'=========================================================================== ' Subject: THE ADVENTURE Date: 12-22-88 (00:00) ' Author: Chris Kerton Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: ftp.gmd.de Packet: GAMES.ABC '=========================================================================== 5 REM done by Chris Kerton 10 CLS 20 PRINT TAB(35); "***************" 30 PRINT TAB(35); "*THE ADVENTURE*" 40 PRINT TAB(35); "***************" 50 PRINT : PRINT 60 PRINT TAB(35); "Written by Chris Kerton (C-Tek)" 70 PRINT TAB(35); "===============================" 80 PRINT 90 INPUT "Please enter your name"; N$ 96 PLAY "c4f.c8f8.c16f8.g16a2f2" 100 INPUT "Would you like instructions (y or n)"; IN$ 110 IF IN$ = "n" THEN GOTO 310 120 IF IN$ = "y" THEN GOTO 125 125 CLS 130 PRINT TAB(30); "######################################" 140 PRINT TAB(30); "#THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR 'The Adventure'#" 150 PRINT TAB(30); "######################################" 160 PRINT : PRINT 170 PRINT "Okay "; N$; " 'ADVENTURE' is a fantasy, role-playing game." 180 PRINT "The object of the game is to make it to the end and win." 190 PRINT "To do this you will need to use your imagination and wit." 200 PRINT "---------------------------------------------------------" 210 PRINT : PRINT 220 PRINT TAB(35); "BASIC CONTROLS" 230 PRINT TAB(35); "==============" 240 PRINT 250 PRINT "S-key means go south----------------E-key means go east" 260 PRINT "N-key means go north----------------W-key means go west" 270 PRINT "L-key means look--------------------K-key means kill" 280 PRINT "CTRL and run/stop means quit--------T-key means talk" 290 PRINT "-------------------------------------------------------" 300 PRINT : PRINT 310 INPUT "Would you like to start (y or n)"; ST$ 320 IF ST$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 330 IF ST$ = "y" THEN GOTO 340 340 CLS 350 PRINT TAB(35); "***************" 360 PRINT TAB(35); "*THE ADVENTURE*" 370 PRINT TAB(35); "***************" 380 PRINT : PRINT 390 PRINT TAB(10); "Designed by Chris Kerton------------C-Tek industries" 400 PRINT TAB(10); "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" 410 PRINT TAB(10); "Copyright 1988-12-22----------------Volume One" 420 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT 430 PRINT "You are outside of your local high school." 440 PRINT "It will probably be another boring uneventful day." 450 INPUT "What would you like to do"; CH1$ 460 IF CH1$ = "l" THEN GOTO 525 470 IF CH1$ = "s" THEN GOTO 940 480 IF CH1$ = "n" THEN GOTO 890 490 IF CH1$ = "e" THEN GOTO 810 500 IF CH1$ = "w" THEN GOTO 850 510 IF CH1$ = "k" THEN GOTO 660 520 IF CH1$ = "t" THEN GOTO 785 525 PRINT : PRINT 530 PRINT "To your north is the school entrance, with your usual" 540 PRINT "group of wasteoids who smoke things with weird smells," 550 PRINT "and the entrance to the school." 560 PRINT : PRINT 570 PRINT "To your south you see the stairway which you have just" 580 PRINT "descended and the usual group of jocks hanging around, waiting" 590 PRINT "for the morning bell to ring while they talk about hockey." 600 PRINT : PRINT 610 PRINT "To your east you see nothing of importance except the rest of the" 620 PRINT "school and to the west you see the school parking lot with" 630 PRINT "a couple of school buses pulling in that are about to" 640 PRINT "drop off their load of shit, *OOPS*, I mean students." 650 GOTO 450 660 PRINT : PRINT 670 PRINT "Kill who!? The students? Man, you must be crazy!" 680 PRINT "But since you said so:" 690 PRINT : PRINT 700 PRINT "You attack the nearest unsuspecting person which happens" 710 PRINT "to be a wasteoid with a leather jacket, spike bands, and" 720 PRINT "various other things a street gang person might have." 730 PRINT 740 PRINT "Three of the wasteoids, who look tough, immediately jump foward" 750 PRINT "to save their buddy you have just attacked." 760 PRINT 770 PRINT "They pull out a switch-blade knife and then *#fasdfsg!@@##%$@%^BN!!!" 774 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; QU2$ 775 IF QU2$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 780 IF QU2$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 785 PRINT : PRINT 790 PRINT "As you babble on to nobody in particular, a few people turn" 800 PRINT "to look at you strangely and then go back to what they were doing." 805 GOTO 450 810 PRINT : PRINT 820 PRINT "You find yourself walking toward a wall which is part of the" 830 PRINT "school and is also a dead end." 840 GOTO 450 850 PRINT : PRINT 860 PRINT "You are in the school parking lot with a few cars" 870 PRINT "and a bus is dropping off some students." 880 GOTO 1060 890 PRINT : PRINT 900 PRINT "You are standing in front of the school doors" 910 PRINT "with a few wasteoids standing around going about their own" 920 PRINT "business." 930 GOTO 2150 940 PRINT : PRINT 950 PRINT "As you are going up the stairs you meet up with" 960 PRINT "two of your friends, Larry and Moe. They greet you" 970 PRINT "with 'hey "; N$; " hows it goin?'" 975 PRINT 980 INPUT "What do you want to do"; CH2$ 990 IF CH2$ = "l" THEN GOTO 1570 1000 IF CH2$ = "s" THEN GOTO 1690 1010 IF CH2$ = "n" THEN GOTO 2000 1020 IF CH2$ = "e" THEN GOTO 2020 1030 IF CH2$ = "w" THEN GOTO 2020 1040 IF CH2$ = "k" THEN GOTO 2070 1050 IF CH2$ = "t" THEN GOTO 1770 1060 PRINT : PRINT 1070 INPUT "What do you want to do"; CH3$ 1080 IF CH3$ = "l" THEN GOTO 1150 1090 IF CH3$ = "s" THEN GOTO 1260 1100 IF CH3$ = "n" THEN GOTO 1320 1110 IF CH3$ = "e" THEN GOTO 1400 1120 IF CH3$ = "w" THEN GOTO 1410 1130 IF CH3$ = "k" THEN GOTO 1470 1140 IF CH3$ = "t" THEN GOTO 1540 1150 PRINT : PRINT 1160 PRINT "To the south you see a muddy field, the school sign, and" 1170 PRINT "the street." 1180 PRINT 1190 PRINT "To the north you see the end of the school and a moving" 1200 PRINT "bus." 1210 PRINT 1220 PRINT "To the east you see where you have just came from." 1230 PRINT 1240 PRINT "To the west you see the woods." 1250 GOTO 1060 1260 PRINT : PRINT 1270 PRINT "You are walking across the muddy, wet, slippery field" 1280 PRINT "towards the school sign and the street and !@#$%^&*(((!!!!" 1290 PRINT "woo!!!!. You slip in the mud and hit your head on" 1300 PRINT "on the metal post of the sign killing yourself." 1304 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; QU1$ 1305 IF QU1$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 1310 IF QU1$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 1320 PRINT : PRINT 1330 PRINT "You start to walk north and notice the bus you saw" 1340 PRINT "is coming straight at you! Apparentely the bus driver" 1350 PRINT "does not see you." 1360 PRINT "You trip over your own feet trying to get out" 1370 PRINT "of the way, you clumsy oaf, and !@#$%^&*()!!!!!!!" 1374 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; QU3$ 1375 IF QU3$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 1380 IF QU3$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 1384 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; QU3$ 1385 IF QU3$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 1390 PRINT : PRINT 1400 GOTO 430 1410 PRINT : PRINT 1420 PRINT "You go west and slide down the steep bank on your" 1430 PRINT "ass." 1440 PRINT "You are now at the base of the woods." 1450 GOTO 3230 1460 PRINT : PRINT 1470 PRINT "You take a swat at the blackfly buzzing around your" 1480 PRINT "head and with your excellent reflexes, you" 1490 PRINT "manage to squash it. You notice blood spurts" 1500 PRINT "everywhere indicating that the blackfly just got" 1510 PRINT "done feasting on your arm." 1520 GOTO 1060 1530 PRINT : PRINT 1540 PRINT "You find yourself talking to yourself and then" 1550 PRINT "realize, am I going insane?" 1560 GOTO 1060 1570 PRINT : PRINT 1580 PRINT "To the north you see the entrance to the school" 1590 PRINT "and the few wasteoids that have not gone inside yet." 1600 PRINT 1610 PRINT "To the south you see the top of the stairs" 1620 PRINT "and the odd person rushing to get to class." 1630 PRINT 1640 PRINT "To the east you see the side of the school and" 1650 PRINT "to the west you see the school parking lot and the street." 1660 PRINT "You also see Larry and Moe." 1670 GOTO 980 1680 PRINT : PRINT 1690 PRINT "You go south which is to the top of the stairs." 1700 PRINT "Here you see the upper parking lot where most" 1710 PRINT "of the students park their cars." 1720 PRINT "Apparently Larry and Moe have followed and ask" 1730 PRINT "where are you going?" 1740 PRINT "They must think you want to jig school today and" 1750 PRINT "they say is sounds like a good plan." 1760 PRINT : PRINT 1770 PRINT "You ask Larry and Moe what they want to do today" 1780 PRINT "and they say cut class." 1790 PRINT 1800 INPUT "Do you want to cut class (y or n)"; CC$ 1810 IF CC$ = "y" THEN GOTO 1880 1820 IF CC$ = "n" THEN GOTO 1830 1830 PRINT : PRINT 1840 PRINT "Larry and Moe say 'What a Bummer' come on "; N$; "," 1850 PRINT "let's go to class." 1860 PRINT "You go back down the stairs and towards the school doors." 1870 PRINT : GOTO 890 1880 PRINT : PRINT 1890 GOTO 980 1900 PRINT : PRINT 2000 GOTO 430 2010 PRINT : PRINT 2020 PRINT "You hop over the stair railing and end up catching" 2030 PRINT "your foot on the railing, roll down the hill and" 2040 PRINT "the next thing you know, you wake up in a hospital" 2050 PRINT "bed with a broken spine!" 2054 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; QU4$ 2055 IF QU4$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 2060 IF QU4$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 2070 PRINT : PRINT 2080 PRINT "You grab Moe and try to strangle him." 2090 PRINT "Larry hollers out "; N$; " what the hell do you" 2100 PRINT "think you are doing? You manage to snap Moe's neck" 2110 PRINT "killing him and Larry picks up a big rock and brings" 2120 PRINT "it crashing down on your skull with a crunching" 2130 PRINT "sound...!@#$%^&*()!!!!!" 2134 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; QU5$ 2135 IF QU5$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 2140 IF QU5$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 2150 PRINT : PRINT 2160 INPUT "Would you like to enter the school (y or n)"; V1$ 2170 IF V1$ = "n" THEN GOTO 420 2180 IF V1$ = "y" THEN GOTO 2190 2190 PRINT : PRINT 2200 PRINT "You open the door and enter the school." 2210 PRINT : PRINT 2220 INPUT "What would you like to do"; V2$ 2230 IF V2$ = "l" THEN GOTO 2300 2240 IF V2$ = "s" THEN GOTO 890 2250 IF V2$ = "n" THEN GOTO 2360 2260 IF V2$ = "e" THEN GOTO 2440 2270 IF V2$ = "w" THEN GOTO 2500 2280 IF V2$ = "k" THEN GOTO 690 2290 IF V2$ = "t" THEN GOTO 2550 2300 PRINT : PRINT 2310 PRINT "You are in a hallway. To your south is the" 2320 PRINT "exit, to the north is the rest of the hallway," 2330 PRINT "to the east is the entrance to the gym and to" 2340 PRINT "the west another hallway with various classrooms." 2350 GOTO 2210 2360 PRINT : PRINT 2370 PRINT "You walk a bit more and come to hallways" 2380 PRINT "at your west and east. To your north is another" 2390 PRINT "exit. At the ends of the west and east hallways are" 2400 PRINT "exits." 2410 PRINT "The hallways have various doors which are classrooms," 2420 PRINT "and the library is to your east." 2430 GOTO 2520 2440 PRINT : PRINT 2450 PRINT "You enter the gym and notice that a class is in session." 2460 PRINT "The gym teacher asks you what you want and then says" 2470 PRINT "please leave and do not interrupt my class or you will" 2480 PRINT "get detention!" 2490 GOTO 2210 2500 PRINT : PRINT 2510 PRINT "You walk up the hallway to the exit." 2520 INPUT "What do you want to do"; V3$ 2530 GOTO 2580 2540 PRINT : PRINT 2550 PRINT "You babble on aimlessly and a couple of students" 2560 PRINT "turn to look at you strangely." 2570 GOTO 2210 2580 IF V3$ = "l" THEN GOTO 2650 2590 IF V3$ = "s" THEN GOTO 2300 2600 IF V3$ = "e" THEN GOTO 2700 2610 IF V3$ = "w" THEN GOTO 2730 2620 IF V3$ = "k" THEN GOTO 660 2630 IF V3$ = "t" THEN GOTO 2760 2640 IF V3$ = "n" THEN GOTO 3100 2650 PRINT : PRINT 2660 PRINT "To your east is the library, you just came from the south" 2670 PRINT "to your west is nothing of significance and to your north" 2680 PRINT "is a water fountain." 2690 GOTO 2520 2700 PRINT : PRINT 2710 PRINT "You enter the library which is a typical school library." 2720 GOTO 2830 2730 PRINT : PRINT 2740 PRINT "There is a wall in your way!" 2750 GOTO 2520 2760 PRINT : PRINT 2770 PRINT "Do you like talking to yourself idiot stick?" 2780 GOTO 2520 2790 PRINT : PRINT 2800 PRINT "The door seems to be locked! Dam it, shit, darn!" 2810 PRINT "That really burns the shit off your underwear!" 2820 GOTO 2520 2830 PRINT : PRINT 2840 INPUT "What would you like to do"; Z$ 2850 IF Z$ = "l" THEN GOTO 2920 2860 IF Z$ = "s" THEN GOTO 2970 2870 IF Z$ = "e" THEN GOTO 3020 2880 IF Z$ = "w" THEN GOTO 2650 2890 IF Z$ = "k" THEN GOTO 3040 2900 IF Z$ = "t" THEN GOTO 3140 2910 IF Z$ = "n" THEN GOTO 3180 2920 PRINT : PRINT 2930 PRINT "To your west is where you just came from, to your" 2940 PRINT "east and south is the rest of the library and" 2950 PRINT "to your north is an exit." 2960 GOTO 2830 2970 PRINT : PRINT 2980 PRINT "You run into a stack of books knocking them over." 2990 PRINT "@#@@#$^^&&%*&*(()!!!!! too bad "; N$; " you will be picking up" 3000 PRINT "books for the rest of the day! Idiot stick!" 3004 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; QU6$ 3005 IF QU6$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 3010 IF QU6$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 3020 PRINT : PRINT 3030 GOTO 2980 3040 PRINT : PRINT 3050 PRINT "You try to kill the librarian who is big and fat" 3060 PRINT "and she just knocks you down with a big swipe" 3070 PRINT "and puts her fat ass on your ugly face killing" 3080 PRINT "you!!" 3084 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; QU7$ 3085 IF QU7$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 3090 IF QU7$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 3100 PRINT : PRINT 3110 PRINT "You slip on some water that has spilled out of the" 3120 PRINT "fountain @#$%^&*()!!!!!!" 3124 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; QU8$ 3125 IF QU8$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 3130 IF QU8$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 3140 PRINT : PRINT 3150 PRINT "Talking to yourself causes people to think" 3160 PRINT "you are weird." 3170 GOTO 2830 3180 PRINT : PRINT 3190 PRINT "You go through the exit meeting up with the principal!" 3200 PRINT "He thinks you want to cut class and you tell him off." 3210 PRINT "For that you will be spending time in detention all week!" 3214 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; QU9$ 3215 IF QU9$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 3220 IF QU9$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 3230 PRINT : PRINT 3240 PRINT "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" 3250 PRINT " -----------" 3260 PRINT : PRINT : PRINT 3270 PRINT " WEIRDOID LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 3274 INPUT "Would you like to begin (y or n)"; BE$ 3275 IF BE$ = "y" THEN GOTO 3230 3276 IF BE$ = "n" THEN GOTO 9990 9990 CLS 9995 PLAY "c4f.c8f8.c16f8.g16a2f2" 10000 PRINT "*******************************************************************" 10010 PRINT "*******************************************************************" 10020 PRINT "* What a shit head you are "; N$; " you got wanked or killed! *" 10030 PRINT "* I hope you know what mistake you made and will remember it next *" 10040 PRINT "* time. *" 10050 PRINT "* Please do not list this program. If you looked at the solutions *" 10060 PRINT "* then the game would be no fun. It is recomended that you just *" 10070 PRINT "* play the game normally because C-Tek does not know the command *" 10080 PRINT "* to keep you from listing this game. Keep an eye open for updated*" 10090 PRINT "* versions of this game. *" 10100 PRINT "* *" 10110 PRINT "* *" 10120 PRINT "*=================================================================*" 10130 PRINT "* ##THE ADVENTURE## ##VOLUME ONE## *" 10140 PRINT "*=================================================================*" 10150 PRINT "* Nice try "; N$; " we hope you liked this software....... *" 10160 PRINT "*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*" 10170 PRINT "*Designed by Chris Kerton-------------------------C-Tek industries*" 10180 PRINT "*<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*" 10190 PRINT "*Copyright 1988-12-22-----------------------------------Volume One*" 10200 PRINT "*******************************************************************" 10210 INPUT "Would you like to start over (y or n)"; ST$ 10220 IF ST$ = "y" THEN GOTO 5 10230 IF ST$ = "n" THEN GOTO 10240 10240 PRINT "What a wang and a poor sport you are "; N$; " see you later asswipe" 10250 END