'=========================================================================== ' Subject: FLUTE BOOK MUSIC COLLECTION Date: 07-16-96 (00:05) ' Author: Charles Godard Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: FidoNet QUIK_BAS Echo Packet: SOUND.ABC '=========================================================================== ' >Do any of you know how to play QUICKBASIC music in the background of a ' >program? 'I never could figure out how to play more than about 32 notes in the 'background (the best I can remember). Had to keep looping back ever 'so often to keep it playing in bg... the MB command does it. ' >Also, do any of you got any good QUICKBASIC music with the PLAY command, ' >(Like the Happy Birthday thing I saw) 'I copied these from a flute book, and played with the tempo, octaves,etc. REM ABC SONG: PLAY "O3 l4ccggaal2g l4ffeel8ddddl2c l4ggffee l2dl8ggl4gffeel2d l4ccggaal2g l4ffee l4dd l2c" REM BINGO: PLAY "mb O3 L8GGDDEEDDGGAAL4BGBBL8>CCL4CCCCCCC CCCCCC L8DDL4CDL4DL2CL4DCL8DDL8DDL4CD DL2C DL8CCL4D N0" PLAY "T200 O5 DD CC L4D DCD L8DDCC L4D DDCCL4DDCD L8DDCCL4D CDDDDCCDDD DCCCCCD<" PLAY "O3 L8BBL4BL8BBL4BL8B>DCCCCCDDCCCDL2CL4CL1DL2CL4CMS L2MLC L4CCCDL2CL4CL1DL2CL4CMS L2MLC L4C