'=========================================================================== ' Subject: UNIVERSAL TIME ZONE FINDER Date: Year of 1993 ' Author: Zachary Becker Code: QB, QBasic, PDS ' Origin: Night Owl v10 CD-ROM Packet: DATETIME.ABC '=========================================================================== 'This program will determine the current coordinated universal time (UTC) 'in any one of the 5 time zones in the United States, plus the Atlantic 'time zone. This program will adjust for daylight savings time. DECLARE SUB pause () 0 CLS 10 PRINT " Coordinated Universal Time Finder for the United States" 15 PRINT "" 20 PRINT " U U TTTTTTTT ZZZZZZZZZ " 30 PRINT " U U TT ZZ" 40 PRINT " U U TT ZZ" 50 PRINT " U U TT ZZ" 60 PRINT " UUUU TT ZZZZZZZZZ" 70 PRINT "" 100 PRINT "Copyright 1993 by Zachary Becker. All Rights Reserved. " 105 PRINT " Version 1.0 Use this program at your OWN RISK. No warranties" 106 PRINT "either expressed or implied are given and the author is not liable" 107 PRINT "for any damage to any property or person resulting from use of " 108 PRINT "this program. THIS VERSION (1.0) may be distributed freely, as shareware" 109 PRINT "in its ENTIRE and ORIGINAL form ONLY. DO NOT TAMPER." pause 110 CLS 120 PRINT "Do you wish to continue? (Y/N)" 130 INPUT b$ 140 IF b$ = "N" OR b$ = "n" THEN GOTO 155 150 IF b$ = "Y" OR b$ = "y" THEN GOTO 160 155 PRINT "Have a nice day!"; CHR$(1) 157 END 160 CLS 170 PRINT "What is the local time right now? (Please type as a 24 hour numeral.)" 180 INPUT c 190 CLS 200 PRINT "What time zone are you in now?" 210 PRINT " H-Hawaii or Alaska" 220 PRINT " P-Pacific" 230 PRINT " M-Mountain" 240 PRINT " C-Central" 250 PRINT " E-Eastern" 260 PRINT " A-Atlantic" 270 INPUT d$ 280 IF d$ = "H" OR d$ = "h" THEN LET e = c + 1000 290 IF d$ = "P" OR d$ = "p" THEN LET e = c + 800 300 IF d$ = "M" OR d$ = "m" THEN LET e = c + 700 310 IF d$ = "C" OR d$ = "c" THEN LET e = c + 600 320 IF d$ = "E" OR d$ = "e" THEN LET e = c + 500 330 IF d$ = "A" OR d$ = "a" THEN LET e = c + 400 340 CLS 350 PRINT "Are you on daylight savings time now? (Y/N) " 360 INPUT f$ 370 IF f$ = "N" OR f$ = "n" THEN LET e = e 380 IF f$ = "Y" OR f$ = "y" THEN LET e = e - 100 390 CLS 400 IF e > 2400 THEN LET e = e - 2400 440 PRINT "The correct coordinated universal time is "; e; " hours." 450 GOTO 120 SUB pause FOR a = 1 TO 200000 NEXT a END SUB