'=========================================================================== ' Subject: XOR ENCRYPTION Date: 10-14-96 (23:58) ' Author: Scott Turchin Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: nitehawk@tscnet.com Packet: BINARY.ABC '=========================================================================== 'This SUB is old by internet standards of encryption, and there are 'certain legalities for certain encryption methods due to a patent on 'some types of encryption. But this one utilizes the XOR and again, is 'old by internet standards, but EXCELLENT for encrypting strings inside 'an executable or a library (Registration purposes etc.) I've tested it 'with executable files and it will apparantly encrypt anything. 'PW$ is the password, if given again exactly the same as it was used to 'ENCRYPT St$, it will DECRYPT, otherwise it will re-ENCRYPT the St$ SUB ENCRYPT (PW$,St$) PUBLIC Z=0 target$="" FOR Y=1 TO LEN(St$) A$=MID$(St$,Y,1) INCR Z,1 IF Z > LEN(PW$) THEN Z=1 B$=MID$(PW$,Z,1) Target$=Target$+CHR$(ASCII(A$) XOR ASCII(B$)) NEXT St$=Target$ END SUB