'=========================================================================== ' Subject: MULTI-LANGUAGE CALENDAR ROUTINE Date: 01-13-97 (13:05) ' Author: Egbert Zijlema Code: PB ' Origin: e.zylema@castel.nl Packet: DATETIME.ABC '=========================================================================== $LIB ALL OFF $ERROR ALL OFF $OPTIMIZE SIZE $FLOAT NPX ' for machines with math processor $CPU 80386 ' 386 and higher ' $COMPILE EXE "FEESTDGN.EXE" ' dutch } ' $COMPILE EXE "FEIERTAG.EXE" ' german } un-REM filename of choice ' $COMPILE EXE ' english } ' CELEBRAT.BAS - a multi-language calendar routine ' Author : Egbert Zijlema (E.Zijlema@uni4nn.iaf.nl) ' (up)Date : 13 January 1997 (Julian 2450462) ' Status : Public Domain ' Compiler : Power Basic 3.2 for DOS ' CELEBRAT.BAS displays the dates of the celebration days for a given year. ' Additionally it performs a browsable monthly calendar. ' Screen text is either in English, German or Dutch, which depends ' of a correct COUNTRY setting in your CONFIG.SYS file. ' German text will be shown in Germany and Austria, Dutch in The ' Netherlands. In any other country the program defaults to English. ' When writing a date to the screen, it uses the correct ' delimiters (e.g. dot for Germany, slash for the UK, hyphen for ' the USA and The Netherlands) ' Note: ASCII characters > 127 are written as: CHR$(). This has ' no special reason, except to avoid that Window's Notepad will ' change them when copying the code to my Internet mailer (e.g.: ' the German name for March, the Dutch florin sign) DEFINT A - Z ' all variables integer, unless tagged DIM SevenDays(1 : 7) AS SHARED STRING DIM TwelveMonths (1 : 12) AS SHARED STRING DIM DaysInMonth(1 : 12) AS SHARED INTEGER DIM ScreenText(1 : 15) AS SHARED STRING SUB FillDaysInMonth DaysInMonth( 1) = 31 : DaysInMonth( 2) = 28 DaysInMonth( 3) = 31 : DaysInMonth( 4) = 30 DaysInMonth( 5) = 31 : DaysInMonth( 6) = 30 DaysInMonth( 7) = 31 : DaysInMonth( 8) = 31 DaysInMonth( 9) = 30 : DaysInMonth(10) = 31 DaysInMonth(11) = 30 : DaysInMonth(12) = 31 END SUB SUB GetCountryInfo(format, buffer$) ' results depend on correct COUNTRY settings in CONFIG.SYS buffer$ = SPACE$(64) ' information buffer REG 8, STRSEG(buffer$) ' DS = segment of buffer REG 4, STRPTR(buffer$) ' DX = offset of buffer REG 1, &H3800 ' AX = service CALL INTERRUPT &H21 ' fill buffer$ format = ASC(buffer$) ' date format (1 out of 3) = 1st byte END SUB SUB FillDutchArrays SevenDays(1) = "maandag" : SevenDays(2) = "dinsdag" SevenDays(3) = "woensdag" : SevenDays(4) = "donderdag" SevenDays(5) = "vrijdag" : SevenDays(6) = "zaterdag" SevenDays(7) = "zondag" TwelveMonths( 1) = "januari" : TwelveMonths( 2) = "februari" TwelveMonths( 3) = "maart" : TwelveMonths( 4) = "april" TwelveMonths( 5) = "mei" : TwelveMonths( 6) = "juni" TwelveMonths( 7) = "juli" : TwelveMonths( 8) = "augustus" TwelveMonths( 9) = "september" : TwelveMonths(10) = "oktober" TwelveMonths(11) = "november" : TwelveMonths(12) = "december" ScreenText( 1) = "Datum: " : ScreenText( 2) = "Tijd : " ScreenText( 3) = " = afsluiten" : ScreenText( 4) = " = maand" ScreenText( 5) = " = jaar" : ScreenText( 6) = "FEESTDAGEN" ScreenText( 7) = "Nieuwjaar : " : ScreenText( 8) = "Goede vrijdag: " ScreenText( 9) = "Pasen : " : ScreenText(10) = "Hemelvaart : " ScreenText(11) = "Pinksteren : " : ScreenText(12) = "Kerstdagen : " ScreenText(13) = " v.C." : ScreenText(14) = " = eeuw" ScreenText(15) = "Tijd- en datumroutines door: " END SUB SUB FillEnglishArrays SevenDays(1) = "Monday" : SevenDays(2) = "Tuesday" SevenDays(3) = "Wednesday" : SevenDays(4) = "Thursday" SevenDays(5) = "Friday" : SevenDays(6) = "Saturday" SevenDays(7) = "Sunday" TwelveMonths( 1) = "January" : TwelveMonths( 2) = "February" TwelveMonths( 3) = "March" : TwelveMonths( 4) = "April" TwelveMonths( 5) = "May" : TwelveMonths( 6) = "June" TwelveMonths( 7) = "July" : TwelveMonths( 8) = "August" TwelveMonths( 9) = "September" : TwelveMonths(10) = "October" TwelveMonths(11) = "November" : TwelveMonths(12) = "December" ScreenText( 1) = "Date : " : ScreenText( 2) = "Time : " ScreenText( 3) = " = Quit" : ScreenText( 4) = " = Month" ScreenText( 5) = " = Year" : ScreenText( 6) = "CELEBRATION DAYS" ScreenText( 7) = "New Year : " : ScreenText( 8) = "Good Friday : " ScreenText( 9) = "Easter : " : ScreenText(10) = "Ascension day: " ScreenText(11) = "Whit days : " : ScreenText(12) = "Christmas : " ScreenText(13) = " b.C." : ScreenText(14) = " = Century" ScreenText(15) = "Time & date routines by: " END SUB SUB FillGermanArrays SevenDays(1) = "Montag" : SevenDays(2) = "Dienstag" SevenDays(3) = "Mittwoch" : SevenDays(4) = "Donnerstag" SevenDays(5) = "Freitag" : SevenDays(6) = "Samstag" SevenDays(7) = "Sonntag" TwelveMonths( 1) = "Januar" : TwelveMonths( 2) = "Februar" TwelveMonths( 3) = "M" + CHR$(132) + "rz" TwelveMonths( 4) = "April" TwelveMonths( 5) = "Mai" : TwelveMonths( 6) = "Juni" TwelveMonths( 7) = "Juli" : TwelveMonths( 8) = "August" TwelveMonths( 9) = "September" : TwelveMonths(10) = "Oktober" TwelveMonths(11) = "November" : TwelveMonths(12) = "Dezember" ScreenText( 1) = "Datum: " : ScreenText( 2) = "Zeit : " ScreenText( 3) = " = Ende" : ScreenText( 4) = " = Monat" ScreenText( 5) = " = Jahr" : ScreenText( 6) = "FEIERTAGE" ScreenText( 7) = "Neu Jahr : " : ScreenText( 8) = "Karfreitag : " ScreenText( 9) = "Ostern : " : ScreenText(10) = "Himmelfahrt : " ScreenText(11) = "Pfingsten : " : ScreenText(12) = "Weihnachten : " ScreenText(13) = " v.C." : ScreenText(14) = " = Jahr100" ScreenText(15) = "Zeit und Datum Routinen durch: " END SUB SUB DisplayCalendar(page, annum) FirstDay$ = DayOfTheWeek(annum, page, 1) ' 1st day of the month Y = VAL(MID$(DATE$, 7)) ' } M = VAL(LEFT$(DATE$, 2)) ' } actual date D = VAL(MID$(DATE$, 4, 2)) ' } we need this to test ToDay& = Julian(Y, M, D) ' } for inverse displaying days = DaysInMonth(page) ' number of days IF page = 2 THEN ' February days = days + LeapYear(annum) ' 28 + 1 ? END IF COLOR 0, 1 ' calendar's background blue FOR row = 1 TO 8 LOCATE row, 1 PRINT SPACE$(55) NEXT COLOR 15 FOR count = 1 TO 7 header$ = header$ + LEFT$(SevenDays(count), 3) + SPACE$(3) NEXT LOCATE 1, 16 : PRINT RTRIM$(header$) COLOR 11 LOCATE 2, 2 : PRINT YearToDisplay(annum) LOCATE 3, 2 : PRINT TwelveMonths(page) ' name of the month ' display calendar: col = INSTR(header$, LEFT$(FirstDay$, 3)) + 16 row = 3 FOR count = 1 TO days fore = 7 TestDate& = Julian(annum, page, count) IF col = 53 OR _ count = 1 AND page = 1 OR _ ' NewYear count = 25 AND page = 12 OR _ ' Christmas Day count = 26 AND page = 12 OR _ ' Boxing Day TestDate& = GoodFriday(annum) OR _ TestDate& = EasterMonday(annum) OR _ TestDate& = AscensionDay(annum) OR _ TestDate& = WhitMonday(annum) THEN INCR fore, 7 ' yellow IF TestDate& = ToDay& THEN IF fore = 14 THEN COLOR 14, 7 ELSE COLOR 1, fore ' inverse ELSE COLOR fore, 1 END IF LOCATE row, col IF annum = -4713 AND page = 11 AND count < 25 THEN PRINT SPACE$(2) ' skip Julians < 1 ELSE PRINT RIGHT$(SPACE$(2) + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(count))), 2) END IF INCR col, 6 IF col = 59 THEN col = 17 : INCR row END IF NEXT END SUB SUB DisplayCelebrations(year) COLOR 7, 0 FOR row = 13 TO 16 LOCATE row, 18 : PRINT SPACE$(63) ' clear fields NEXT temp$ = JulToDate(GoodFriday(year)) LOCATE 13, 18 PRINT LTRIM$(MID$(temp$, 4, 2), ANY "0"); CHR$(32); PRINT TwelveMonths(VAL(LEFT$(temp$, 2))) TwoDays EasterSunday(year), EasterMonday(year), temp$ LOCATE 14, 18 : PRINT temp$ temp$ = JulToDate(AscensionDay(year)) LOCATE 15, 18 PRINT LTRIM$(MID$(temp$, 4, 2), ANY "0"); CHR$(32); PRINT TwelveMonths(VAL(LEFT$(temp$, 2))) TwoDays WhitSunday(year), WhitMonday(year), temp$ LOCATE 16, 18 : PRINT temp$ END SUB SUB TwoDays(first&, second&, result$) temp1$ = JulToDate(first&) temp2$ = JulToDate(second&) month1$ = TwelveMonths(VAL(LEFT$(temp1$, 2))) month2$ = TwelveMonths(VAL(LEFT$(temp2$, 2))) result$ = LTRIM$(MID$(temp1$, 4, 2), ANY "0") IF month1$ = month2$ THEN result$ = result$ + ", " + LTRIM$(MID$(temp2$, 4, 2), ANY "0") + _ CHR$(32) + month2$ ELSE result$ = result$ + CHR$(32) + month1$ + ", " + _ LTRIM$(MID$(temp2$, 4, 2), ANY "0") + CHR$(32) + month2$ END IF END SUB FUNCTION GetKey AS INTEGER STATIC t$ DO IF t$ <> TIME$ THEN t$ = TIME$ COLOR 15, 0 LOCATE 2, 65 : PRINT CountrySpecificTime LOCATE 3, 65 : PRINT TwelveTime END IF LOOP UNTIL INSTAT FUNCTION = CVI(INKEY$ + CHR$(0)) END FUNCTION SUB InitialScreen COLOR 12, 0 LOCATE 5, 58 : PRINT "Esc" LOCATE 6, 58 : PRINT CHR$(27, 32, 26) LOCATE 7, 58 : PRINT CHR$(25, 32, 24) LOCATE 8, 58 : PRINT "PgUp/Dn" LOCATE 9, 58 : PRINT "Home" COLOR 15 LOCATE 1, 65 : PRINT CountrySpecificDate(DATE$) LOCATE 9, 1 : PRINT TextualDate(DATE$) LOCATE 9, 1 : PRINT UCASE$(LEFT$(TextualDate(DATE$), 1)) ' dutch LOCATE 11, 1 + LEN(ScreenText(6)) PRINT " IN "; YearToDisplay(VAL(MID$(DATE$, 7))) LOCATE 11, 1 : PRINT ScreenText(6) LOCATE 12, 3 : PRINT ScreenText(7) LOCATE 13, 3 : PRINT ScreenText(8) LOCATE 14, 3 : PRINT ScreenText(9) LOCATE 15, 3 : PRINT ScreenText(10) LOCATE 16, 3 : PRINT ScreenText(11) LOCATE 17, 3 : PRINT ScreenText(12) LOCATE 25, 1 + LEN(ScreenText(15)) : PRINT "Egbert Zijlema"; COLOR 7 LOCATE 1, 58 : PRINT ScreenText(1) LOCATE 2, 58 : PRINT ScreenText(2) LOCATE 5, 65 : PRINT ScreenText(3) LOCATE 6, 65 : PRINT ScreenText(4) LOCATE 7, 65 : PRINT ScreenText(5) LOCATE 8, 65 : PRINT ScreenText(14) LOCATE 12, 18: PRINT "1 "; TwelveMonths(1) LOCATE 17, 18: PRINT "25, 26 "; TwelveMonths(12) LOCATE 25, 1 : PRINT ScreenText(15); END SUB SUB Menu page = VAL(LEFT$(DATE$, 2)) annum = VAL(MID$(DATE$, 7)) DisplayCalendar page, annum DisplayCelebrations annum DO KeyIn = GetKey calendar = 0 : celebrat = 0 SELECT CASE KeyIn CASE 77 * 256 ' right arrow IF annum = 9999 AND page = 12 THEN EXIT SELECT ' highest 4 digityr INCR page IF page > 12 THEN page = 1 INCR annum celebrat = -1 END IF calendar = -1 CASE 75 * 256 ' left arrow IF annum = -4713 AND page < 12 THEN EXIT SELECT ' Julian < 1 DECR page IF page < 1 THEN page = 12 DECR annum celebrat = -1 END IF calendar = -1 CASE 81 * 256 ' PgDn IF annum > 9899 THEN EXIT SELECT INCR annum, 100 calendar = -1 celebrat = -1 CASE 71 * 256 ' Home yr = VAL(MID$(DATE$, 7)) mth = VAL(LEFT$(DATE$, 2)) IF annum = yr AND page = mth THEN EXIT SELECT IF annum <> yr THEN annum = yr celebrat = -1 END IF page = mth calendar = -1 CASE 72 * 256 ' up arrow IF annum = 9999 THEN EXIT SELECT INCR annum calendar = -1 celebrat = -1 CASE 73 * 256 ' PgUp IF annum < -4612 THEN EXIT SELECT DECR annum, 100 calendar = -1 celebrat = -1 CASE 80 * 256 ' down arrow IF annum = -4712 THEN EXIT SELECT DECR annum calendar = -1 celebrat = -1 END SELECT IF celebrat THEN DisplayCelebrations annum IF calendar THEN DisplayCalendar page, annum LOOP UNTIL KeyIn = 27 COLOR 7, 0 CLS SYSTEM END SUB FUNCTION CountrySpecificDate(InDate$) AS STRING ' InDate$ as MM-DD-[-]YYYY (= default format) year = VAL(MID$(InDate$, 7)) YY$ = YearToDisplay(year) GetCountryInfo form, buffer$ delimiter$ = MID$(buffer$, 12, 1) ' 12th byte REPLACE "-" WITH delimiter$ IN InDate$ SELECT CASE form CASE 0 : FUNCTION = LEFT$(InDate$, 6) + YY$ ' USA CASE 1 FUNCTION = MID$(InDate$, 4, 3) + LEFT$(InDate$, 3) + YY$ ' EUR CASE 2 FUNCTION = LEFT$(YY$, 4) + delimiter$ + LEFT$(InDate$, 3) + _ MID$(InDate$, 4, 2) + MID$(YY$, 5) ' JAP END SELECT END FUNCTION FUNCTION TextualDate(InDate$) AS STRING ' InDate$ as MM-DD-[-]YYYY (= default format) ' output (sample): Saturday, 4 January 1997 year = VAL(MID$(InDate$, 7)) month = VAL(MID$(InDate$, 1, 2)) day = VAL(MID$(InDate$, 4, 2)) FUNCTION = DayOfTheWeek(year, month, day) + ", " + _ LTRIM$(STR$(day)) + CHR$(32) + _ TwelveMonths(month) + CHR$(32) + _ LTRIM$(YearToDisplay(year), ANY "0") ' no zeros here END FUNCTION FUNCTION CountrySpecificTime AS STRING ' Are there countries anyway, NOT using the default delimiter ' in TIME$? Not sure! Did'nt find any, but you never can tell. ' Therefore this harmless but perhaps also useless routine. t$ = TIME$ GetCountryInfo dummy, buffer$ REPLACE ":" WITH MID$(buffer$, 14, 1) IN t$ ' time delimiter = 14th byte FUNCTION = t$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION TwelveTime AS STRING temp$ = CountrySpecificTime hour = VAL(LEFT$(temp$, 2)) SELECT CASE hour CASE > 11 IF hour > 12 THEN DECR hour, 12 extension$ = " PM" CASE ELSE IF hour = 0 THEN hour = 12 extension$ = " AM" END SELECT FUNCTION = RIGHT$(SPACE$(2) + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(hour))), 2) + _ MID$(temp$, 3) + extension$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION YearToDisplay(year) AS STRING CountYear = year IF CountYear < 1 THEN DECR CountYear extension$ = ScreenText(13) END IF FUNCTION = RIGHT$("0000" + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(ABS(CountYear)))), 4) + _ extension$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION EasterSunday(year) AS LONG temp1 = ((8 * (year \ 100)) + 13) \ 25 : DECR temp1, 2 leap = (year \ 100) - (year \ 400) - 2 temp2 = (15 + leap - temp1) MOD 30 temp3 = (6 + leap) MOD 7 days = ( temp2 + 19 * (year MOD 19) ) MOD 30 IF (days = 29) OR (days = 28 AND year MOD 19 >= 11) THEN DECR days factor = ( 2 * (year MOD 4) + 4 * (year MOD 7) + 6 * days + temp3 ) MOD 7 INCR days, factor + 21 FUNCTION = Julian(year, 3, 1) + days ' 1 March + nbr of days END FUNCTION FUNCTION EasterMonday(year) AS LONG FUNCTION = EasterSunday(year) + 1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION GoodFriday(year) AS LONG FUNCTION = EasterSunday(year) - 2 END FUNCTION FUNCTION AscensionDay(year) AS LONG FUNCTION = EasterSunday(year) + 39 END FUNCTION FUNCTION WhitSunday(year) AS LONG FUNCTION = EasterSunday(year) + 49 END FUNCTION FUNCTION WhitMonday(year) AS LONG FUNCTION = EasterSunday(year) + 50 END FUNCTION FUNCTION Julian(year, month, day) AS LONG temp& = (month - 14) \ 12 JulPart& = day - 32075 + (1461 * (year + 4800 + temp&) \ 4) JulPart& = JulPart& + (367 * (month - 2 - temp& * 12) \ 12) FUNCTION = JulPart& - (3 * ((year + 4900 + temp&) \ 100) \ 4) END FUNCTION FUNCTION JulToDate (Jul&) AS STRING ' converts a Julian number into a computational date ("MM-DD-[-]YYYY") INCR Jul&, 68569 help& = 4 * Jul& \ 146097 DECR Jul&, (146097 * help& + 3) \ 4 TempYear& = 4000 * (Jul& + 1) \ 1461001 DECR Jul&, 1461 * TempYear& \ 4 INCR Jul&, 31 TempMonth& = 80 * Jul& \ 2447 day& = Jul& - (2447 * TempMonth& \ 80) day$ = RIGHT$("00" + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(day&))), 2) month& = TempMonth& + 2 - (12 * (TempMonth& \ 11)) month$ = RIGHT$("00" + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(month&))), 2) year& = 100 * (help& - 49) + TempYear& + (TempMonth& \ 11) year$ = RIGHT$("0000" + LTRIM$(RTRIM$(STR$(ABS(year&)))), 4) IF year& < 0 THEN year$ = "-" + year$ FUNCTION = month$ + "-" + day$ + "-" + year$ END FUNCTION FUNCTION LeapYear(year) OutDate$ = JulToDate(Julian(year, 2, 28) + 1) ' 28 Feb + 1 day IF LEFT$(OutDate$, 5) = "02-29" THEN FUNCTION = 1 ' 1 extra day for Feb ELSE FUNCTION = 0 END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION DayOfTheWeek(BYVAL year, BYVAL month, BYVAL day) AS STRING ' returns the name for each day of the week DECR month, 2 IF month < 1 OR month > 10 THEN INCR month, 12 : DECR year END IF century = year \ 100 year = year MOD 100 temp = INT(2.6 * month - .19) + day + year + (year \ 4) result = (temp + (century \ 4) - (century * 2)) MOD 7 IF result < 1 THEN INCR result, 7 FUNCTION = SevenDays(result) END FUNCTION CLS FillDaysInMonth GetCountryInfo dummy, buff$ country$ = EXTRACT$(MID$(buff$, 3, 2), ANY CHR$(0)) SELECT CASE LTRIM$(RTRIM$(country$)) CASE CHR$(159) : FillDutchArrays ' Netherlands CASE "DM" : FillGermanArrays ' Germany CASE "S" IF MID$(buff$, 12, 1) = "." THEN ' Austria FillGermanArrays END IF CASE ELSE : FillEnglishArrays ' other countries END SELECT InitialScreen Menu END