'=========================================================================== ' Subject: ERRORLEVEL OF RETURNED SHELL Date: 12-17-92 (21:25) ' Author: Geoffrey Liu Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: QBTIPS_?.DOC Packet: DOS.ABC '=========================================================================== '> I have looked in several books for the QuickBasic equivalent of Batch '>language's ERRORLEVEL command. I couldn't get ERRORLEVEL to work in QB '>and I am wondering if there is a command that does the same thing. I'm '> trying to get QuickBasic to take Errorlevels from a program that I am '> SHELLing out to run. DECLARE FUNCTION ErrorLevel% () 'Returns errorlevel of shelled program FUNCTION ErrorLevel% 'Purpose : To check the error level of a program returning from shell 'Input : none (well, helps if you did shell a program first) 'Return : The errorlevel returned from the last shelled program DEF SEG = 0 ErrorLevel% = PEEK(&H4FE) DEF SEG END FUNCTION