'=========================================================================== ' Subject: HAND MOUSE POINTER BITMAP Date: 07-04-92 (13:21) ' Author: Mike Wegner Code: TEXT ' Origin: QBTIPS_?.DOC Packet: MOUSE.ABC '=========================================================================== '>Sounds great but how do you use this bitmap for you mouse cursor. '>I havnt done anything with graphics yet but will be soon. How '>would I use a bitmap as my mouse cursor? Thanks for any info. ' 'Here's the bitmap. It needs to be read into an array of 32 integers. 'Then you use interrupt &h33, setting the ax register to 9, the bx 'register to 4 and the cx register to 0. Then set the es register to the 'VARSEG of your array and set the dx register to the VARPTR of your 'array. Then hit the interrupt and your mouse cursor is loaded. Presto '- 1 pointing finger. Gee, I think mom said something about that once, 'but I can't remember ... :) HandPointing: DATA &he1ff,&he1ff,&he1ff,&he1ff,&he1ff DATA &he000,&he000,&he000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 DATA &h0000,&h0c00,&h0c00,&h0c00,&h0c00,&h0c00 DATA &h0db6,&h0db6,&h0db6,&h6ffe,&h6ffe,&h6ffe DATA &h7ffe,&h7ffe,&h7ffe,&h0000