'=========================================================================== ' Subject: IRQ # OF TCP/IP DRIVER PACKET Date: 05-29-96 (16:15) ' Author: Carl Gorringe Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: FidoNet QUIK_BAS Echo Packet: MODEM.ABC '=========================================================================== '>I've been working on a program a game that can be played across a modem lin '>and alot of my freinds seem to like it and have ased that I try to make in '>work on a IPX network using ethiernet card. The code to make it three playe '>would be easy to do, but I haven't a clue how to send packets throught a '>network. Does anyone know any books, liberies, source code, that deals with '>programs working across networks ? 'Isn't IPX in some ways similar to the TCP/IP Internet protocal? 'Well, I wish I could help with some code to send packets of data, but 'I haven't gotten around to figuring it out yet. What I DO have is some 'code to detect which IRQ number a Packet Driver is loaded on. (A Packet 'Driver is a TSR which helps in sending packets of data over networks.) 'Maybe you can find a use for it! '------------------------------- ' TCP1.BAS '------------------------------- ' (c) Carl Gorringe 1/14/96 ' Released to the PUBLIC DOMAIN ' This is used to detect a PC/TCP Packet Driver DECLARE FUNCTION TCP.GetIRQ% () '------------------------------------------------------------ CLS Num% = TCP.GetIRQ% PRINT PRINT PRINT "IRQ ="; Num%; " ("; HEX$(Num%); " hex)" END FUNCTION TCP.GetIRQ% ' (c) Carl Gorringe 1/14/96 << v1.0 >> '-------------------------------------- ' Returns the IRQ number that the ' TCP/IP packet driver resides. ' Returns 0 if driver not loaded. '-------------------------------------- '<< Done - Tested OK >> RetNum% = 0 FOR IRQ% = &H60 TO &H80 VectorOff% = IRQ% * 4 '<-- Point to IRQ # in Interupt Vector Table DEF SEG = 0 CodeSeg& = PEEK(VectorOff% + 3) * 256& + PEEK(VectorOff% + 2) CodeOff& = PEEK(VectorOff% + 1) * 256& + PEEK(VectorOff% + 0) DEF SEG = CodeSeg& Char1% = PEEK(CodeOff& + 3) Char2% = PEEK(CodeOff& + 4) Char3% = PEEK(CodeOff& + 5) Char4% = PEEK(CodeOff& + 6) Char5% = PEEK(CodeOff& + 7) Char6% = PEEK(CodeOff& + 8) Char7% = PEEK(CodeOff& + 9) Char8% = PEEK(CodeOff& + 10) Char9% = PEEK(CodeOff& + 11) DEF SEG ProgID$ = CHR$(Char1%) + CHR$(Char2%) + CHR$(Char3%) ProgID$ = ProgID$ + CHR$(Char4%) + CHR$(Char5%) + CHR$(Char6%) ProgID$ = ProgID$ + CHR$(Char7%) + CHR$(Char8%) 'PRINT ProgID$ '*** Test *** IF ProgID$ = "PKT DRVR" AND Char9% = 0 THEN RetNum% = IRQ% EXIT FOR END IF NEXT IRQ% TCP.GetIRQ% = RetNum% END FUNCTION