'=========================================================================== ' Subject: RETRIEVING ENVIRONMENT SETTINGS Date: 06-16-96 (16:56) ' Author: Jason Laviska Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: jason.laviska@outdoor.com Packet: DOS.ABC '=========================================================================== 'Retriving data from the environment settings by Jason Laviska. 'LaserArts' Library Function E-02-A '--- Public Domain --- Use at your own risk --- ' A simple program used to check the environment settings and 'retrieve only the data found after the equal sign. So if your 'environment settings included: ' PROMPT=$P$G 'If you ran this Function by typing: ' PRINT Environment$ ("PROMPT") 'You would get the following output: ' $P$G FUNCTION Environment$ (SearchFor$) SearchFor$ = UCASE$(SearchFor$) SearchSize% = LEN(SearchFor$) Temp% = 1 DO WHILE ENVIRON$(Temp%) <> "" IF LEFT$(ENVIRON$(Temp%), SearchSize%) = SearchFor$ THEN Environment$ = RIGHT$(ENVIRON$(Temp%), LEN(ENVIRON$(Temp%)) - SearchSize% - 1) EXIT FUNCTION END IF Temp% = Temp% + 1 LOOP Environment$ = "" END FUNCTION