FALSE WHILE INKEY$ < > "": WEND 'Clear keyboard buffer DO WHILE NOT Done LOCATE Row, Col PRINT Result$; CHR$( 95 ); " "; Kbd$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE Kbd$ CASE "0" TO "9" Result$ = Result$ + Kbd$ CASE "." IF INSTR( Result$, "." ) = 0 THEN Result$ = Result$ + Kbd$ END IF CASE CHR$( 13 ) IF VAL( Result$ ) > 360 THEN Result$ = "" ELSE Done = TRUE END IF CASE CHR$( 8 ) IF LEN( Result$ ) > 0 THEN Result$ = LEFT$( Result$, LEN( Result$ ) - 1 ) END IF CASE ELSE IF LEN( Kbd$ ) > 0 THEN BEEP END IF END SELECT LOOP LOCATE Row, Col PRINT Result$; " "; GetNum# = VAL( Result$ ) END FUNCTION 'GorillaIntro: ' Displays gorillas on screen for the first time ' allows the graphical data to be put into an array 'Parameters: ' Player1$, Player2$ - The names of the players ' SUB GorillaIntro( Player1$, Player2$ ) LOCATE 16, 34: PRINT "--------------" LOCATE 18, 34: PRINT "V = View Intro" LOCATE 19, 34: PRINT "P = Play Game" LOCATE 21, 35: PRINT "Your Choice?" DO WHILE Char$ = "" Char$ = INKEY$ LOOP IF Mode = 1 THEN x = 125 y = 100 ELSE x = 278 y = 175 END IF SCREEN Mode SetScreen IF Mode = 1 THEN Center 5, "Please wait while gorillas are drawn." VIEW TEXT( 1, 9 ) - ( 80, 24 ) IF Mode = 9 THEN PALETTE OBJECTCOLOR, BackColor DrawGorilla x, y, ARMSDOWN CLS 2 DrawGorilla x, y, LEFTUP CLS 2 DrawGorilla x, y, RIGHTUP CLS 2 VIEW TEXT( 1, 1 ) - ( 80, 25 ) IF Mode = 9 THEN PALETTE OBJECTCOLOR, 46 IF UCASE$( Char$ ) = "V" THEN Center 2, "Q B A S I C G O R I L L A S" Center 5, " STARRING: " P$ = Player1$ + " AND " + Player2$ Center 7, P$ PUT( x - 13, y ), GorD&, PSET PUT( x + 47, y ), GorD&, PSET Rest 1 PUT( x - 13, y ), GorL&, PSET PUT( x + 47, y ), GorR&, PSET PLAY "t120o1l16b9n0baan0bn0bn0baaan0b9n0baan0b" Rest .3 PUT( x - 13, y ), GorR&, PSET PUT( x + 47, y ), GorL&, PSET PLAY "o2l16e-9n0e-d-d-n0e-n0e-n0e-d-d-d-n0e-9n0e-d-d-n0e-" Rest .3 PUT( x - 13, y ), GorL&, PSET PUT( x + 47, y ), GorR&, PSET PLAY "o2l16g-9n0g-een0g-n0g-n0g-eeen0g-9n0g-een0g-" Rest .3 PUT( x - 13, y ), GorR&, PSET PUT( x + 47, y ), GorL&, PSET PLAY "o2l16b9n0baan0g-n0g-n0g-eeen0o1b9n0baan0b" Rest .3 FOR i = 1 TO 4 PUT( x - 13, y ), GorL&, PSET PUT( x + 47, y ), GorR&, PSET PLAY "T160O0L32EFGEFDC" Rest .1 PUT( x - 13, y ), GorR&, PSET PUT( x + 47, y ), GorL&, PSET PLAY "T160O0L32EFGEFDC" Rest .1 NEXT END IF END SUB 'Intro: ' Displays game introduction SUB Intro SCREEN 0 WIDTH 80, 25 MaxCol = 80 COLOR 15, 0 CLS Center 4, "Q B a s i c G O R I L L A S" COLOR 7 Center 6, "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990" Center 8, "Your mission is to hit your opponent with the exploding" Center 9, "banana by varying the angle and power of your throw, taking" Center 10, "into account wind speed, gravity, and the city skyline." Center 11, "The wind speed is shown by a directional arrow at the bottom" Center 12, "of the playing field, its length relative to its strength." Center 24, "Press any key to continue" PLAY "MBT160O1L8CDEDCDL4ECC" SparklePause IF Mode = 1 THEN MaxCol = 40 END SUB 'MakeCityScape: ' Creates random skyline for game 'Parameters: ' BCoor() - a user-defined type array which stores the coordinates of ' the upper left corner of each building. SUB MakeCityScape( BCoor() AS XYPoint ) x = 2 'Set the sloping trend of the city scape. NewHt is new building height Slope = FnRan( 6 ) SELECT CASE Slope CASE 1: NewHt = 15 'Upward slope CASE 2: NewHt = 130 'Downward slope CASE 3 TO 5: NewHt = 15 '"V" slope - most common CASE 6: NewHt = 130 'Inverted "V" slope END SELECT IF Mode = 9 THEN BottomLine = 335 'Bottom of building HtInc = 10 'Increase value for new height DefBWidth = 37 'Default building height RandomHeight = 120 'Random height difference WWidth = 3 'Window width WHeight = 6 'Window height WDifV = 15 'Counter for window spacing - vertical WDifh = 10 'Counter for window spacing - horizontal ELSE BottomLine = 190 HtInc = 6 NewHt = NewHt * 20 \ 35 'Adjust for CGA DefBWidth = 18 RandomHeight = 54 WWidth = 1 WHeight = 2 WDifV = 5 WDifh = 4 END IF CurBuilding = 1 DO SELECT CASE Slope CASE 1 NewHt = NewHt + HtInc CASE 2 NewHt = NewHt - HtInc CASE 3 TO 5 IF x > ScrWidth \ 2 THEN NewHt = NewHt - 2 * HtInc ELSE NewHt = NewHt + 2 * HtInc END IF CASE 4 IF x > ScrWidth \ 2 THEN NewHt = NewHt + 2 * HtInc ELSE NewHt = NewHt - 2 * HtInc END IF END SELECT 'Set width of building and check to see if it would go off the screen BWidth = FnRan( DefBWidth ) + DefBWidth IF x + BWidth > ScrWidth THEN BWidth = ScrWidth - x - 2 'Set height of building and check to see if it goes below screen BHeight = FnRan( RandomHeight ) + NewHt IF BHeight < HtInc THEN BHeight = HtInc 'Check to see if Building is too high IF BottomLine - BHeight < = MaxHeight + GHeight THEN BHeight = MaxHeight + GHeight - 5 'Set the coordinates of the building into the array BCoor( CurBuilding ).XCoor = x BCoor( CurBuilding ).YCoor = BottomLine - BHeight IF Mode = 9 THEN BuildingColor = FnRan( 3 ) + 4 ELSE BuildingColor = 2 'Draw the building, outline first, then filled LINE( x - 1, BottomLine + 1 ) - ( x + BWidth + 1, BottomLine - BHeight - 1 ), BACKGROUND, B LINE( x, BottomLine ) - ( x + BWidth, BottomLine - BHeight ), BuildingColor, BF 'Draw the windows c = x + 3 DO FOR i = BHeight - 3 TO 7 STEP - WDifV IF Mode < > 9 THEN WinColr = ( FnRan( 2 ) - 2 ) * -3 ELSEIF FnRan( 4 ) = 1 THEN WinColr = 8 ELSE WinColr = WINDOWCOLOR END IF LINE( c, BottomLine - i ) - ( c + WWidth, BottomLine - i + WHeight ), WinColr, BF NEXT c = c + WDifh LOOP UNTIL c > = x + BWidth - 3 x = x + BWidth + 2 CurBuilding = CurBuilding + 1 LOOP UNTIL x > ScrWidth - HtInc LastBuilding = CurBuilding - 1 'Set Wind speed Wind = FnRan( 10 ) - 5 IF FnRan( 3 ) = 1 THEN IF Wind > 0 THEN Wind = Wind + FnRan( 10 ) ELSE Wind = Wind - FnRan( 10 ) END IF END IF 'Draw Wind speed arrow IF Wind < > 0 THEN WindLine = Wind * 3 * ( ScrWidth \ 320 ) LINE( ScrWidth \ 2, ScrHeight - 5 ) - ( ScrWidth \ 2 + WindLine, ScrHeight - 5 ), ExplosionColor IF Wind > 0 THEN ArrowDir = -2 ELSE ArrowDir = 2 LINE( ScrWidth / 2 + WindLine, ScrHeight - 5 ) - ( ScrWidth / 2 + WindLine + ArrowDir, ScrHeight - 5 - 2 ), ExplosionColor LINE( ScrWidth / 2 + WindLine, ScrHeight - 5 ) - ( ScrWidth / 2 + WindLine + ArrowDir, ScrHeight - 5 + 2 ), ExplosionColor END IF END SUB 'PlaceGorillas: ' PUTs the Gorillas on top of the buildings. Must have drawn ' Gorillas first. 'Parameters: ' BCoor() - user-defined TYPE array which stores upper left coordinates ' of each building. SUB PlaceGorillas( BCoor() AS XYPoint ) IF Mode = 9 THEN XAdj = 14 YAdj = 30 ELSE XAdj = 7 YAdj = 16 END IF SclX# = ScrWidth / 320 SclY# = ScrHeight / 200 'Place gorillas on second or third building from edge FOR i = 1 TO 2 IF i = 1 THEN BNum = FnRan( 2 ) + 1 ELSE BNum = LastBuilding - FnRan( 2 ) BWidth = BCoor( BNum + 1 ).XCoor - BCoor( BNum ).XCoor GorillaX( i ) = BCoor( BNum ).XCoor + BWidth / 2 - XAdj GorillaY( i ) = BCoor( BNum ).YCoor - YAdj PUT( GorillaX( i ), GorillaY( i )), GorD&, PSET NEXT i END SUB 'PlayGame: ' Main game play routine 'Parameters: ' Player1$, Player2$ - player names ' NumGames - number of games to play SUB PlayGame( Player1$, Player2$, NumGames ) DIM BCoor( 0 TO 30 ) AS XYPoint DIM TotalWins( 1 TO 2 ) J = 1 FOR i = 1 TO NumGames CLS RANDOMIZE( TIMER ) CALL MakeCityScape( BCoor()) CALL PlaceGorillas( BCoor()) DoSun SUNHAPPY Hit = FALSE DO WHILE Hit = FALSE J = 1 - J LOCATE 1, 1 PRINT Player1$ LOCATE 1,( MaxCol - 1 - LEN( Player2$ )) PRINT Player2$ Center 23, LTRIM$( STR$( TotalWins( 1 ))) + ">Score<" + LTRIM$( STR$( TotalWins( 2 ))) Tosser = J + 1: Tossee = 3 - J 'Plot the shot. Hit is true if Gorilla gets hit. Hit = DoShot( Tosser, GorillaX( Tosser ), GorillaY( Tosser )) 'Reset the sun, if it got hit IF SunHit THEN DoSun SUNHAPPY IF Hit = TRUE THEN CALL UpdateScores( TotalWins(), Tosser, Hit ) LOOP SLEEP 1 NEXT i SCREEN 0 WIDTH 80, 25 COLOR 7, 0 MaxCol = 80 CLS Center 8, "GAME OVER!" Center 10, "Score:" LOCATE 11, 30: PRINT Player1$; TAB( 50 ); TotalWins( 1 ) LOCATE 12, 30: PRINT Player2$; TAB( 50 ); TotalWins( 2 ) Center 24, "Press any key to continue" SparklePause COLOR 7, 0 CLS END SUB 'PlayGame: ' Plots banana shot across the screen 'Parameters: ' StartX, StartY - starting shot location ' Angle - shot angle ' Velocity - shot velocity ' PlayerNum - the banana thrower FUNCTION PlotShot( StartX, StartY, Angle#, Velocity, PlayerNum ) Angle# = Angle# / 180 * pi# 'Convert degree angle to radians Radius = Mode MOD 7 InitXVel# = COS( Angle# ) * Velocity InitYVel# = SIN( Angle# ) * Velocity oldx# = StartX oldy# = StartY 'draw gorilla toss IF PlayerNum = 1 THEN PUT( StartX, StartY ), GorL&, PSET ELSE PUT( StartX, StartY ), GorR&, PSET END IF 'throw sound PLAY "MBo0L32A-L64CL16BL64A+" Rest .1 'redraw gorilla PUT( StartX, StartY ), GorD&, PSET adjust = Scl( 4 ) 'For scaling CGA xedge = Scl( 9 ) * ( 2 - PlayerNum ) 'Find leading edge of banana for check Impact = FALSE ShotInSun = FALSE OnScreen = TRUE PlayerHit = 0 NeedErase = FALSE StartXPos = StartX StartYPos = StartY - adjust - 3 IF PlayerNum = 2 THEN StartXPos = StartXPos + Scl( 25 ) direction = Scl( 4 ) ELSE direction = Scl( -4 ) END IF IF Velocity < 2 THEN 'Shot too slow - hit self x# = StartX y# = StartY pointval = OBJECTCOLOR END IF DO WHILE( NOT Impact ) AND OnScreen Rest .02 'Erase old banana, if necessary IF NeedErase THEN NeedErase = FALSE CALL DrawBan( oldx#, oldy#, oldrot, FALSE ) END IF x# = StartXPos + ( InitXVel# * t# ) + ( .5 * ( Wind / 5 ) * t# ^ 2 ) y# = StartYPos + (( -1 * ( InitYVel# * t# )) + ( .5 * gravity# * t# ^ 2 )) * ( ScrHeight / 350 ) IF ( x# > = ScrWidth - Scl( 10 )) OR ( x# < = 3 ) OR ( y# > = ScrHeight - 3 ) THEN OnScreen = FALSE END IF IF OnScreen AND y# > 0 THEN 'check it LookY = 0 LookX = Scl( 8 * ( 2 - PlayerNum )) DO pointval = POINT( x# + LookX, y# + LookY ) IF pointval = 0 THEN Impact = FALSE IF ShotInSun = TRUE THEN IF ABS( ScrWidth \ 2 - x# ) > Scl( 20 ) OR y# > SunHt THEN ShotInSun = FALSE END IF ELSEIF pointval = SUNATTR AND y# < SunHt THEN IF NOT SunHit THEN DoSun SUNSHOCK SunHit = TRUE ShotInSun = TRUE ELSE Impact = TRUE END IF LookX = LookX + direction LookY = LookY + Scl( 6 ) LOOP UNTIL Impact OR LookX < > Scl( 4 ) IF NOT ShotInSun AND NOT Impact THEN 'plot it rot = ( t# * 10 ) MOD 4 CALL DrawBan( x#, y#, rot, TRUE ) NeedErase = TRUE END IF oldx# = x# oldy# = y# oldrot = rot END IF t# = t# + .1 LOOP IF pointval < > OBJECTCOLOR AND Impact THEN CALL DoExplosion( x# + adjust, y# + adjust ) ELSEIF pointval = OBJECTCOLOR THEN PlayerHit = ExplodeGorilla( x#, y# ) END IF PlotShot = PlayerHit END FUNCTION 'Rest: ' pauses the program SUB Rest( t# ) s# = TIMER t2# = MachSpeed! * t# / (SPEEDCONST * 2) DO LOOP UNTIL TIMER - s# > t2# END SUB 'Scl: ' Pass the number in to scaling for cga. If the number is a decimal, then we ' want to scale down for cga or scale up for ega. This allows a full range ' of numbers to be generated for scaling. ' (i.e. for 3 to get scaled to 1, pass in 2.9) FUNCTION Scl( n! ) IF n! < > INT( n! ) THEN IF Mode = 1 THEN n! = n! - 1 END IF IF Mode = 1 THEN Scl = CINT( n! / 2 + .1 ) ELSE Scl = CINT( n! ) END IF END FUNCTION 'SetScreen: ' Sets the appropriate color statements SUB SetScreen IF Mode = 9 THEN ExplosionColor = 2 BackColor = 1 PALETTE 0, 1 PALETTE 1, 46 PALETTE 2, 44 PALETTE 3, 54 PALETTE 5, 7 PALETTE 6, 4 PALETTE 7, 3 PALETTE 9, 63 'Display Color ELSE ExplosionColor = 2 BackColor = 0 COLOR BackColor, 2 END IF END SUB 'SparklePause: ' Creates flashing border for intro and game over screens SUB SparklePause COLOR 4, 0 A$ = "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * " WHILE INKEY$ < > "": WEND 'Clear keyboard buffer WHILE INKEY$ = "" FOR A = 1 TO 5 LOCATE 1, 1 'print horizontal sparkles PRINT MID$( A$, A, 80 ); LOCATE 22, 1 PRINT MID$( A$, 6 - A, 80 ); FOR b = 2 TO 21 'Print Vertical sparkles c = ( A + b ) MOD 5 IF c = 1 THEN LOCATE b, 80 PRINT "*"; LOCATE 23 - b, 1 PRINT "*"; ELSE LOCATE b, 80 PRINT " "; LOCATE 23 - b, 1 PRINT " "; END IF NEXT b NEXT A WEND END SUB 'UpdateScores: ' Updates players' scores 'Parameters: ' Record - players' scores ' PlayerNum - player ' Results - results of player's shot SUB UpdateScores( Record(), PlayerNum, Results ) IF Results = HITSELF THEN Record( ABS( PlayerNum - 3 )) = Record( ABS( PlayerNum - 3 )) + 1 ELSE Record( PlayerNum ) = Record( PlayerNum ) + 1 END IF END SUB 'VictoryDance: ' gorilla dances after he has eliminated his opponent 'Parameters: ' Player - which gorilla is dancing SUB VictoryDance( Player ) FOR i# = 1 TO 4 PUT( GorillaX( Player ), GorillaY( Player )), GorL&, PSET PLAY "MFO0L32EFGEFDC" Rest .2 PUT( GorillaX( Player ), GorillaY( Player )), GorR&, PSET PLAY "MFO0L32EFGEFDC" Rest .2 NEXT END SUB