'=========================================================================== ' Subject: BASIC OPERATING SYSTEM Date: 05-19-96 (18:39) ' Author: Darryl Schneider Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: fish2@datanet.ab.ca Packet: MISC.ABC '=========================================================================== 'BOS (Basic Operating System) 1.1 'This program was written to mimic the functions 'and commands available with the DOS Prompt. To 'see a list of commands, type HELP at the input 'prompt and an option menu will come up. In order 'for the program to work properly, you must type 'in proper file names and directories. ' 'Written by Darryl Schneider 'fish2@datanet.ab.ca 'The QBasic Zone 'http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/4244/qbasic.html ' 'start of program ' DEFSTR A-M, P-Z 'declare the variables DEFINT N-O COLOR 15 'set default color MESSAGE = "C:\" 'and message CLEARSCREEN: CLS START: PRINT MESSAGE; INPUT "", PROMPT 'user prompt COMMANDS: EX3 = LEFT$(PROMPT, 6) 'This block of code changes EX3 = UCASE$(EX3) 'the message prompt IF EX3 = "PROMPT" THEN EX4 = MID$(PROMPT, 8) MESSAGE = EX4 PRINT "" GOSUB START END IF PROMPT = UCASE$(PROMPT) 'User prompt is converted into 'uppercase EX1 = LEFT$(PROMPT, 4) 'This block of code IF EX1 = "DIR\" THEN 'displays the DIR listing EX2 = MID$(PROMPT, 5) 'for a specific directory FILES EX2 PRINT "" GOSUB START END IF EX5 = LEFT$(PROMPT, 6) 'This block of code IF EX5 = "MKDIR\" THEN 'makes a directory EX6 = MID$(PROMPT, 7) MKDIR EX6 PRINT "" GOSUB START END IF EX7 = LEFT$(PROMPT, 6) 'This block of code IF EX7 = "RMDIR\" THEN 'removes a directory EX8 = MID$(PROMPT, 7) RMDIR EX8 PRINT "" GOSUB START END IF EX11 = LEFT$(PROMPT, 7) IF EX11 = "RENAME\" THEN ALD = MID$(PROMPT, 8) PRINT "Enter new file name for "; ALD; INPUT ":", AEW NAME ALD AS AEW 'This block of code PRINT "" 'renames a file GOSUB START END IF EX12 = LEFT$(PROMPT, 7) IF EX12 = "DELETE\" THEN DELETEFILE = MID$(PROMPT, 8) KILL DELETEFILE 'This block of code PRINT "" 'deletes a file GOSUB START END IF EX9 = LEFT$(PROMPT, 6) IF EX9 = "COLOR\" THEN EX10 = MID$(PROMPT, 7, 2) 'changes text color IF EX10 = "01" THEN COLOR 1 IF EX10 = "02" THEN COLOR 2 IF EX10 = "03" THEN COLOR 3 IF EX10 = "04" THEN COLOR 4 IF EX10 = "05" THEN COLOR 5 IF EX10 = "06" THEN COLOR 6 IF EX10 = "07" THEN COLOR 7 IF EX10 = "08" THEN COLOR 8 IF EX10 = "09" THEN COLOR 9 IF EX10 = "10" THEN COLOR 10 IF EX10 = "11" THEN COLOR 11 IF EX10 = "12" THEN COLOR 12 IF EX10 = "13" THEN COLOR 13 IF EX10 = "14" THEN COLOR 14 IF EX10 = "15" THEN COLOR 15 IF EX10 = "DF" THEN COLOR 15 PRINT "" GOSUB START END IF SELECT CASE PROMPT CASE "DIR" FILES MESSAGE 'displays DIR listing for PRINT "" 'the prompt directory GOSUB START CASE "DATE" PRINT DATE$ 'displays date PRINT "" GOSUB START CASE "TIME" PRINT TIME$ 'displays time PRINT "" GOSUB START CASE "DOSSHELL" PRINT "Error 002 - DOS cannot be started from the BOS Prompt" PRINT "" GOSUB START CASE "WIN" PRINT "Error 003 - Windows cannot be started from the BOS Prompt" PRINT "" GOSUB START CASE "ABOUT" PRINT " BOS" PRINT " Version 1.1" PRINT " Written by Darryl Schneider" PRINT "" GOSUB START CASE "Q" GOSUB QUIT 'quits CASE "QUIT" GOSUB QUIT 'quits CASE "MOUSE" PRINT "Error 004 - BOS does not support the mouse" PRINT "" GOSUB START CASE "CLS" GOSUB CLEARSCREEN 'clears the screen CASE "HELP" GOSUB Help 'goes to help CASE ELSE GOSUB START 'back to start END SELECT QUIT: END 'ends program Help: CLS PRINT "" PRINT " BOS (Basic Operating System) Prompt Help" PRINT "" FOR NUM = 1 TO 58 PRINT CHR$(196); NEXT NUM PRINT "" PRINT " 1. Keyboard Commands at the BOS Prompt" PRINT " 2. Text Color Code Chart" PRINT " 3. Exit BOS Prompt Help" PRINT "" INPUT " Which option would you like(1-3)"; OP SELECT CASE OP CASE 1 GOSUB KCBP CASE 2 GOSUB TCCC CASE 3 GOSUB START CASE ELSE GOSUB Help END SELECT KCBP: CLS PRINT "" PRINT " BOS - Keyboard Commands at the BOS Prompt" PRINT "" FOR NUM = 1 TO 58 PRINT CHR$(196); NEXT NUM PRINT "" PRINT "CLS - clears the screen" PRINT "DIR - shows directory listing for BOS Prompt" PRINT "DIR\directory - allows you to view a directory listing" PRINT "MKDIR\directory - allows you to make a new directory" PRINT "RMDIR\directory - allows you to remove a directory" PRINT "COLOR\## - allows you to change text color" PRINT "RENAME\filename - allows you to rename a file" PRINT "DELETE\filename - allows you to delete a file" PRINT "PROMPT_message - allows you to enter a new prompt" PRINT "TIME - displays the current time" PRINT "DATE - displays the current date" PRINT "Q or QUIT - exits BOS Prompt" PRINT "HELP - goes to BOS Prompt Help" PRINT "ABOUT - shows version of BOS and author's name" PRINT "" PRINT "*** When you are typing a file name or directory, type the" PRINT "WHOLE name or directory. (e.g. C:\BOS\BOS11.EXE)" PRINT "" PRINT "Press any key to return to BOS Prompt Help..." DO R = UCASE$(INKEY$) IF R = "Q" THEN GOSUB QUIT LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" GOSUB Help TCCC: CLS PRINT "" PRINT " BOS - Text Color Code Chart" PRINT "" FOR NUM = 1 TO 58 PRINT CHR$(196); NEXT NUM PRINT "" PRINT " Blue - 01 Bright Blue - 09" PRINT " Green - 02 Bright Green - 10" PRINT " Cyan - 03 Bright Cyan - 11" PRINT " Red - 04 Peach - 12" PRINT " Purple - 05 Bright Purple - 13" PRINT " Orange - 06 Bright Yellow - 14" PRINT " White - 07 Bright White - 15" PRINT " Gray - 08" PRINT "" PRINT "Bright White (15) is the default text color and" PRINT "can be implemented by typing COLOR\DF at the BOS" PRINT "Prompt" PRINT "" PRINT "Press any key to return to BOS Prompt Help..." DO R = UCASE$(INKEY$) IF R = "Q" THEN GOSUB QUIT LOOP WHILE R = "" GOSUB Help ' 'end of program