'=========================================================================== ' Subject: PICTURE PUZZLE Date: 09-28-96 (16:05) ' Author: Robin Ohm Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: rkohm@euronet.nl Packet: GAMES.ABC '=========================================================================== REM ********************************************** REM More Qbasic Software: REM http://www.euronet.nl/users/rkohm/ REM Any questions? E-mail to: REM rkohm@euronet.nl REM ********************************************** DECLARE SUB swapbox (which!) DECLARE SUB check () DECLARE SUB game () DECLARE SUB move (whereto!) DECLARE SUB fieldsetup () DECLARE SUB background () COMMON SHARED x, y, xcoor, ycoor, xold, yold, loca, sound$ CLS : SCREEN 12 xcoor = 363: ycoor = 163: loca = 1 ON KEY(10) GOSUB endofgame KEY(10) ON DIM SHARED square1(200), square2(200), square3(200), square4(200) DIM SHARED square5(200), square6(200), square7(200), square8(200) DIM SHARED square9(200), square10(200), square11(200), square12(200) DIM SHARED square13(200), square14(200), square15(200), square16(200) DIM SHARED box(16), theone(200) RANDOMIZE TIMER FOR temp = 1 TO 16 again: DO: place = FIX(RND * 16 + 1): LOOP UNTIL 1 <= place <= 16 IF box(place) <> 0 THEN GOTO again box(place) = temp NEXT 'FOR sed = 1 TO 16 ' box(sed) = sed 'NEXT 'box(5) = 1: box(1) = 5 background fieldsetup DO game check LOOP END endofgame: END SUB background LOCATE 10, 23: PRINT "Select a background for the puzzle: (1-3)" LOCATE 11, 28: PRINT "1. House" LOCATE 12, 28: PRINT "2. Boat" LOCATE 13, 28: PRINT "3. Car" DO: user$ = INKEY$: LOOP UNTIL user$ = "1" OR user$ = "2" OR user$ = "3" CLS DRAW "bm280,330u176l176d176r176bh8u160l160d160r160bfp15,15h" 'square 1 SELECT CASE user$ CASE "1" DRAW "bl45bu10p9,15c14u70l100d70r100bhp14,14fu70c4h50g50r100h4blp4,4rh10c6u40l20d20" DRAW "f20u4blp6,6rbg70bd16c1u40r30d40l30bep1,1gbe20br25c2u30r30d30l30bep2,2g" DRAW "br83l43d23l102u23l13d31r158u31bgp2,2" CIRCLE (245, 200), 20, 14: PAINT (245, 200), 14, 14 'house CASE "2" DRAW "bhp9,15c1u30l160d30r160bhp1,1f2" DRAW "bl55c14be15e35l150f35r80bhp14,14fl15u36c6u90l10d90r10bhp6,6fu10c8r50" LINE STEP(0, 0)-(218, 190), 8: DRAW "d70bep8,8": LINE (206, 190)-(120, 262), 8 DRAW "r86u70d5blp8,8ru5bd100br15": CIRCLE STEP(0, 0), 5, 2: DRAW "p2,2bl30" CIRCLE STEP(0, 0), 5, 2: DRAW "p2,2bl30": CIRCLE STEP(0, 0), 5, 2: DRAW "p2,2" CIRCLE (250, 190), 15, 14: PAINT STEP(0, 0), 14, 14 'boat CASE "3" DRAW "bhp9,15c2u35l160d35r160bhp2,2": CIRCLE (160, 280), 18, 8: DRAW "p8,8" CIRCLE (225, 280), 18, 8: DRAW "p8,8": CIRCLE (160, 280), 8, 7: DRAW "p7,7" CIRCLE (225, 280), 8, 7: DRAW "p7,7" DRAW "bm267,320c12bh40r35u30l30h20l40g20l30d30r140bh30bl5" DRAW "p12,12c8h15l20d15r35l2bup8,8dbl38u15l10g15r25bhp8,8fc0bu21br10h35bh" CIRCLE STEP(0, 0), 2, 0: DRAW "p0,0": CIRCLE (230, 190), 15, 14: DRAW "p14,14" END SELECT DRAW "bm112,162c15r160d160l160u160r40d160r40u160r40d160r40u40l160u40r160u40l160" DRAW "bm530,330u176l176d176r176bh8u160l160d160r160bfp15,15h" 'square 2 DRAW "bm362,162c15r160d160l160u160r40d160r40u160r40d160r40u40l160u40r160u40l160" DRAW "bm133,183p0,15"'bm1,1p4,15" GET (113, 163)-(151, 201), square1 GET (153, 163)-(191, 201), square2 GET (193, 163)-(231, 201), square3 GET (233, 163)-(271, 201), square4 GET (113, 203)-(151, 241), square5 GET (153, 203)-(191, 241), square6 GET (193, 203)-(231, 241), square7 GET (233, 203)-(271, 241), square8 GET (113, 243)-(151, 281), square9 GET (153, 243)-(191, 281), square10 GET (193, 243)-(231, 281), square11 GET (233, 243)-(271, 281), square12 GET (113, 283)-(151, 321), square13 GET (153, 283)-(191, 321), square14 GET (193, 283)-(231, 321), square15 GET (233, 283)-(271, 321), square16 LOCATE 2, 5: COLOR 14: PRINT "F10"; : COLOR 15: PRINT " Exit" LOCATE 3, 5: COLOR 14: PRINT "(Arrow keys on the Number Pad)"; COLOR 15: PRINT " Move Red Box" LOCATE 4, 5: COLOR 14: PRINT "Enter"; : COLOR 15: PRINT " Move a piece to the empty place." LOCATE 23, 5: PRINT "Move the pieces until you have completed the puzzle. You can only move" LOCATE 24, 5: PRINT "pieces to the empty (black) place. " END SUB SUB check FOR rgt = 1 TO 16 IF box(rgt) <> rgt THEN EXIT SUB NEXT COLOR 14: LOCATE 26, 5: PRINT "Congratulations!! You have completed the puzzle!!" COLOR 4: END END SUB SUB fieldsetup FOR temp = 1 TO 16 move temp SELECT CASE box(temp) CASE 1: PUT (x, y), square1, PSET CASE 2: PUT (x, y), square2, PSET CASE 3: PUT (x, y), square3, PSET CASE 4: PUT (x, y), square4, PSET CASE 5: PUT (x, y), square5, PSET CASE 6: PUT (x, y), square6, PSET CASE 7: PUT (x, y), square7, PSET CASE 8: PUT (x, y), square8, PSET CASE 9: PUT (x, y), square9, PSET CASE 10: PUT (x, y), square10, PSET CASE 11: PUT (x, y), square11, PSET CASE 12: PUT (x, y), square12, PSET CASE 13: PUT (x, y), square13, PSET CASE 14: PUT (x, y), square14, PSET CASE 15: PUT (x, y), square15, PSET CASE 16: PUT (x, y), square16, PSET END SELECT NEXT END SUB SUB game xold = xcoor: yold = ycoor LINE (xcoor - 1, ycoor - 1)-(xcoor + 39, ycoor + 39), 4, B DO: userinput$ = INKEY$: LOOP UNTIL userinput$ <> "" SELECT CASE userinput$ CASE "8" IF ycoor > 163 THEN ycoor = ycoor - 40 loca = loca - 4 sound$ = "no" END IF CASE "6" IF xcoor < 483 THEN xcoor = xcoor + 40 loca = loca + 1 sound$ = "no" END IF CASE "2" IF ycoor < 283 THEN ycoor = ycoor + 40 loca = loca + 4 sound$ = "no" END IF CASE "4" IF xcoor > 363 THEN xcoor = xcoor - 40 loca = loca - 1 sound$ = "no" END IF CASE CHR$(13) SELECT CASE loca CASE 1 IF box(loca + 1) = 1 THEN swapbox 1 IF box(loca + 4) = 1 THEN swapbox 4 CASE 2, 3 IF box(loca - 1) = 1 THEN swapbox -1 IF box(loca + 1) = 1 THEN swapbox 1 IF box(loca + 4) = 1 THEN swapbox 4 CASE 4 IF box(loca - 1) = 1 THEN swapbox -1 IF box(loca + 4) = 1 THEN swapbox 4 CASE 5, 9 IF box(loca + 1) = 1 THEN swapbox 1 IF box(loca - 4) = 1 THEN swapbox -4 IF box(loca + 4) = 1 THEN swapbox 4 CASE 6, 7, 10, 11 IF box(loca - 1) = 1 THEN swapbox -1 IF box(loca + 1) = 1 THEN swapbox 1 IF box(loca - 4) = 1 THEN swapbox -4 IF box(loca + 4) = 1 THEN swapbox 4 CASE 8, 12 IF box(loca - 1) = 1 THEN swapbox -1 IF box(loca - 4) = 1 THEN swapbox -4 IF box(loca + 4) = 1 THEN swapbox 4 CASE 13 IF box(loca + 1) = 1 THEN swapbox 1 IF box(loca - 4) = 1 THEN swapbox -4 CASE 14, 15 IF box(loca - 1) = 1 THEN swapbox -1 IF box(loca + 1) = 1 THEN swapbox 1 IF box(loca - 4) = 1 THEN swapbox -4 CASE 16 IF box(loca - 1) = 1 THEN swapbox -1 IF box(loca - 4) = 1 THEN swapbox -4 END SELECT END SELECT IF sound$ = "" THEN PLAY "L30GC" sound$ = "" LINE (xold - 1, yold - 1)-(xold + 39, yold + 39), 15, B LINE (xcoor - 1, ycoor - 1)-(xcoor + 39, ycoor + 39), 4, B END SUB SUB move (whereto) SELECT CASE whereto CASE 1: x = 363: y = 163 CASE 2: x = 403: y = 163 CASE 3: x = 443: y = 163 CASE 4: x = 483: y = 163 CASE 5: x = 363: y = 203 CASE 6: x = 403: y = 203 CASE 7: x = 443: y = 203 CASE 8: x = 483: y = 203 CASE 9: x = 363: y = 243 CASE 10: x = 403: y = 243 CASE 11: x = 443: y = 243 CASE 12: x = 483: y = 243 CASE 13: x = 363: y = 283 CASE 14: x = 403: y = 283 CASE 15: x = 443: y = 283 CASE 16: x = 483: y = 283 END SELECT END SUB SUB swapbox (which) sound$ = "no" SELECT CASE which CASE -1: box(loca - 1) = box(loca): box(loca) = 1 CASE 4: box(loca + 4) = box(loca): box(loca) = 1 CASE 1: box(loca + 1) = box(loca): box(loca) = 1 CASE -4: box(loca - 4) = box(loca): box(loca) = 1 END SELECT DO IF times = 0 THEN variable = loca + which IF times = 1 THEN variable = loca move variable SELECT CASE box(variable) CASE 1: PUT (x, y), square1, PSET CASE 2: PUT (x, y), square2, PSET CASE 3: PUT (x, y), square3, PSET CASE 4: PUT (x, y), square4, PSET CASE 5: PUT (x, y), square5, PSET CASE 6: PUT (x, y), square6, PSET CASE 7: PUT (x, y), square7, PSET CASE 8: PUT (x, y), square8, PSET CASE 9: PUT (x, y), square9, PSET CASE 10: PUT (x, y), square10, PSET CASE 11: PUT (x, y), square11, PSET CASE 12: PUT (x, y), square12, PSET CASE 13: PUT (x, y), square13, PSET CASE 14: PUT (x, y), square14, PSET CASE 15: PUT (x, y), square15, PSET CASE 16: PUT (x, y), square16, PSET END SELECT times = times + 1 LOOP UNTIL times = 2 times = 0 END SUB