'=========================================================================== ' Subject: SB VOC/FM/MASTER VOLUME CONTROL Date: 12-07-96 (13:50) ' Author: The ABC Programmer Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: Converted from Pascal Code Packet: SOUND.ABC '=========================================================================== ' > HOW CAN I CHANGE THE OVERALL VOLUME OF SOUND BLASTER ? It must be a ' > single OUT , or something . . . 'Actually I did a small program yesterday that maximizes the master, VOC and FM 'volumes... Here it is: OUT &H224, 4 ' Register 04h - VOC volume OUT &H225, &HFF OUT &H224, &H22 ' Register 22h - *** Master volume *** OUT &H225, &HFF OUT &H224, &H26 ' Register 26h - FM volume OUT &H225, &HFF 'This works fine on the SB16 I'm using, and it should work as well with all the 'other SB models. 'The left volume is in one of the nibbles, and the right in the other (I can't 'remember which one is in which nibble though...;). 'The max volume for L/R is 15/15, and since 15 shl 4 or 15 = 255 (0FFh) that's 'the value I use. I haven't tried but I guess that you can use the 225h port to 'read the register contents as well as write it. ' // Christian Kullander