'=========================================================================== ' Subject: NETSCAPE LOOPING EXTENSION Date: 01-01-97 (00:00) ' Author: Royal Frazier Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: www.inside.net Packet: HTML.ABC '=========================================================================== DIM A$, L$, dest$, buf$ DIM bit, bytes, stat, numb, hi, lo, left, top, iheight, iwidth, size, depth AS INTEGER DIM filename$ stat = 0 CLS PRINT "Netscape Looping Extension" PRINT "=================================================================" PRINT "This program will insert a GIF89a Application Extension Block to " PRINT "instruct Netscape Navigator 2.0 to loop a GIF89a graphic. If the " PRINT "source file already contain this extension block, another will be" PRINT "inserted before it." PRINT "=================================================================" INPUT "Name of source GIF (include .EXTension): "; filename$ INPUT "Name of destination GIF (include .EXTension): "; dest$ PRINT "=================================================================" PRINT " The specified destination file will be -**!! OVERWRITTEN !!**-" dest$ = UCASE$(dest$) filename$ = UCASE$(filename$) PRINT "=================================================================" INPUT "How many iterations should it loop through (0-65535; 0=infinite)"; L$ lo = VAL(L$) IF lo < 0 OR lo > 65535 THEN PRINT "Invalid value "; L$; " entered. Will use zero." L$ = "0" END IF PRINT OPEN filename$ FOR BINARY ACCESS READ AS 1 OPEN "NETGIF$$.TMP" FOR OUTPUT ACCESS WRITE AS 2 bytes = 6 GOSUB indata IF buf$ <> "GIF89a" THEN GOTO errorhand stat = 2 GOSUB outdata bytes = 4 GOSUB indata GOSUB outdata bytes = 1 GOSUB indata bit = INT(numb / 128) IF bit THEN size = 2 ^ (numb - (INT(numb / 8) * 8) + 1) PRINT "color table has "; size; "colors" ELSE GOTO errorhand END IF GOSUB outdata REM finish screen descriptor bytes = 2 GOSUB indata GOSUB outdata PRINT "LOGICAL SCREEN DESCRIPTOR DONE." stat = 3 REM color table bytes = size * 3 GOSUB indata GOSUB outdata PRINT "GLOBAL COLOR TABLE DONE." stat = 4 numb = VAL(L$) hi = INT(numb / 256) lo = numb - hi * 256 PRINT "Inserting Netscape 2.0 Application Extension for looping." buf$ = CHR$(33) + CHR$(255) + CHR$(11) + "NETSCAPE2.0" + CHR$(3) + CHR$(1) + CHR$(lo) + CHR$(hi) + CHR$(0) GOSUB outdata stat = 5 PRINT "Decoding GIF..."; REM begin block decodes bytes = 256 WHILE NOT EOF(1) GOSUB indata PRINT "."; GOSUB outdata WEND GOTO FINI FINI: CLOSE #1 CLOSE #2 PRINT "=================================================================" stat = 6 OPEN dest$ FOR OUTPUT ACCESS WRITE AS #3 WRITE #3, "***" CLOSE #3 KILL dest$ stat = 7 NAME "NETGIF$$.TMP" AS dest$ PRINT "Finished inserting application extension block." PRINT "=================================================================" END indata: IF (EOF(1)) THEN GOTO FINI buf$ = INPUT$(bytes, #1) IF LEN(buf$) = 1 THEN numb = ASC(buf$) RETURN outdata: PRINT #2, buf$; RETURN errorhand: BEEP PRINT PRINT "*********************ERROR HANDLER**********************" SELECT CASE stat CASE 0 PRINT "ERROR:No GIF89A header found. File Not Found or not a GIF89A. Did you not include the .GIF extension in the name?" CASE 1 PRINT "ERROR:No Logical Screen Descriptor." CASE 2 PRINT "ERROR:No Global Color Table." CASE 3 PRINT "ERROR:Unable to transfer Global Color Table. Either the file ended prematurely, or there may be insufficent space to write the temp file." CASE 4 PRINT "ERROR:Unable to write Netscape Extension to temporary disk file. Either the file ended prematurely, or there may be insufficent space to write the temp file." CASE 5 PRINT "ERROR:Unable to write remaining image data to temporary disk file. Either the file ended prematurely, or there may be insufficent space to write the temp file." CASE 6 PRINT "ERROR:Unable to delete existing destination file. In use by another program, read-only access?" CASE 7 PRINT "ERROR:Unable to rename NETGIF$$.TMP to destination filename. Illegal filename? Destination file is open and being used by another program." CASE ELSE PRINT "Unknown Error. Check access to disk, free space. Are the filenames correct?" END SELECT PRINT PRINT "Press any key to return to QBASIC editor." SLEEP STOP END