'=========================================================================== ' Subject: PSYCHIC-OLOGIST Date: 09-18-96 (18:27) ' Author: Nathan Wittich Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: wittich@cdsnet.net Packet: AI.ABC '=========================================================================== DATA "what does that make you think?" DATA "have you thought much about the end result of that?" DATA "maybe we should talk about something else." DATA "you realize I only listen to you since it's my job. But go on." DATA "if that's entirely true, you would have made more of a point." DATA "pretending you are your guardian angel, tell me your opinion." DATA "what if you were to walk off a cliff today?" DATA "are you aware of your surroundings much?" DATA "if you were, you'd understand I might not be" DATA "time for you to get a break for a while." DATA "how come you always say dumb responses?" DATA "You come here to share your problems with me." DATA "Is there something I should know?" DATA "maybe you should tell me things in more detail." DATA "Is that really the reason?" DATA "do you even trust me?" DATA "It's OK. I understand. It's my job to understand. My job is to help you." DATA "more secrets, less mumbo-jumbo, OK." DATA "I don't know why I even try. Wait, I do, It's my job." DATA "Is there something you'd rather be talking about?" DATA "I look like this :-) but even us psychologists lie." DATA "You know what I think?" DATA "There was a cat that wore a hat and sat on mat and it was fat and that was that." DATA "You need a vacation." DATA "There's a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow." DATA "When is groundhog day?" DATA "You need to look at the big picture." DATA "what was accomplished?" DATA "You should be more assertive" DATA "You should finish something" DATA "Don't you even pay attention to your instincts? They're there to help you." DATA "You don't understand how others see you" DATA "What's your ultimate goal?" DATA "You tend to concentrate too much on one thing and forget another thing: Comb hair, ignore teeth. You're nice, but think too fast..." DATA "Do you try many new things?" DATA "Want my advice? Take a philosphy class." DATA "I think your dog understands you better than most people." RANDOMIZE TIMER t = RND * 100 'all this weird random number stuff is neccesary because d = RND * 10 'it seems to say the same thing and then another one a lot if you don't i = TIMER * RND RANDOMIZE TIMER + d + RND * 10 FOR u = 1 TO RND * 100: j = RND * 5: NEXT RANDOMIZE t + TIMER CLS DIM n$(200) FOR a = 1 TO 37 READ n$(a) NEXT a PRINT "hello. Welcome to psychic-ologist by Nathan Wittich" PRINT "This 'Artificial inteligence' will talk to you. Note: if something" PRINT "doesn't directly make sense, It may be sort of symbolic or something." PRINT PRINT "Also, you have to act human for me to act human. For example, if" PRINT "a human says something twice, you say 'you already said that' not" PRINT " 'you're stupid'." PRINT PRINT "Also note: you don't have to answer." INPUT "", a$ PRINT "Look! A duck!" DO COLOR 8 + RND * 7 LINE INPUT "", a$ COLOR 1 + INT(RND * 8) 40 g$ = n$(1 + INT(RND * a)) IF INSTR(h$, g$) > 0 THEN GOTO 40 IF LEN(h$) > 1000 THEN h$ = MID$(h$, 50) h$ = h$ + g$ PRINT g$ FOR f = 1 TO d: NEXT LOOP ' this program was written by Nathan Wittich wittich@cdsnet.net ' I've had some pretty long conversations with it. ' When you run it, it will seem like it always picks the right phrase ' randomly.